The War of the Worlds 4


It came – that evening. The first star had fallen.

In the early autumn morning, an unexpected report was made by an old wrinkled shepherd. He announced in his old-fashioned way that a grey, towering ball appeared in front of him when he was strolling in his usual spot in the withering, empty forest. The ball was apparently coated in tar and shaped rather like an unusual globe with a layer of dried mud around some parts. Hundreds of people must have observed this strange ball but they could’ve been mistaken for a veil of mist enveloped it. As the great news spread far and wide, it reached the ears of Thomas Castley -the worshipped and valiant president of UST. After discussing the matters with his beloved friend, Christopher Hathways, the companions decided to ask a famous general to investigate the matter with them. Thomas, worried that tourists would be exploring the ball, therefore settled the matter by commanding his best sentries to guard it in case it might be ending up as a disastrous ending. Later on, a little message boy stammered that the ball was loose in parts and would like the president to examine it if he had time. As the news grew bigger, it was no surprise that magazines were sold till there were none left in shops, children huddled in small groups, chattering in pestering voices until they nearly deafened their teachers. News spread so quickly, that it was like a swipe of disease. It was chaos.

Autumn ended; Winter arrived. But the news of the magnificent ball had not stopped yet. A pristine blanket of snow-white stretched itself on the cobbled street, bored of the continuous talk of grey balls. The wafting fragrance of roast chestnuts lingered in the air waiting for another customer for they were all absorbed in the latest magazines. Day ended, night commenced, the tired stars drifted in the empty street lamps hearing the president’s repeated words, “After this dreadful winter, we shall explore the ball in Spring!” Finally, it was the day of the critical event. Trees bloomed once again and the birds sang, they started to welcome a variety of people as the crowd clambered into their carriages and held their breath for this particular action.


The colossal ball started to crack. The ground rumbled with fear. Children screamed with fear. Daniel Mcintyre, the world-famous general at the time, sat up and walked toward the ball. Cracks showed up on the ball. Pieces of chipped mud fell off to the moist dirt. Daniel edged closer to the ball. The giant ball seemed to get angrier and angrier every step Daniel took. Then, Daniel took his left hand and softly placed it on the slimy surface of the mysterious ball. When he looked up, he saw a faint reflection of himself. He tried to wave his hand to make it disappear, but it wouldn’t. The ball was cracking at a much faster pace now that the ball was supposedly harmed by being touched. The refection on the slimy surface disintegrated into nothing. Daniel backed away in horror. The ball seemed to rise out of the ground. It hovered 50 feet above where it’s outer shell laid. Then it began to spin.
Thousands of black particles shed out of the ball as it was spinning faster. Suddenly, the sticky, slimy substance on Daniel’s hand began to burn. He tried to shake it off. Then, his whole body caught on fire. The colossal ball started to crack. The ground rumbled with fear. Children screamed with fear. Daniel Mcintyre, the world-famous general at the time, sat up and walked toward the ball. Cracks showed up on the ball. Pieces of chipped mud fell off to the moist dirt. Daniel edged closer to the ball. The giant ball seemed to get angrier and angrier every step Daniel took. Then, Daniel took his left hand and softly placed it on the slimy surface of the mysterious ball. When he looked up, he saw a faint reflection of himself. He tried to wave his hand to make it disappear, but it wouldn’t. The ball was cracking at a much faster pace now that the ball was supposedly harmed by being touched. The refection on the slimy surface disintegrated into nothing. Daniel backed away in horror. The ball seemed to rise out of the ground. It hovered 50 feet above where it’s outer shell laid. Then it began to spin.
Thousands of black particles shed out of the ball as it was spinning faster. Suddenly, the sticky, slimy substance on Daniel’s hand began to burn. He tried to shake it off. Then, his whole body caught on fire. The crowd screamed with terror. They started to run.
The ball’s particles were flammable on people that didn’t have the substance too. Some people burned to death because they had contact with the particles. It was a sad day. I personally wasn’t there, but I looked at some screenshots online, it looked pretty sad.
The crowd screamed with terror. They started to run.
The ball’s particles were flammable on people that didn’t have the substance too. Some people burned to death because they had contact with the particles.
The ball shed and shed until it could shed no more. The particles fell to the floor. I personally wasn’t there, Uhm I looked at some screenshots, it looked pretty destructive. It was a sad day.



