The War of the Worlds 5

# Chloe N

There was a piercing noise. Everyone from the village came to see what was going on. “What’s happening?” “It’s moving!” “It’s opening!” In the woods, the gigantic ball of peace was opening, and everyone was screaming. Suddenly, the old, frail man walked up bravely. He put his shaking hand out, and his other hand pulled out a rather dirty looking handkerchief to cover his quivering mouth. He touched the boiling ball that was just about to burst, and when he was looking at his hand, it was surprisingly black and dirty. The ball rose and disappeared.


From the damp soil, a tiny crack discontinuously sounded. Suddenly, a small sphere appeared out of nowhere, and a whisper went up the crowd. Its colour was slightly bronze, but it wasn’t shiny at all. The skin of the “Thing” was wrinkled, and the group of people could just make out small hands and two feet. In a blink, out popped two staring eyes, a pair of triangular ears unfolded. Sharp claws like lizard’s shot out from the It’s bony hands. In a slash, it bounced out of its place, and the humans were petrified. Some people couldn’t bear it, so they sprinted out of sight. The “Thing ”uncurled and very slowly stood up; in fact,  it did it so slowly that the people didn’t even notice. Its wobbly legs helped itself to stand up. The humans left behind saw that it had pale eyes and a sharp, bump nose in a circle, not knowing what to do. It had a cute-looking appearance and was relatively idle. It seemed the crowds were its first strangers just before anyone could say a word, a dotted flax web that actually looked like a parachute winged at the little creature. “Got you!” shouted a fierce-sounding voice. It belonged to someone in the crowd of people …


(different perspective)

Suddenly, a tentacle slowly oozed out of a hole in the ground, followed by three more and a round head with two eyes plus a beak. One of the tentacles reached through the hole and took out another round, black ball that I shall refer to as a HeatRay. The ancient man was burning, then more people. The flames were leaping from one person to another, the small creature that was tangled in the net fading away as slow as a snail. The remaining group of people sprinted for protection. I ran behind a hill, crouching down and hoping that I would not be seen. A person on fire ran off to find a river or stream of some sort but finding none, he slowly burned down, leaving behind a smouldering pile of ashes. Suddenly, a spurt of green smoke leapt up into the sky, followed by sparks of light. These creatures, which had come down from Mars, were not friendly at all. At noon, some people dared to try and see what the Martians were doing but were eliminated by the HeatRay.

I ran home and told my wife to pack up our belongings and leave, telling her everything had happened. She disagreed, castigated me even more severely and reminded me that I was the best inventor and chemist known by all people in the world. I went straight to my workroom and started crafting. I drank a cup of teleportation liquid that I had recently invented and squeezed a drop of it onto my recently made diamond armour. I felt ready and tried teleporting to various places in my house by imagining them and pausing to chat with my wife. I teleported back to my workroom and crafted a diamond bow that produced an infinite amount of sharp, destructive arrows, two sets of almost impenetrable diamond armour, five unbreakable diamond swords and twelve sets of unbreakable diamond tools, including a hammer, a SLEDGEHAMMER, a pickaxe and an unbreakable diamond gun that produced an infinite amount of explosive bullets that could kill a person with a single shot. Feeling excited, I stuffed my equipment in a tiny box that I invented, containing a large number of tools, weapons, etcetera.

#Chloe N

I felt so overwhelmed. Hastily, I came to a sudden halt. A nasty thought came to my over-joyed head. What was I going to use the weapons for? Why did I need to be in a rush? Gradually, I strolled down the stairs. The deafening, interfering rain began. Well, at least the rest of those scorching villagers would cool down. I had no choice but to replace my idea with another day. I was already upstairs in my wife’s bedroom and had checked the weather in a blink of an eye. This brainwave will have to be done on the 25th of July.

A few paces away from the door, when I saw vague views of Martians diving from the azure sky. As quick as a flash, the Martians were compelling their way through the garden, demolishing the lawn as they proceeded. Stressed and terrified, I made my way downstairs to the distressed family. I went to Joanne’s cook (I also told her to escape with Joni and Belle – the dogs). She suggested if she could prepare a brunette cake and her homemade wafers. “How GRADUAL will it take!?” I bellowed. James, her husband, who was putting the dogs on lead, yelled, “Hurry up, stop taking so LONG and get on with it; we are running out of time!” Then, after a split second, there was a piercing scream.


Hurriedly, the little group (including me) packed up all our belongings, picked out the most important and left “bad” things.  I was extremely fast, so I finished the first.  My legs carried me over to my rickety workshop full of amazing inventions.  Meanwhile, Joanne and the others were having trouble with my children because they both wanted their favourite toys.  My daughter begged to hunt with her cute doll with blonde hair framing her square-shaped face with two skinny arms sticking out of the wobbly body.  My son was pleading for Joanne to bring his toy gun with pictures of boiling flames and fake bullets loaded up, ready to be shot. The two wailed and screamed about their toys, but, as usual, he refused to let my children bring their things in my collapse-looking workshop. I was busy searching on my computer (which can be recharged without waiting!) all about the mysterious creatures.  After a long time of looking, my eyes finally found out that these mythical animals only attack at night—no wonder those crowds of people were screeching about the “Thing” at the stroke of dawn.  After a few minutes, I was called to go back to the house.

