Journey Writing: Describe a desert journey, either literal or metaphorical(Senior Writing9)

Using this picture prompt, describe a journey that you, or your character, have been on, This can be a physical, metaphorical or mental journey. Make sure to use lots of descriptive techniques, perhaps thinking a bit outside of the box on this one.


  1. Sisley says:

    The more the golden goddess flared in the high sky, the more the land below withered. Have you ever felt so desperate for water? Have you ever felt so in need of assistance? Have you ever felt so drained of energy? Nevertheless, you could still feel the sinking sand crumble beneath your feet and the saturated horizon drip away. Beautiful and harmonious, yet plain and in total discord. A lost cause perhaps? Well at least the seasons are doing their job, nothing survives here, everything either drowns in drought or perishes.

    Everyday, the afternoons crawl across the sky as the night shoots through time as the minutes race. This is a place where you could make friends with the tedious time. Here, time is a void. Every spec of sand means a swirling track that could soar anywhere and everywhere if a devastating sandstorm occurred. I guess this is what it feels like to be in an emotional desert filled with dead and prying footsteps; there will never be any: mist, hail or rain. Other than the endless distance, there would be nothing but long inches of stalk of grey vines, crawling underground. It almost feels as if snakes crawl and hunt beneath the chaos of the over world.

  2. Benjamin says:

    This is my journey writing (story). Hope you enjoy it!


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