Panic was spreading like wildfire throughout the town. The vast majority of the witnesses were burnt alive by the Thing, while the handful of survivors had been too traumatized by what they had seen to say more than a few words. 

What we could get out of them is that a black circle, covered in mould and dust, had separated from its soiled cover when a man touched the surface of the gunk. The man had apparently retreated from the circle with a tar-like substance, sticky and squelchy. Then, a reflection of himself touching the stone was imprinted on the circle, after that, the black circle was released from its moorings and circled, slowly rising. Then, the man’s hand was engulfed by a white flame, then engulfed the man himself, burning him until a black mound lay at his feet. The survivors ran into the woods, all of them seeing at least a dozen of the fleeing men and women engulfed in flames and burned to death.

As I was a general in the army, I was told there was to be a meeting at 15:30 sharp to discuss with the other generals of the army and the police chief what to do. This incident had occurred quite nearby to our town, a few towns away from it.  

Now, I was in an exciting lecture about what to do.

“So, this incident had happened in the quaint and peaceful town of Libingtree. I believe that is close to your town, general. ( The police chief nodded at me) I want you all to be wary of anything funny or peculiar going on. If there are reports of a black circle zapping people on fire, call an immediate call to arms, got it, men?” The police chief asked. 

An assent off nodding followed his words.

“I’ve been expecting this to happen, as a different country, Spain has already been wiped out. The remaining survivors are currently as we speak, are being transported to America. I’ve stockpiled a few, well, futuristic guns that have broken some laws in a nutshell. All of the towns, villages, and cities will receive an adequate supply of these weapons. In case of a siege, extra food and water supplies will be transported to all the places here. Any questions?” He asked.

Nothing was said.

“Good, now, last of all, I will be taking you to see the futuristic weapons, now please, please don’t mess them up as if you mess them up, I will have to put you in exile, due to the strict government laws. Now, follow me.”

We all got up from our chairs and followed him, eager to see what kind of next-generation things we were going to see…



It was admitted that our jaws dropped and gazed in amazement as we saw the magnificent weapon lying motionlessly in the police’s hand. “Sir, as your place as chief police, you may be responsible for any misunderstanding.” stuttered the police. ”Interview with general later, PC Jenks, must have a cup of coffee” winked the chief Police, nodding at me. PC Jenks handed the weapon over. It was covered with a type of navy glass with little dots next to it called, ‘le glace pas de feu.’ ”The ice no fire.” translated someone with a blue uniform, looking very smart indeed. “Fire is afraid of ice, Eh?” The chief police glared and ignored him, then turning to us, saying “better move to the next one, this is one of the main weapons you’ll be using. An old saying triggered into my mind ‘Fear lent him wings’, but I knew it was no use and I’d have to walk instead -today was so excitable.

As we followed the chief police, we prepared to open our mouths and exclaim how wonderful it was. As soon as we made our way to the next room, my feet scrambled up quickly and hurried to trail him. We went to the weapon room and our eyes widened in excitement; the chief police produced the expensive weapon. But this time it was different. It had green slime coating around it with a smooth, varnished surface. It was like a gun and a thin layer of flexible transparent encasing it. The chief police began to teach us how to use it. The lecture began.



The chief officer opened the transparent case and put it on a round, black nightstand, and showed us the costly weapon. It was a magnificent weapon. The gun was covered with solid diamond, and the trigger was made from 24 karat gold. Several bullets were homing bullets. The chief officer taught us how to reload, shoot, and gave us a try. I kept missing it, but I eventually got the hang of it. Then we walked to an enclosed room, which was the shooting range, which we got to test some stuff. Then, I was ready.
We walked to the locker room, and I got dressed to go down the pit that the colossal ball left behind. I put my hazmat suit on, and I also wore an oxygen tank, with a mask connecting it. Then, because I was so eager to go down the pit, I had to wait for the other people. I sat there, just holding on before I go down the pit by myself. I could barely hold the excitement. It would be a majestic, alienist world down there. There would be all kinds of creatures, like one-eyed aliens, maybe even 3 or 4-eyed ones. I know I am just a kid with a magnificent imagination, but what if there are actually those things? I really couldn’t wait.
After what seemed like a very long time, we finally arrived at the ledge. We tied one end of a rope to the ledge and tied the other end to our selves, and the assistants lowered us down, down, down, deeper into the mysterious pit.