“Please can we take the dogs?” questioned my children in unison.

“They can sniff out where those horrible baddies are!” squealed Joni, the little one.

“Fine,” sighed Joanne, “I guess they have a point.” After dragging our heavy bones onto the car, we were finally settled down, and we were off. “Shouldn’t we be taking off the bells from the dogs’ tags?”  I asked.  “If we don’t, then those Tripods will scent us out immediately!”  “Tripods, what are those?” enquired Joanne curiously.   “Oh, those petrifying creatures, my brain just named them Tripods, ’cos they have three legs (or arms),” I replied.

“Oh yeah, I nearly forgot that!” yelled Joanne, forgetfully, as his pair of hands were taking the golden bells from the dogs’ collar.  After hours of bumpy travelling, we finally arrived where the Tripods were seen last time (where they were captured, of course), and one by one, Joanne, the dogs, the children and me stepped out of the well-parked car.  Then, there was silence.  All of our mouths seemed to pop open. Then, at last, I broke the peace.  “Where are the Tripods?” I murmured.

“I … I … don’t … know,” shivered Joanne, staring at the hole, probably made by the Tripod. “Tripod disappeared,” muttered Joni under his breath.

Haoming(same perspective)

All of a sudden, three tripods appeared out of thin air like some supercomputer teleporting. The HeatRay had appeared, and the two dogs died along with the butcher and his wife. Joni was vaporised, and with no further thought, I pressed a button on my belt and pointed at the three of us who were left. Instantly, a red light enveloped us, and we appeared in a meadow several miles away; our possessions are automatically taken with us, each floating around its owner – my wife’s cooking materials and her personal things like lipstick and the remaining child’s toys. Opening my laptop, I found out that what I had searched up was fake. It was just information about another type of mythical being.

Searching up ‘Enderarmour’ and ‘Endersword’ (an Endersword is more powerful than a diamond sword and Enderarmour), I found images of purple armour plus a purple sword, with microscopic particles. Pointing my physicisor at it, I pressed the only button. In an instant, the images were formed in real life. Putting on the gear, I sharpened the Endersword and looked north. The Tripods was duplicating themselves – I had got it wrong. It was actually a piece of mechanism. Physicising an Enderdragon from the game Minecraft (my other son, Nuclear, liked to play the game occasionally, to make mods, get diamond, all of it), I told everyone to get on its back. At the same time, I physicised an Enderman mod and put it on.

The next thing to do was to get somehow the Enderdragon to fly them to a safe place. Pointing the opposite way from the Tripods, I managed to learn how to get the enormous thing to carry my family to a safe place. Clearly, it seemed confused at how I immediately seemed to turn into an Enderman, but it just did what it was supposed to do. Next, I figured out that I could attack living beings with a flurry of punches and teleport, so I teleported below the tripods. Trying to eliminate me, they tried to. I teleported on top of one and attacked by punching it again and again until the metal broke. Then I eliminated where its energy was coming from. Suddenly, the mod flickered then disappeared, leaving me to dive for cover. I ran through the streets and jumped through the window of my house. The rain started to fall, but it was not just rain – it was tumbling and swirling in the air plus swelling up, so it was METHANE RAIN! (it is dangerous because methane rain does great damage to the human body) Closing the windows in my house, I pressed the ‘methane protection’ button on the smooth wall of my house.


Rapidly, what seemed like turquoise ‘plastic’ (I say it this way because it is like plastic, but it is not. It is an Endercover that I had also invented last month) revealed itself. It was bright, shiny and, of course, turquoise. It was not long until the last few drops of the methane rain had vanished. Gradually, the Endercover disappeared into the massive hole, and immediately, I parked myself right onto the chair and set to work on my (what will be my…) new invention.

After 3 months, 7 weeks and 4 days, I had completed it. I looked different now. I had a flexible suit of armour on with a belt that held super cool gadgets. The gadgets were: a sledgehammer, a diamond bow, five unbreakable diamond swords, twelve sets of unbreakable diamond tools including a hammer, a pickax, an unbreakable diamond gun that produced an infinite amount of explosive bullets and the transporting liquid.

Hastily, violet rain collapsed down onto the earth. This was my invention’s enemy, Neoverse rain. ‘What a shame,’ I hollered to myself, ‘I wish it would stop raining soon!’ Then, after a split second, there was a low, twinkling sound. Immediately, the rain came to a stop, and I knew at once my wishes would come true if I started them with ‘I wish’.

Before I started my thrilling adventure, I had a high breakfast. There was: creamy milk, bacon, eggs, sausages, cereal with raspberries and cream and homemade scones (I put the jam on first, then the cream). After that, I could see it no more, and I had a nap and then went outside (This time, I remembered to lock the door) to start my long journey (or maybe short because I could teleport there). I felt the tough ground on my feet. Was I going to save the world this time?


News spread over the town; gradually, the newspapers were filled up about these terrifying creatures, destroying everything they could find, and, sometimes, they just swallowed whatever they’d found without chewing.  I was precisely testing my rows of the most potent pills on earth in my very own secret lab.  I’d already experimented on the turquoise one where if you ate it, you’d camouflage, and the predator wouldn’t know where you are! I was just about to try the ruby red one on the gorilla, already standing on its hind legs, when the telephone on my desk started to shout.  But I didn’t hear it because my hands already put the scarlet pill in the animal’s roaring mouth, and it was on fire.  I panicked in the dirty smoke, but I could just get a glimpse of the shiny ivory pill.  My hands snatched the small sphere and popped it into the fire-breathing gorilla’s boiling mouth.  The flames disappeared, one by one. (It put the fire out because I put a lot of milk in the pill.)  I dashed over to the wooden table and picked up the madly ringing phone, then pressed it against my ear.


