
#Joshua# PROLUGE:

Hello my name is Augie, and I am very ugly. As you may recall, I had 13 surgeries on my face. But nobody knows my secret. I am a junior CIA agent, and ever since I was born, I had been, and am a genius. The more shocking part is that, well I tricked everyone. You see, I wear a disguise. I want others to think the worst of me, so that I blend in. In this process, I had to destroy 7 IQ test files about me, so I did not get exposed. This is my real story.

Chapter ONE: Introduction         <-(Change this if you want)


One day me and my family went to the internet to get an IQ test. They found out that I had an IQ of 180 means I am way above average (also 20 more than Einstein). They thought it was a mistake and never really payed attention to my strait A+’s . Because of how smart I was, I was recruited to the CIA which was right for me. I went through many test and finally had my first mission. I had to make a “friend” and send them to the CIA. I ran in to someone, Christopher Blake and it was pretty challenging because I had nothing in common with him. He did not like space, he liked dinosaurs, and he knew how to solve a rubix-cube and I didn’t. So I just gave up until I thought of a plan. I could start liking the stuff he likes. So at night I studied about dinosaurs I learned all of the techniques about how to solve a rubix-cube. In the day I went to Christopher and said that I know a lot about dinosaurs and I know how to solve a rubix-cube. However he just said ok and closed the door on me. I thought, was all of that training useless. Just then I thought of something genius and knocked on his door. I asked if we could have a challenge that however solves their cube the fastest wins. He said ok and let me in. Then I mixed up his cube very hard so he wouldn’t solve it before me. Finally I won and Christopher asked me if we want to be friends. I said yes and thought first mission complete.


The next day when I went to his house I asked him if he wanted to be a CIA agent. He looked at me, shocked, although hiding something. After a while, he said that he wanted to go to the CIA. We walk to the CIA building. I gave him a quick into of the building and went to my boss, Bob Burger. His great great great great grandfather invented burgers. He pushed him into a room to see how good he was. He finished in 49 seconds, which is very good. after that, he was officially a CIA agent. We became great friends but I didn’t trust him enough to take off my disguise. The was something weird about him. He performed too well for a starter. He could take out a bad guy in less than two seconds and decipher a message in less than a minute. He was one of the best agents in the CIA. One day, when I was on a top-secret mission I saw Christopher. I caught up to him what he was doing, but someone at the back of me said to put my hand up. I realize that Christopher was a mole for EGO, the worlds most evil organization.

Chapter TWO: EGO         <-(Change this if you want)


EGO stood for Evil Genius Organization. Ever since I met him I felt something suspicious about him, he was always hiding something, and he seemed to talk when nobody was there. Lucky for me, I am no idiot, I posted snipers all around just for this, and I had some serious self defense training. It was only a second when halve of them went down, tranquilized, the rest dizzy I grabbed one of their guns and chased after Christopher, unfortunately, he was also good at self defense and read my files about my pressure points, and he quickly dominated the match. He was about to shoot me but instead changed my mind because he saw the snipers. He ran off, and I heard a scream, then, the world went black … When I woke up, I was in headquarters, and Bob helped me up. He told me how that Christopher was held hostage, and that this mission was a success.


Then I said what and realized I had lost my memory and had no clue what he was talking about and I asked him, “who are you?” He replied and said that he was my boss but I still couldn’t remember him. Bob brought me to my parents and asked  if I remember them and I said who are you. Everyone shook their heads at me and then Bob said that I needed to learn every thing again. But that was only a dream and then Bob woke me up and said the mission was a success just then sirens went off and someone said the EGO broke in and they wanted to take over. Everyone hid has the EGO was trying to find Bob for him to sign a contract so they can have the place but they couldn’t find him. Then Christopher came into the room I was in and said you….. Luckily it wasn’t me he was talking to. He was talking to the guy that kidnapped him and then ordered his co-workers to put him in jail. Then he just left the room and continued his search. Eventually he could not find Bob and retreated and left with one of the workers. Bob said that they could come again at any time and that they needed some strong security.