It was humid in the crate, black tar was everywhere. I took heed of what the report said and I tried not to touch the thick and goo-like tar mixture. We wandered the surprisingly big crater, in search of any shred of evidence or clues that would point us in the right direction to what or who the perpetrator/perpetrators are. A voice cried out,

“I’ve found something!” Tom, a general from Hackney called.

We all hustled towards the voice and crowded round the horrific scene…

A partly incinerated body was found, its features all incinerated, nobody could tell if it was a woman’s or a man’s body. It had been very thin, I deduced it had been squished when the black ball landed on it. On it, a note said, 

Vengeance for what this person done, 

The Thing.

We all gathered our heads together and decided that the Thing was probably the black ball, and had brutally murdered this person, due to something they had offended the Thing. We called up the crater to the people outside,

Get a forensic team to take this away! Tell them to identify if it’s a man or a woman.”

Of course, I’ll go radio now.” A voice replied. 

The quake of a radio was heard. Shortly after, a forensic team comprising of 3 men came in and put the partly incinerated person in a body bad and holding it, rappelled up. We were also told to come up. 

Once we all rappelled up, the senior general in the army was there to meet us. He looked distinctly worried.

“Lads, I’ve just had news. The black ball that burns people to death has been spotted, it has already destroyed the town of Campbell. I want all of you to initiate conscription in your towns. Get an adequate defense, and get enough food and water available for a week of siege. The new generation guns have been delivered to all the towns. Ensure all able people are conscripted into the defence of your town and make sure that there are NO guns in the boxes that have been sent to you. I have complete faith and no doubt that you will defeat this putrid black ball. Ensure the casualties are at a minimum. Now, any questions?” He said briskly.

Nothing was said.

“Right, then now head off, you have work to do. Remember, we all have faith in you all.” Said the senior general.

We all scurried off to our towns, all that was on my mind was to ensure that the senior General orders were made and delivered…



The senior general guided us towards the exit giving a grave expression as we walked past him. We were welcomed by an emergency police car and was hurried to our towns. I was greeted with a volley of delighted squeals by my village people – they were excitedly telling me what has happened when I had gone – the reserve PC has been not on his duty, but I did not care for there were much more exciting things now.

As my stomach rumbled, I quickly revised myself of gathering food for safety. I ordered my people to get as many supplies as possible during the first 48 hours and build a special defence shelter in case of an unexpected attack. My officer assistant (Tom) was standing there, with a very serious face. Tom touched my shoulder gently, remarking ‘‘I wonder what that note meant ‘vengeance for what this person had done’ someone must have written it.’’ My eyes suddenly sparkled, thinking of an idea, the writer must have an assistant for he/she wouldn’t have gone down the deep pit. The note must also have fingerprints on it – unless the writer wore gloves…I looked suddenly hopeful as the notion popped in my head – what if… what if the ball was worked by a person or the person worked for the ball… Ideas spread in my mind like a wildfire and my eyes sparkled until it could sparkle no more. But my thoughts were broken by a massive bomb.




I walked outside. I watched in horror. The bomb had exploded half of the city. Other officials joined me to look as well. I looked at the chief officer. He also was shocked, and thought we were ready for the next “alien” attack. Smoke was filled in the air. Some people were coughing. The leftover people were screaming for their life, watching as dead bodies lied on the ground, priceless.
The city hall was burned down, and the only thing that was left was a power plant and telephone poles and a small office. The chief officer called the state government, stating that their city was half destroyed. Houses were turned to dust, and the buildings were just piling of metal.
There were police cars roaming around the remains, trying to find crashed UFOs, possibly some black mysterious ball like the one a few days ago. Instead, they found a little green dude walking in the smoke and was looking for some berries to eat. One police officer noticed the weird creature ands slowly edged towards it. In a split of a second, the alien teleported to the officer’s back and stabbed him. The creature looked at me, preparing its next attack……



I woke up, in a seemingly nonexistent place. Until I realised the alien was standing in front of me.

“So, you are finally awake. You are very lucky I decided to spare you, I could’ve put you in a cell and thrown away the key! But, I’m very lenient which is fortunate for you. Now, I will allow you to ask one question. Think wisely before I do my most desired thing to do on you.” The alien said.

“Who are you?”  I asked after a moment.