“Hello?” crackled the voice.

“Hi, who are you? I’m Tina.”  I yelled (I yelled because the gorilla was hungry and urged to eat some bananas.).

“I’m called Cleara, and, well, we need some help from you, Tina,” said Cleara, shocked by my yelling.

“How can I help?  I’m an ordinary person.  Is it about Tripods?” I inquired in one breath.

“Slow down, one question at a time,” laughed Cleara.

I apologized.  “It’s okay, aside from that, you are a chemist, and we do like you to help to destroy the terrifying Tripods”, comforted Cleara.  The whole thing was actually true, but I still shivered about the sound of “destroying” the alien Tripods, but will we succeed? “Who are ‘we’?” I questioned.

“Oh, I forgot to mention about Harry; I think you’ll like him,” replied Cleara.

“You mean I will,” I corrected.

“This is what we are planning.  Me, you, and Harry are a cooperative team.  Also, there are a lot of other groups, and whoever locates and kills it the first will win a whole collection of money.” Cleara explained hurriedly.

My head nodded in agreement.  After the call, I rapidly picked up one bottle of each powerful pill in my tiny bag that can hold loads of magical stuff. I fleetly gathered up all the useful things, such as my precious radar, to find the Tripods tracks and slipped my feet into the pair of rubber boots to make sure those beasts won’t hear me. As I was just about to step through the open door, I stopped.  My legs rushed over to my dusty desk, and I pulled the bottom drawer and grasped a velvet box.  After opening it, I memorised the necklace lying on the surface, which was from my great-grandma.  She had a friend called Rose who was on the Titanic, yep, the very night when the enormous ship sank.  Rose didn’t want it to get any cracks, so she threw it into the depth of the shore.  My great-grandma found it just lying there and discovered it had strong powers. So, she decided to preserve it. The shimmering necklace could save you whenever you are in grave danger.  The jewellery was placed on my neck, and I was ready to go.


I was just about to step out of the door and get ready to defeat the tripods when the ‘cute’ thing from the second paragraph in this diary appeared. It took all of my equipment (including the necklace) and disappeared as rapidly as it had come. I was utterly devastated. “CURSE YOU, YOU LITTLE BLACK DUNG BEETLE!” I screamed at the space where the irritating creature had formed. “I wish that I had my pills back,” I said with gritted teeth, but it did not work. I asked where Harry and Cleara which house they lived in. They told me that they lived on number thirteen, Cloudsdale Road. I went there by bus and found a tripod over the house. I watched as they tried to kill it with their weak gadgets and failed, then as the towering tripod eliminated them. I sped back to my house and dumped myself on the chair of my lab. I started crafting. I had barely started when the thing appeared and eliminated my work.

This was getting frustrating. I felt like an outraged volcano that was ready to spew magma in all directions. The rumble of thunder outside did not improve the mood. I looked out of the window and saw dead people lying everywhere. This was not as simple as I had hoped. “Get thinking Nuclear, you non-thinking guy,” I thought and heard a bolt of lightning near the road I was living on. I was on my own this time with nothing to cheer me up or to help me. The gadgets were being endlessly confiscated by that annoying little jerk that kept trying to rile me up!


Inside, there were 3 bedrooms for me, Cleara and Harry, 2 workrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 sitting room, a bath, a toilet and a shower.

I started driving to number 13, Cloudsdale Road, to pick up Cleara and Harry.

“We’re going out to the sea and shine a bright light so the tripods can come and get us. Soon, their feed will get stuck in the mud and the seaweed. And then we begin to attack them.” I blurted out. They agreed with me, and Harry drove us to the shops to get some food and drinks while working on our plan.

“We shall need plenty supply of food,” Cleara reminded me, “you can get some ‘junk’ here to craft things to help us.”

As soon as we got out to the sea, I started crafting again with the “junk” (Harry was recording himself to control the boat)



I was relieved that we’d already made it here, but the journey was not; I repeat, it was not short. The three of us arrived at this very chilly seaside but received no sign of those you-know-what-things. This is how we got to the freezing shore. 2 hours ago; I was skipping to my ragged jeep with an extra rough tyre,  just in case one of the old four were exploded for any reason. My ten fingers automatically opened two trapezium-shaped doors ( which were stuck because the jeep was about 95 years old now), and I engaged Cleara and Harry to come aboard my dusty jeep. Dashing to the seaside, it was hard to see the enchanting scenery passing by. The towering oak trees blurred to my eyes as we rushed through the steep winding path. Faraway, the beach was a long arc of golden sand, sheltered by dunes and sloped gently down to the sea. I realized that I actually didn’t feel like fighting and wished everything was peaceful in my deep heart. However, I knew subconsciously we had to attack. I was just about to turn over the corner when my eyes saw something moving madly, maybe waving at us. I could just about make out two people shouting, “Help, help! ” (Cleara, Harry, and I jumped out of the ancient vehicle. )

Then we chopped the part where the leather was tied apace. “We… met the …tripods,” puffed one of the trapped people. “We only saw the complicated frame of the thing and heard the queer voice from it. We felt straight into the trap, made by the enormous thing, who actually didn’t mean to kill us, well, it looked like it,” he continued. Silence came. The three of us were shocked by all of this explanation. After three minutes, we reached an agreement that the pair would go back to their village, and we hopped on the jeep, starting the engine powered by oil. Travelling, travelling, travelling and stop!

