Persuasive Essay: Should children be made to learn a second language?(Senior Writing3)

Most students in schools world-wide are required to learn a second language, at least to the age of 16. Your task is to form your own opinion on whether this should stay a rule, and write a persuasive essay to convince your reader of your side. You will need to use some interesting facts, and maybe even some expert quotations to back up your argument.



  1. Xiaorui Hang says:

    In school, only 20% of all American students enjoy learning a second language. You likely are one of that 80% of all Americans. Today I am going to explain to you why you should learn a second language, no matter if you want to or not by going through three fields, how you can speak to more people, how it boosts your cross-cultural understanding, and how it boosts your career opportunities and your salary.
    My first reason for why you should learn a second language is that by learning a new language, you get to speak to more people. First, when you speak with someone in their native language, you gain a much better understanding of how others felt and think. This is important since by understanding how others felt and think, you get to speak using a tone that the person you are speaking to likes. Secondly, from cross-cultural friendships, broader career opportunities, exciting travel adventures, and deeper insights into how others see the world can be realized. if you have a good friend in another country, they might invite you to visit their country. That is how you can learn so much more from them. Finally, you get to speak to more people by, well, knowing their language. By learn Mandarin and you can speak with more than a billion people worldwide. By learning Hindi and you can speak to another 650 million people. Spanish? Will get you approximately another 420 million. If you already speak English, you would almost be able to speak to half the world’s population.
    Secondly, people should learn a second language because it boosts one’s cultural understanding. First, I want to point out the fact that language and culture are so connected that learning a foreign language both builds cultural understanding and provides deep insights into how other people see the world. That is important because we build empathy with that person and get to know what they feel. Secondly, different languages can build your brain in different ways. In some languages, geographic coordinates – north, south, east, and west – are used to describe the location of something, never subjective terms like left and right. Not surprisingly, speakers of those languages have exceptional spatial navigation abilities. Thirdly, learning languages provides a view of cultural traditions that helped shape a language. For example, in Chinese, there are different words for relatives depending on whether they are on the mother or father’s side and their birth order. Why is that? Well, historically in China, this conveyed important information about a person’s social status.
    Finally, people should learn a second language because it will boost your job opportunity and your salary. It is that way because many jobs in education, healthcare, social work, national security, translation, tourism, and international business require or favor candidates who are bilingual, resulting in more job opportunities for those who can speak a second language. Secondly, speaking a foreign language can make it easier to be eligible for jobs, internships, and work-study programs in other countries – especially if you have critical skills. Thirdly, It also boosts one’s salary when one found a job: researchers found that an extra year of general education yielded an 8% to 14% increase in earnings. Computer and information systems managers, which require intensive computer science education, are one of the highest-earning jobs according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with a median pay of more than $125,000 a year in 2014.
    So, we talked about how by learning a second language, you get to speak to more people, boost your cross-culture understanding, and boost your career opportunities and salaries. So what do you think about learning a second language? I don’t enjoy learning a third language(Chinese is my native language, English is my second, French is my third) since I found it extremely difficult and hard to understand. But after research, I found that it has some major benefits later in your lives.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I think that children should be compelled to learn more than one language, because it helps you develop brain power since you must learn vocab, grammar, etc. Etc is split up into ‘Et’ and ‘Cetera’ meaning and more. You could figure ‘et’ is and if you learn French, Spanish and more. It could also help you communicate with your friends and family if their fluent language isn’t what you speak. It could help understand text from history like the ancient Romans and their writing of description of a place you might never discover. Like Homer’s description of Troy, if we could never read Greek, we would never find out where Troy was ever was buried. It also helps our brainpower by training us doing foreign language exercises . So that is why I think it is important to learn a foreign language. It might even help you graduate and help your life time. Learning a new language might help you get a job into a business in a different country help your life improve in a better way. It is crucial vital and important to learn a second language, the more the better it will help you and the more it will be useful. If you understand other languages than it might help you learn a new language quicker, because of the history and development of modern and old languages. It also helps the environment your in. For example, if you want to like in Spain , and you know Spanish, then you could live there as you wish and could speak to your neighbors too. You could even teach the language if your really good and get a well gained job with the benefit of everything else! Learning more than one language could be the most fun and useful privilege ever lived! It actually make your hippocampus and your middle front gyrus ,inferior frontal gyrus and superior gyrus grow! And and maybe your mother language isn’t the most important language through out your life. It could bring you to traditional cultures around the world, it might just be interesting to see other cultures for fun! Sometimes if your background has a different language, it might ne fun to communicate with them too. It is very fun to just learn a new language, at first it might be nonsense, but as you get to a more complex methods, it is just appreciative and fun! Just as you grow up these tequineque that you handled through you childhood could be your most greatest success accomplished in your life too, I just hink that my fluent languages and French helps with my Latin from derivations to exact same words caused a good grade for my life too! So in a whole, learning a new language just is so brilliant and simple that it is a brilliant thing to have at the front of my mind. So that is the reason for learning multiple languages to children.