“Me? Well, I was a human, like you, but, the organisation just turned me into this to do their dirty work, they turned me into a psychopath, they wanted world domination, so, I was hidden in that black ball, killed a man that had been a notorious enemy to our organisation, then hid in that black ball until that foolish man touched the ball, I murdered him with relish, then, silly me, let several people escape. Now, to redeem myself, I have taken over the whole of this drafted country!” The alien said pacing around.

“But,…” I started saying.

“Silence! I have answered your question! Now, I will conduct my experiment on you! I will turn you into one of me!” The alien cackled happily.

Everything turned black.

When I woke up, I realised I had descended into nothingness. It seemed like I wasn’t there, I got up, there was no noise. I realised I had faded into a shadow, nobody would care if I came home, they wouldn’t know and they were presumably all dead.

From that day on, I explored the wrecks of the country, nobody disturbed me, nor would they know I was there. My desire to eat or drink had gone, I had been turned into nothing. It could have been worse…


# Tiger

It was midnight and I was not tired at all. I had no feelings or emotions so I only had emptiness around me. There was a faint dot in the valley war songs echoed in my head. It was war. I knew it. They were here to change us.

As I was a real human before, a general, I was certain that the group of citizens had many detecting weapons However, it was obvious that I could teleport and arrive in safety. The villagers got nearer and nearer I could hear what they were talking about.

“This Alien detector is superb!” cried a voice, and I could recognise that it was Tim the fishmonger.

“Hey Tim, have you heard that news?” asked the butcher “Hathways wanted war- War of all! He’s brainless he is, that Hathways.”

“Look ’ere, those aliens could stab us anytime, ain’t you going to concentrate? ” stated Oliver, the burly policeman bluntly, “This detector says there’s one yonder pointing towards the hill.” Then, shivering slightly, he made a valiant face towards them, and stood in front, leading them by his side.

“Fine! Let’s go then” squeaked a familiar voice.

I knew this voice… It was that alien; it couldn’t kill three innocent people and stab them! In a split second, I noticed that I was feeling. Taking my thoughts away from everything else, I knew that  I needed to act fast!




I ran to the police officer and roared:


They took no attention to me, not even a glance, and that’s when I realized that they won’t even notice me in all circumstances because I remembered I was invisible, and I couldn’t do anything. The alien was slowly approaching the men, ready for the next attack.

Picking up speed, my feet flew through the air, devouring ground- as I came within earshot- they were talking about an alien 10 feet nearby, and that’s when I realized it was me. Bewildered and frozen with awe, I quivered erratically, a revelation unraveling in front of my eyes. My gaze that had been fearful a few moments ago rapidly descended into a spiral of corruption. An uneasy silence fell upon the men, who clutched their semi-automatic rifles more warily, spent rounds rattling at my feet.

The leader of the crew switched on his muzzle laser, sweeping it through the wretched haze.

“Hold on, Murphy.” I tried to move- more urgently this time- frantically trying to escape the impending danger. Human or not, I didn’t want to die.

“He’s here somewhere.” A few warning shots flew through the smoke, alarmingly close to my chest. At this point, I was willing to die to escape, as the laser swiveling, piercing the subsiding smoke pivoted closer and closer.

At that point, a metamorphosis began in the deepest recesses of my body, a beast springing alive. A feral, utterly violent being. Funnily enough, it was like turning on a light. I was in danger, the being wanted to come to life, and here we are.

And here we are.

I could feel the entity coursing through my limbs, reinvigorating the paralyzed joints, muscles, and bones that were present a short while ago.
My invisibility and the fog began to fade. A glowing neon purple light crisscrossed my chest, and as the laser reached my chest, the entity reached full power, and the men fired 3 shots, the last thing
I saw was a 5.56 round screaming towards my head.




I ducked down, and was able to miss the bullet by a hair’s breadth. Then, not looking back or stopping, I ran. I put everything else behind my mind, and focused on running. I ran faster than I had ever run before. The bullets were forcing me to run in a straight line. The men roared, and there was the sound of more guns, and heavy footsteps. Still, I continued running. I saw shrubs and dirt fly up into the air around me. I had to put some distance between us.

It was then that I saw the building. It was so run-down that the walls had huge holes in, and the whole structure looked as if it was going to fall down any minute. But it was my only chance. I looked behind me. I couldn’t see the men, so I stealthily creeped into the building.

I looked through one of the holes. The men were looking around for me. But I remained hidden behind the wall. I heard the guns firing, and before I knew it, the whole building was falling on me. The men spotted me, and aimed their guns at me. There was no escaping now.




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