Finally, we’d arrived at the boundless seaside.


In a flash, three tripods appeared and brought out the HeatRay. I leapt into the water just in time to escape the flames. I found no companions with me and looked to see the outlines of four dead figures burning. Cowering underwater, I waited until the colossal tripods disappeared then sprinted home. Meanwhile, the tripods fell and melted. They then rebuilt themselves as tripods but with equipped weapons such as nuclear detonators and M4A1 rifles that spit acid. They attacked Nuclear’s house but failed, therefore melting into their original form. Then, remembering the ‘bring-to-life’ potion I always kept in my pocket, I quickly dumped vast quantities of the potion onto them and stepped back. Instantly, the bodies began to stir, and their limbs twitched slightly. They got up, and we made our way to my house. Telling them to wait a moment, I went into my secret lab and pressed a button that said ‘no teleportation into the house.’ Next, I took out nine bottles. Three said ‘Invisibles,’ three said ‘unhearables’, and the remaining three said teleportals. Coming back to the spot that I had left them, I injected Harry and Cleara and me with a bottle of each. “Right, now think ‘invisible’, and you will turn invisible if everyone except yourself and everyone invisible. Suppose you think ‘teleport’ and a picture or the name of the place you are teleporting to. If you think ‘unhearables, then nothing, except the ones that are also unhearable, can hear what you say or the noises you make, like your footsteps,” I explained. They asked no questions and started to test their new ‘powers.’

#Chloe N

It was not long until Harry and Cleara had got the hang of using the powers. “We are going to go out to sea now. Cleara, you can prepare for dinner and supper. Harry, get us moving into the water. Remember, this mission should be done in 2 months or more and try not to get seasick in the middle of our adventure.” I demanded them.

 “First, I need to check the bottom of the ferry to see if everything is ok,” Cleara said sharply. 

“Should we have fish and chips or sausages and scampi?

Harry and I thought it was better to have sausages and scampi because we might need the fish to feed the tripods with them instead of us. “It is time for bed. Let’s take it in turns to drive the ferry. Harry, you do it from 9:30 to 2:30. Cleara, you can drive the ferry from 2:30 to 7:00, and I shall do it from 7:00 to 12:40.” I suggested.

I brushed my teeth, did my bath and went to bed. It hardly seemed like a minute had gone past when Harry woke me up. It was Cleara’s share of driving the ferry when I was eating my breakfast. It was not long when 5 tripods were following us. I put the engine up to full speed (The speed was 5283 miles per 2 hours). When it turned 6:20, 20 tripods were following us.

Cleara was preparing some hot cross buns when we noticed that it was time to start attacking. Cleara drank some of the invisible and unhearable potions. Harry drank the teleportation and the shrinking potion (The shrinking potion was what Harry’s best friend had made for a birthday present for him). I knew how to teleport without drinking the potion; however, I did drink the unhearable and invisible potion. After that, it was time to start attacking.


Surprisingly,  the beasts have divided into three unequal groups, one for me to get on with and two flocks or pride, whatever you call them, for my friends. The three of us battled non-stop through days and nights. The unstabled ferry was jolting up and down on the swaying seawater like tumblers dancing in the wind. At last, we all agreed to go and get some shelter as we made up a stunning plan. As quick as a flash, we teleported to the heart of the ferry and started to chat about our plot. No one noticed the forks of lightning sprinting across the gloomy, endless sky. Wherever we looked out of the window, there were those petrifying creatures doing anything to enter through the sky window. Through one of the transparent windows, we could see a group of terrifying beasts. They were forcing their soggy tounges to disgustingly lick the delicate glass window. After what seemed like 10 minutes, Harry murmured,“I am a gentleman, so, I’ll strike first!”

“But, what if you failed?” argued Cleara.

“Gentleman never fails,” replied Harry calmly.

“Stop! Harry’s out, and that is that!” I interrupted bravely. The 23-years-old- boy, swung open the dusty roof hatch and hurriedly stood up. Cleara glared in horror as Harry, in slow motion, rose. I thought it was totally safe because we were still camouflaging with the scenery, but I was wrong! Although the tripods couldn’t see us, they could smell us! In a speedy second, Cleara and I exchanged glances. “I told you so,” whimpered Cleara. The screeching things all surrounded Harry, who was literally shivering with fear. Fleetly, Cleara and I stepped out of the shelter as quiet as a mouse. Once we were out in the opening, we tried to teleport behind the attacking creatures; unfortunately, it didn’t work as we were too dizzy, and we nearly threw up. Somehow, I and my crewmate figured out that it was no use in just trying something that you already know wouldn’t manoeuvre. Automatically, Cleara and I ordered the ferry to transform into an amazing submarine dashing through the surge billows underneath the sea ( We guided Harry back to us…)


