Tom’s Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce 9-11B

Tom’s Midnight Garden

Reasons for selection and synopsis
This enchanting tale explores themes of childhood and friendship.
This children’s classic tells the story of Tom who discovers a magical garden that everybody told him didn’t exist.
The story takes place in England in the 1950’s but the boy finds himself time travelling to the start of the century.
He makes friends with a girl who shows him the garden and his life changes forever.

Before reading…
Ask the children to look at the front cover. What do you think the book will be about? What things can you see on the front cover?
What sort of story will it be? Who might enjoy it and why? Where do you think the book is set? What clues are you given?
At what time do you think this story is set? Why? Now read the blurb. Has this changed your prediction for the story? Make a more accurate prediction.

《汤姆的午夜花园》是由英国儿童文学女作家 菲莉帕·皮尔斯  (Philippa Pearce,1920-2006)于1958年创作的一部幻想作品。在这部小说中,主人公汤姆的“现在”在偶然的情况下通过一个不存在的钟点和梦境可以和另一个主人公 海蒂 (即巴塞洛缪老太太)的“过去”交叉纠缠,这样对于“时间”的想象是非常富有幻想力的,但是与此同时,小说最后还是让主人公 回到现实 生活中。《汤姆的午夜花园》确定无疑地表达了与时间和解的态度。于1958年获得“ 卡耐基 奖章”。本书被公认为现代儿童文学经典之作,已被拍为电视剧和舞台剧。

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