  3. Linxi says:

    I think that children should be compelled to learn more than one language, because it helps you develop brain power since you must learn vocab, grammar, etc. Etc is split up into ‘Et’ and ‘Cetera’ meaning and more. You could figure ‘et’ is and if you learn French, Spanish and more. It could also help you communicate with your friends and family if their fluent language isn’t what you speak. It could help understand text from history like the ancient Romans and their writing of description of a place you might never discover. Like Homer’s description of Troy, if we could never read Greek, we would never find out where Troy was ever was buried. It also helps our brainpower by training us doing foreign language exercises . So that is why I think it is important to learn a foreign language. It might even help you graduate and help your life time. Learning a new language might help you get a job into a business in a different country help your life improve in a better way. It is crucial vital and important to learn a second language, the more the better it will help you and the more it will be useful. If you understand other languages than it might help you learn a new language quicker, because of the history and development of modern and old languages. It also helps the environment your in. For example, if you want to like in Spain , and you know Spanish, then you could live there as you wish and could speak to your neighbors too. You could even teach the language if your really good and get a well gained job with the benefit of everything else! Learning more than one language could be the most fun and useful privilege ever lived! It actually make your hippocampus and your middle front gyrus ,inferior frontal gyrus and superior gyrus grow! And and maybe your mother language isn’t the most important language through out your life. It could bring you to traditional cultures around the world, it might just be interesting to see other cultures for fun! Sometimes if your background has a different language, it might ne fun to communicate with them too. It is very fun to just learn a new language, at first it might be nonsense, but as you get to a more complex methods, it is just appreciative and fun! Just as you grow up these tequineque that you handled through you childhood could be your most greatest success accomplished in your life too, I just hink that my fluent languages and French helps with my Latin from derivations to exact same words caused a good grade for my life too! So in a whole, learning a new language just is so brilliant and simple that it is a brilliant thing to have at the front of my mind. So that is the reason for learning multiple languages to children.

  4. Jonathan says:

    Should children be made to learn a second language?

    In 2013, 75% of Americans didn’t have a second language. Should it be compulsory to have children learn a second language? In my opinion, learning a second language is necessary for children. It gives you the capacity to communicate better, develop your mentality, and more and better job opportunities.
    To begin with, learning a second language boosts your communication ability. You can speak to a wider range of people. It will make things way easier when you’re in a foreign country. You can also expand your social network; communication with your foreign colleagues or friends won’t be a problem anymore. Facing a foreigner, you won’t get into an embarrassing situation of don’t know what to say except for “Hello”.
    The second reason why children should learn a second language is it develops their mentality. Studies have shown that it makes parts of your brain grow! Isn’t that amazing? The benefits of the growth of your brain are obvious. According to another study, bilinguals have better memories and exam results.
    Last of all, learning a second language gives you more and better job opportunities. To work in the EU (European Union), you need to have “thorough knowledge of one of the official EU languages and satisfactory knowledge of a second official EU language”. As you know, now everyone encourages being international and having more oversea employees. If you want to work oversea, you need to learn the language there. A second language can help you promote and get a better salary too. In the UK, employees who know a foreign language earn an extra £3,000 a year!
    Learning a second language is compulsory for children because you will have better communication, mental development, and more and better job opportunities. It is the best time to learn languages when you’re still young. You may feel bored or get fed up with it during the learning process, but that’s okay! In my opinion, it is getting harder and harder to survive in society if you don’t learn a second language. After learning it, you will benefit from it for your entire life!

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