“Don’t try doing that again, young man,” I warned him. “Alright,” he replied in a somewhat irritated manner. “But you are also male, Nuclear, and I’m also an adult, not some sort of teenager.” Now it was my turn to feel annoyed. I left the two of them in the submarine and poked my head outside. Seeing that the coast was clear of tripods, I walked out. Pressing a button on my watch, I immediately morphed into some sort of ship. ‘Transforming,’ I turned into a robot that was a 64th the size of the earth (which was as tall as about 100000000000000000000000000000000 feet!). I kicked the biggest tripod (which looked quite ugly like the others, so I’m gonna call him ugly 1) in the shin. He lost his balance, and ugly 2 (the second-largest tripod) punched me in the face. The result was a kick in the butt the size of Jupiter. Next, I showed Harry and Cleara how to do the ‘morphing’ business. In almost no time, we had three towering robots and three cowering tripods. Suddenly, the tripods got taller and larger until they looked at least 100 times larger than we combined.


What are we going to do?!” screeched Harry in a panic. As quick as lightning, Cleara ducked underwater and hid. Cleara shouted, “HARRY, COME AND HIDE BEHIND THE ISLAND!” I quickly took out the shrinking potion and drank half a litre. In a blink of an eye, I was two centimetres tall. It seemed like two years had gone past when I reached the ferry. I turned on the machine. As I went past, I squirted some magic juice onto Cleara’s, and Harry’s body and they jumped into the ferry.

“That… was… a… close… one,” Cleara said gradually when the tripods were out of sight. “What are we going to do now,” asked Harry, “We have done your plan, and we failed.” They both stared at me, expecting another plan. I quickly changed the project. “What are we going to have for lunch?” I questioned Cleara. “How about mashed potato and sausages with baked beans?” she replied. We just mumbled, ok, in agreement. No one wanted to talk for the whole afternoon.

When it became evening, Harry broke the silence. “What are we going to do now. We can not go home because we are lost in the middle of an adventure, and we are too far out to sea.” “I really do not know; anyway, that was my plan, and we failed. It is your turn to decide.” I murmured. “I think I have got a plan,” Cleara exclaimed. “What is it?” questioned Harry, who was now a little more happy and excited. Cleara told them. “Great idea, let us do it.” Harry and I said.


At that moment, there was a low-pitched rumbling noise outside. We dashed out of the flowing submarine, and a helicopter was floating in the inky sky with a propeller rotating in mid-air. After all, Cleara had already phoned the RC( Rescue Centre) half an hour ago! Madly, we waved our arms around to attract them. Fortunately, they obviously spotted us moving about like bees absorbing a flower by its smell and colour, then landed their roaring lion with a thump. We fleetly sprinted across and entered the enormous thing. SLAM! I swung the door as hard as I could, and we were slowly lifted off the submarine. Cleara rapidly checked her ‘ To Bring’ list. “Me, Tina, 10 rifle packs, 9 bottles of Tina’s potion, 3 guns, and Har-…” she announced.

“Where’s Harry?” I interrupted. My stomach sank. Had we forgotten Harry, the most important thing? I scanned the room apace. Yep, No, Harry! Then Cleara called me over, and I wondered what she was up to. Staring through the frosted window, I could just get a glimpse of a teeny tiny spot moving around flickeringly. My eyes squinted a bit, but I could just make out that… it was Harry! He looked totally annoyed and extremely scared at the same time as powerful beasts surrounded him.

Ok, I panicked, “How are we supposed to get Harry up here from down there with all those beasts! That’s when Cleara butted in,

“Can’t we use this ladder?” she bawled, holding a very long ladder connected to the bottom margin of the door.

“Of course,” I replied, happier about this

life-saving straw by letting the door ajar tardily. Cleara randomly made this up and carefully lowered the wriggly ladder down to the ground so that poor Harry could clumber up. Just as Harry reached the 3rd bar, one of the Tripods grabbed hold of a corner of his trouser leg. The creature tugged at it, meaning to do, well, something. “Come on, come on, hold tight, Harry!’ we both chanted together. This was how he escalated: He went up 5 bars and then down two because the Tripod was still hanging onto him. When he tried his best to get to the top, he slid down with a sudden jolt.

“Hold on!” I declared. Cleara held me, and I held Harry’s right hand by the second. So we three made a chain in the chilly wind, which nearly scattered us.

Somehow, I found out that the tripod lost its grip and was making its way down. The reason was that Harry had farted just into the Tripod’s face, and I guessed the Tripod sensed it; otherwise, the creature wouldn’t be holding its nose.

Eventually, Harry arrived at the top, and we pulled him in. “Bang!” the door was slammed by our might and main. After that, we had a better time and fell overloads of sleep, waiting for the next day on the volitant helicopter…


The next minute it was complete chaos. I tried to analyse. A Tripod had just sprayed some liquid onto the ship. What happened next was unbelievable. The fluid made the transport follow the Tripod – it seemed to be made of magnets. We leapt off the ‘copter and back into my house. I forged a submarine the size of a test tube, squeezed a drop of ‘unbelievably small’ liquid onto each of us. Then, we were ready to go (the fact that we were ‘unbelievably small,’ which was the size of dots, meaning that nothing could see us). We got in and sat down. Operating it was pretty easy—just a few buttons and levers. I had added some extra controls. I felt rather cheeky, and I knew that I had a mischievous look on my face when I turned to Harry and Cleara. “All right, guys. Cleara, from now on, you are our leader. You decide what you want us to do to the Tripods because this submarine can do almost anything.