One week passed, and EGO still didn’t come. Suddenly, when I was in the self defense class someone ran in. Everyone in the classroom screamed. I grabbed a knife from my utility belt, and quickly calculated how high I was supposed throw the knife. I threw the knife, and it stabbed right in the bad guy’s eyes. Then, he ran away to heal his eyes. One second later I sensed that I had fell into a trap because someone was right behind me. He asked who and where my manager was (apparently, he was a Karen). I did not respond. The ‘Karen’ punched me, but when he was about to punch again someone stopped him.


My boss, Bob Burger turned him over, threw him over, and punched the wind out of him and said “I am.” Then he knocked him out. “We need to work on your self defense.” Somehow, during to memory shortage my IQ was something I did not lose, and apparently, I got smarter, I mastered a coding language, C++ without knowing any other coding stuff, other than a bit of JavaScript. Since I need to work on self defense, My schedule now looks like this: Math, Coding, Self defense, lunch, throwing knives, geography, shooting range, Karate, Dinner, go to dorm room, Normally  I lose my lunch when some random guy accidently throws a knife at someone, so its not the best schedule ever.


A few weeks later the same sirens went of but I had a strategy. It was to hide and once some one came into my room, I would attack. Eventually someone came in so I attacked and kept attacking him until he was unconscious. I soon threw the body out and they realized someone was in here. They came in and searched they soon found me and also found Bob. Bob said that he should leave him and escape but I said the opposite. Bob managed to escape but couldn’t save me in time. They put me inside a truck and drove of. They almost killed me but Bob woke me up and said that I was almost caught. I wondered if these dreams are true. Maybe there is another me out there in a different world. Maybe this me is experiencing the fabled dreams in the reality of this world. Maybe, but just maybe, I will never know the answer.


I started to code to hack into a random person’s account. I typed the wrong code and pressed enter. It showed a video of me tied in the exact same van that was in the dream. For a second, I thought I was dreaming, but after I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in the van. I used my knife for my utility belt to cut myself free. I opened the door and jumped on the road. I went to a library to use its computer. I typed in the same code, but this time it didn’t work. I was very angry at myself. I spent the rest of my day trying random codes to try to go back to Earth. I gave up on my 1000,000,000th try. I looked at the map of the place and found out that it was the same as Earth. I had $100 in my utility belt and taxied to Washington D.C. I took a walk to the CIA because I thought that my badge would work.

Chapter THREE: Theory of everything         <-(Change this if you want)


This was confusing, but I thought of Theory, I was in a parallel universe. How it works is very complicated, but I will explain it later. The van I was in was a time machine experiment EGO had made, and they decided to test it on me. But time contradicts itself, and it sent me to a parallel universe of ours. Me from the PU (parallel universe) teleported hear, so I was technically in the same place, only that I past through the 5th dimension, which is beyond time, beyond universes, and space time. I need to go find that van, because it may be our only lead to interdimensional travel. Now to explain the fifth dimension. we live in the 3rd dimension. Imagine a 2d figure, it cannot have height so we can pop in and out of the plane, 2d dimension. 4th dimension beings, or thing-a-majigs (if you are one, please correct me) can travel in and out of time. imagine A 5D being traveling in and out of that world, that would be parallel universes. This is our lead to become 5d beings, not to mention EGO’s chance to become EXTREMELY powerful. Keep in mind that 5th dimension being can go into the 4th d So to find out if my theory is true, I must find that van! As smart as I am, I still have 1 question, How?


My only real strategies was to just go around and try to find the van. The problem was the van is white and I ran into a place where all vans are white. Now I panicked because I have to search every truck or van until I find the right one. Then after hours of asking and looking and double counting I finally found some help. A portal to another game opened up. I found a weird mushroom looking creature called toad and he offered to help me search and search. To our surprise a lot of wormholes popped up (wormholes are shortcuts through space, like portals) with Pokémon like Solgaleo and Lunala, other games like Mario, and Tabs. Finally the van drove off and now time for the chase, but with Pokémon that control the sun and moon shoot laser beams. I think it is going to be a hard chase.


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