Persuasive writing: Convince your audience to take a trip with you(Senior Writing6)

Imagine you are in charge of a travel company; write a leaflet to convince people to take part in a trip to your newest holiday destination. This can be any place you choose, just make sure that you use lots of persuasive language!



  1. Xiaorui Hang says:

    Hello and this is the link to my writing. I have no idea about how to write this and so I researched a bit about the advertising campaign and so many of the things I covered is probably based on my research.
    Thank you!

  2. Nonny says:

    Hi Dudulin,
    I adored reading your travel brochure: it was fascinating!
    Well done 😀
    I’ve attached your feedback to this reply.

    Dudulin feedback 2- travel brochure

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