“All right, can you give them like, a million jars of fart gas and an eternity of pain in their intestines?” asked Cleara, although it was more of a joke. “Right, you got it,” I replied, tapping two buttons. The next moment a screen extended from the ceiling showing a piece of nanotechnology rapidly clambering down into a Tripod’s intestines. Two more screens extended, showing the same being done to the other two Tripods. At the same time, the sound of a sonic boom reverberated in my ears and vibrated against the bodies of the Tripods. The three of them collapsed in a heap, sending ripples on the surface of the water. As we neared a cyclone, Harry and Cleara must have thought we were going to die, but I pressed a button that bore the words: ‘teleport to “birthplace” carrying insides’, and we teleported back to my house. “Cool gadgets,” commented Harry. “Thanks, but we need to destroy ALL of the Tripods somehow,” I replied. The others nodded. This was a grave, serious, solemn case in which there must be no ignorance and mistaking.

#Chloe (365 words)

“Maybe, we could find a way to stop more and more baby tripods being born, and you could look upon your device to see where they came from,” exclaimed Cleara.

“Ok, I will search on my modern computer to see how tripods are born and to stop them growing,” I agreed. So we went up to my colossal study and turned on my computer. I started typing out the question:

How are tripods born, and where do they come from?

The computer put down a recipe to put on the tripods to stop them from giving birth to baby tripods for an answer. “This looks quite complicated to follow,” cried Harry, “would your machine create the ingredients we need, Tina?”

I replied, “It could make and create anything you want it to.” So, we followed the complicated instructions:

First, get the bowl and put 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Then, mix the vinegar with the nectar of a rose. After that, chop a whole ginger up and mash them. Squirt some orange juice on the mashed ginger, put the ginger and orange juice in the bowl, and mix it up. Put half a litre of water in the mixture and drain all the water out after leaving it for five minutes. Chuck, some of the paste, onto their head and put their most hateful smell up to their nose.

It took an hour for them to make the potion. “Could you teleport us to the helicopter, and we will do what the instructions tell us to do,” asked Cleara. In a splitting second, they arrived back in their ship, and they chased after the tripods, ready to try their new plan. It was not long until they reached the first tripod. Harry, Cleara and I got out of the boat, ready to attack. Cleara used my shrinking potion to hide so she could pour the paste onto the tripod’s head. Harry used the invisible, unhearable and unsmellable potion to ruin the place that baby tripods are grown. I used my other potion to make myself grow bigger to attack the tripods at the same height so it will be easier for me to fight them.



As planned, I grabbed my bottle of emerald potion, curling my trembling fingers around the cylinder, shaped like a mighty pirate’s telescope. Fleetly, I took a sip of the jade water and swallowed the liquid. A moment past and all of a sudden, there was a loud bang. I nearly jumped out of my skin! At the same time, I was feeling so excited that I could burst. We’re going to defeat the Tripods once and for all; I know it! So I thought in my busy head. Being so focused on the things that I could not do, I hadn’t realized what had happened to me. On the contrary, I had actually transported as tiny as an ant size instead of growing as big as a massive father elephant. (That’s how big the Tripods were. Enormous, heh?)

I was just about to step out of the frame of the humongous door when I heard a high-pitched squeal. Looking up, I saw Cleara and Harry but bigger than 20 baby dinosaurs combined. And instead of being invisible, the pair could be seen miles away. Therefore, the deadly Tripods were multiplying in a flash, surging towards them like a violent tide smashing against the corrupted shore, licking all over their exhausted lips ferociously with rumbling, roaring sounds coming from its expansive mouth.

Right, look at teeny tiny me again. Shivering with fear, I managed to pull myself together. I was in the air if one of those Tripods wiggled their mini toes. If they were this big, how could I battle against them? Closing my eyes, I thought back to what happened 1 hour ago. Finally, I recollected that, in a hurry, I accidentally switched the bottles around so, I gave the wrong potion to each of us… This was a total catastrophe for us to fulfil our own mission. It was probably the most desperate second; oh, I nearly fainted! That was when I thought of my mother’s saying, “Never give up.” I was like I was caught in a sudden brainwave in an emergency. I dashed over to the Tripod’s feet in a second and started to draw imaginary lines on the toes gently. The leader tripod laughed and laughed in an animal-like way. All the other soldiers stopped attacking and just stared helplessly on. Finally, Cleara and Harry crept across to me as quiet as a mouse. They had already recognized what was happening. Cleara picked me up and threw me next to the bowl of potion to stop the Tripods from reproducing. Taking 3 minutes, I speeled onto the edge of the bowl, and I dipped my hands in. Reaching out a bit, I smeared all the liquid, and soon, my mission was completed. For a certain, Cleara and Harry fought with the foes in their full strength.


I had no enthusiasm watching the ongoing battle. Still, I created a machine after finding the needed resources. After a brief flash of blinding light, it zapped the Tripods and reduced them to smouldering ashes. The following days did not go well. July was blown out like a candle by a biting wind that ushered in a leaden August sky. The seagulls from the beach had been tumbled inland, and they now soared over the rooftops on taut wings, whining peevishly. The remaining Tripods were nowhere to be seen. Either they had gone back to Mars, gone into hiding or started concocting a devious plan that would imperil our lives and let the chance of survival ebb away. Either way, they were nowhere to be seen. So the days were reduced to normal, doing dangerous, unexplained, risky experiments, calculating and hoping that there would be a monster to fight. That wish came true on the eleventh. I remember reminding myself not to err when with high voltage circuits when I saw that another cylinder came crashing down on Earth through my window.

#Chloe (278 words)

In a splitting second, I knew the tripods had come back. I told Cleara and Harry about the arrival. “Harry, drink the invisible, unhearable, soundless and unsmellable potions. Then go to that tiny island and use the parachute to get to the height of the tripods,” demanded Cleara, “Tina, travel the ferry to that enormous island and wait for us.” We obeyed her orders. Hastily, a massive tripod blocked our way. I quickly turned the ferry into a stingy submarine and zig-zagged in and out of the moving tripod’s legs. When I delivered Cleara and Harry safely to the ginormous piece of land, a minute had not gone by. “Shoot the gun in the tripod’s face,” yelled Harry. I got out my silver gun, aimed, and suddenly the gun fired a bullet (the bullet was the basketball size because the tripods were colossal). “Well aimed,” exclaimed Cleara, as the bullet popped the tripod’s eye out, “Now it can not see anything. Tina, me and Harry will get the extending rope and tie its legs up. Move the submarine behind the tree because the tripod will collapse, and there will be a monstrous splash.” As I moved the submarine behind the tree, Cleara and Harry got a rope from the cupboard and swam to the tripod. 5 minutes had gone by when I heard a loud noise. Cleara and Harry had completed their mission, and the tripod drowned. It was not long when Cleara and Harry had got back. “Your clothes are soaked,” I exclaimed, “We got one down, and now we have 6 more tripods left.” We got ready to attack the other 6 tripods


An idea struck me like a brain wave as Cleara and Harry were battling against the creatures. Soon, Cleara and Harry gave up and lacked a solid tree to take shelter behind. “Hurry, that one!” Harry yelled at us. We all clashed behind the wide tree, fighting for the safest spot.

“I think I have an idea. Ever read Peter and Wolf?” I questioned. They all nodded, confused about what this had to be related to a story. “We could use the exact idea Peter used to catch the wolf to capture one of the Tripods,” I explained. They just stared on as I had lost it. While Cleara and Harry were watching, I rushed about from north to south, from east to west, searching a crude, strong and lengthy cord and knotted one end in a circle, the other end, hanging it over a stabled branch of the tree. As I was setting up the trap, Cleara had an idea of putting the invisible potion onto the piece of the cord. Afterwards, Harry jumped and grasped the Tripod’s leg into the perfect place; we all clutched the cord and pulled up the very hefty monster who exerts all his strength, roaring, scamper or collapsing… At last, the Tripods was in mid-air, with his legs tied up, struggled helplessly with no way to escape. 2 down, 5 to go!

“Alright, Harry, Tina, what about the rest? Have any strategies?” Cleara queried. “For one, what about dig a hole which has a small top and is 1000 feet deep? Then one of us could get the Tripod to fall into the massive pitfall in the ground?” I suggested. “Great idea. But, who shall try and get the Tripod to fall in?” announced Harry. I glimpsed at Cleara, who was grinning. “Always the one who asks!” reminded Cleara. Harry looked heroic, and without a pause, the three of us sprinted off in different directions, setting up the trap as planned by digging, shovelling and piling the mud to the humongous mound. A while past and the cunning plan was ready to execute. All that was left for it to work was the Tripod. I could just make out a little splodge on the horizon, and I thought it was a Tripod in front of Harry. The splodge got nearer and nearer, and finally, the mythical creature accidentally tripped into it, the trap. “Quick! Shoot it!” ordered Cleara. Bang! Bang!! Bang!!! Remaining on the ground was ashy debris from the beast…


(Harry’s view)

“Just saying, what’s that the ash is doing?” I asked. It was pretty clear that it was forming a shape now. Then, a laptop floated out from the wreckage and  and sucked the whole universe into minecraft. Sure, it’s hard to get hp without killing monsters and it’s hard to survive in the End (world) even when you’re not in minecraft hardcore when you’re not a pro, but that’s not what it’s like for me. I can get lots of hp from piglins, creepers and drowners. At this point I can tell you that I was thinking that Tina and Cleara were going to thing that they were not good at it, but they didn’t and I have to admit – they were not so correct. They had no idea what to build armour with, they had no idea how to get diamond, emeralds, redstone, iron, TNT, obsidian or ancient debris. I told them to wait right there and did all of that. I got lots of supplies and was able to fly. I completely fenced in the Tripods and found an Enderportal. Then, I extended the fence so that it was around the Enderportal and the Tripods went right on in. Finding blocks of obsidian, I got an idea of sending them to the Nether. After finding another Enderportal and killing some Endermen for Enderpearls, I went over to the Enderportal and made a Netherportal with the obsidian blocks.

#Chloe (1155)

“Harry, what are you doing?” Cleara asked.

“Something.” Said Harry.

“I got an idea,” cried Cleara, “We could go underwater, dig a tunnel, they could follow us, then we put a wooden wall on the opening. We could attach the tunnel to the hole we made and one of us will be on the top of the hole and shoot when he comes past.” Me and Harry was trying to catch up on this brain-storming idea. We agreed and 10 minutes later, we had trapped two tripods and that meant we had three more left.

“I have got aother plan,” Harry exclaimed, “We could shrink to ant size and they will not see us and then we could stick a sharp stick into his foot. He will collapse and then we could shoot him with our gun!” Cleara found a sharp stick while I was looking for the best gun to shoot the tripod with. In 5 minutes, we had everything planned. I had a gun, Cleara had a sharp stick and Harry had the shrinking potion. Cleara and me drank 3 drops of the potion. In 2 seconds, we were ant size humans. Harry got a piece of bark for our ship and we sailed on our raft. Harry stayed human size so he could distract the tripod and the tripod went closer to Harry so it was easier to get to the tripod’s foot.

A few minutes later, me and Cleara had reached the tripod’s foot, Cleara got the sharp stick and stabbed it into his right foot. In a blink of an eye, the tripod fell with a colossal splash. It was my turn to do my act. As quick as a flash, I reached the liver and shot him with the massive gun. We did the exact same with another tripod, however this time Cleara stabbed the left calve with the sharp stick, which was already soaked in tripod blood. We had one more tripod in the universe to defeat. Hastily, an idea popped into my head that second. “Can you see the pink thing on the tripod’s ankle? That is a electrical reaction spot. That means in we stab him there with the sharp stick he will die by shrinking and shrinking and gradually he will disappear.” I clamoured. We did the same thing that we did before, but this time Cleara and me stabbed him, with the sharp stick, on the electrical reaction spot instead of the calve or foot. In 2 minutes, he had disappeared into smoke and that meant he was dead. We had killed all the tripods and now we had to get home.

Harry steered the ship on to the water, while Cleara cooked the food. I was making the beds for sleeping. While we were eating our food, (spaghetti bolognaise and chips) we discussed the night duties. “Harry, you will do it from 11:00 to 04:00 which is 5 hours, then I will do it from 04:00 to 09:00 which is also 5 hours and Cleara, you will do it from 09:00 to 12:00 which is 3 hours then we shall be back at home.” I spoke. I went to bed. It felt like years until it was my turn to do my 5 hour duties. Before it was Cleara’s turn, I saw England from where we were. I woke up Cleara and I started cooking breakfast. I asked Cleara if she wanted eggs and bacon or sausage bap with chopped up tomatoes. She chose eggs and bacon and I started frying the bacon. We had almost reached home. When we finished our breakfast, I steered the boat into the creek. In 6 minutes, we reached the government and poured the story out. My tongue was so tired of trying to keep up with my mouth at the end.

He was quite surprised and at the end of that day they all received a real gold medal and trophy with 5 million pounds. That day, the government put a party on to celebrate the world’s peace. From that day on we had gotten a palace and became famous and rich. The ball of peace came back and it protected Earth from any other creatures from different worlds. A week later Joanne came back with the 2 children and 2 dogs. Everyone who died from the tripods came back to life. All I was happy about was that Tripods have extinct. “I wonder if any other creature will break the ball of peace and destroy us, humans,” guffawed Joanne.

“At least we destroyed the tripods. I bet they will be the worse creatures to defeat,” I said, “Now we are together again.”

6 months later…

It was a summer day and I was relaxing in the swimming pool, in the sunshine with Joanne and Cleara. Harry was going surfboarding. “Harry always goes surfboarding on a Sunday morning,” yawned Joanne sleepily, for she was having the time of her life.

“I am going diving at 2o’clock,” Cleara exclaimed, “What are you going to do Tina?”

“Me? I am going to relax in this pool, in the sunshine,” I mumbled.

“Same,” snickered Joanne, “I am going to get some ice cold slushy drinks from town at 12.”

“Interesting,” cried Cleara, “Tomorrow, it is going to rain all day, so I have booked a day at clip ‘n’ climb. On Tuesday, I have planned us to go to Jump Street for the whole day!”

“Great,” I said, “That means on Wednesday we are going to the seaside, on Thursday we are going to practice surfboarding indoors instead of going to the seaside again. On Friday, Joanne is going to choose what we do.”

“Good,” she yawned, “Because I want to go to the seaside again. I have heard that they have got boats now and I booked us up to get a speed boat and a peddling boat.”

“That sounds exciting,” said a new voice, “I have got some ideas for Saturday. We will be staying at Holiday Inn for 2 weeks.” That voice belonged to Harry.

“I am going to have the time of my life for the rest of the month,” I said.

“Same,” cried Cleara.

“Same,” exclaimed Joanne, “The children and dogs are going to their nan’s and grandad’s house for the rest of the month, so we do not need to spend the holidays walking dogs and looking after noisy children.”

“Good idea,” said Harry.

“I can not wait for our holiday to begin,” I exclaimed, “I am not doing any work either, so I could have the time of my life. Joanne, could you get the slush now?”

“Sure,” Joanne mumbled, “It is only next door to our estate, so it will not be a long walk.

She came back with 4 slushes. We finished them in 5 minutes.

“This is what I call a holiday,” we all said at once.

The End.

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