The War of the Worlds 3



The thing that was zooming across the night sky lit up the atmosphere with a fierce scarlet glow. Everyone was standing outside their homes, gawping in amazement at the object. I didn’t know what it was and that question was bugging me. As I watched the mysterious thing fly across the sky, I saw it land in the middle of a forest that was close to me. Suddenly, a shockwave threw me back. The forest looked like it was a giant bonfire. As quickly as it started, the fire went out. I ran rapidly towards the thing’s landing spot. As I dodged around the charred trees, I saw a strange, blacker than space sphere resting in a deep crater it had made. Creeping towards it slowly, I saw a crowd gathering around it. A brave officer laid his palm on the surface of the ball. As he withdrew his hand, I saw a trail of dark slimy stuff sticking onto his hand. Suddenly, the sphere rose up into the air. It exploded into a million tiny pieces. The pieces landed on everyone who was within a 3-meter radius from the object. Blinding my eyes, multiple lightning streaks shot down onto where the small bits landed. Everyone who was near the lightning forks burst into minuscule flecks of ash. I was so glad my family was at home, including my dog, safe and sound. I backed away from the aura that was filled with grief and death. The next day I contacted a group of scientists who told me weird balls from space had settled in various places across the world. All the scientists on Earth didn’t have enough pieces from the objects to find out what it is. I told them to wait and ran towards the site of yesterday’s terror. Once close enough to the deep crater I saw the tiny bits of the sphere from yesterday were bigger than before, it looked like they were growing. I dismissed the thought and told the scientists to come here tomorrow and examine the black stuff that was on the dusty ground. As I travelled home, I saw that the sky was fiery red again and that there was another object flying across the sky but very far away.



As I ambled back home (now slightly more quickly), I pondered and wondered again – what could it be? A black ball of destruction, now crashing in many places across the globe, that could regrow once it broke into vestiges; I was a battleground of fear and curiosity.

“Stop thinking about it, the scientists will sort it out tomorrow,” I murmured absent-mindedly to myself. Ironically, more peculiar lightning bolts shot down like fires in a forest upon our world.

After a night of tossing and churning in my bed, I received a call from the scientists. My rampant heart accelerated even more as I picked up the phone tentatively. They told me that the spheres were UFOs that have been developed very recently and that they would be working to find out what it was as soon as possible. Great – that was exactly what I wanted to know! With an answer too ambiguous to give me peace of mind, I gathered my disappointed faculties and headed towards the crater again.

The pit hadn’t changed a bit since I’d visited it last time, but there was an ominous feeling of doom lurking in the air that had become more severe, with all the swirling pieces and such. The scientists weren’t even here, examining the orb – did they not care about our planet? Since I wasn’t a scientist or really an expert in anything, I could only contact more scientists; most of them were too petrified of bursting into white flames to research it, but a couple of courageous people agreed to do it. The rain started to pour down again, so I had to go back home, but I observed that not a single one of those objects flew across the sky – perhaps they didn’t do so when it rained.



Waking up the next morning, I heard screaming and shouting. I flung open the blinds, and the light poured in like water. After my eyes adjusted, I saw this mountainous, intimidating thing with eight long legs.

Blazing fires roared as courageous fire-fighters fought their way through the fearsome fires as heroes. Far in the distance, you could spot the thing growing smaller and smaller as it disappeared to bring chaos to another city.

Everything was silent. No noise. No movement. Just the pitter-patter of rain tapping on the window and the crackle of the lovely warm fire. But of course, this calming moment of tranquillity would not last forever. GRR! The sound of something in the distance was gradually getting louder and caught my attention. I peered through the window at the night sky, it was just beautiful. BANG! A hand. No. Metal. No. The rest of the figure appeared. Fear gripped me by the throat.



What should I do? Fear and awe rooted me to the spot. As the metal thing approached closer, I screamed at my family to go into the basement. I ran around the house collecting supplies. When I finally finished, I saw people the tripods shooting rays at people. Everyone was dying. I climbed down into the basement, white from fear. As the screams echoed in my ears, all I could do was clutch my family close to me.

After what seemed like weeks, I stepped outside. We had run out of supplies. Luckily, the supermarket was next to me. As I crept to the shop I saw a metal thing chasing a man. When the man tripped, the thing grabbed him and blasted him to pieces. Would that happen to me. I saw the thing scan the area. I dashed back home and hid telling everyone the horrifying thing I had witnessed. All of us were too frightened to even speak.

As the days passed, I needed to grab MORE supplies. So I ran to the shop. When I reached the shop, I had a feeling that something was happening. I abandoned the food and ran back outside. When I sneaked in, I saw some grotesque aliens, that were covered in blood, exiting my house. My heart froze. Did they do anything? When I dashed to the basement. I saw crimson liquid everywhere. Blood. When I reached the last step, I saw the most heartbreaking sight. My family was dead. Hours passed as I cleaned up the mess, I buried my family at night. I did not want to be seen. As I lay down to sleep, I realized that if they will come back.

I jumped back up gathering everything I needed. I took clothes, food, drinks and a photo of my family. As I trekked out, I kept to the shadows. I don’t want to die in a dreadful way. I kept walking and walking for what looked like weeks. If I needed to sleep I would first search for a forest. As I travelled along the river’s edge, I saw someone sneaking into a house. I followed closely behind. The house wasn’t like any other house I had seen. It had gleaming white walls with the exact same kind of tables. He must be a scientist. When I thought of the word, scientist, anger bubbled up in me. Why didn’t the scientist help us when we were in danger? Did they even care? Here, they were living nicely and peacefully whilst the rest of us were dying.



just a suggestion: since it’s the war of the worlds, maybe the scientists were observing the aliens, which they didn’t make and they actually came from a different planet. up to u guys, tho

Dashing behind the ajar door, I peeked from the side: the same person, now wearing a white lab coat, was fiddling with something indistinguishable. There was a laptop on their left, showcasing a hastily animated scene – multiple, actually – of what happened when the ‘meteor’ crashed and caused many people to burst into white flames. However, what was particularly peculiar was that all of them had different objects, but the same people and the same background.

“Who’s there?” they cried out suddenly; fortunately, I was rapid enough to duck behind a bush not a moment too late, for they sprinted out like a fire in a forest a few seconds after. My breath was as quiet as a lamb, my mouth tasted dry and sweat was racing down my back. The man (I observed from behind the shrubbery) soon turned back around and ambled warily back to the building. Unexpectedly, I found a pistol concealed within a pair of jeans I was holding.

Leaping from behind again, I spied on the man again.

“I need to extend the white flames’ reach…” he muttered; my blood froze, and my feet stuck to the ground. Was this the creator of the black ball? And what was with all those other creatures showcased on the laptop? Wasn’t he one of the scientists I had contacted to research the ball thing? Then, it all hit me at once: one of the aliens on the screen was incredibly similar to the aliens who had slaughtered my family, and this person was developing the ball and his colleagues could even be working on further monstrosities.

I was blinded by rage; instinctively, I shot the destructor, who didn’t die – in fact, he didn’t even bleed. Collecting my surprised faculties, I observed his outfit in the few moments I had. As it turns out, he had a bullet-proof layer of lightweight armour, except for a minuscule gap around his nose. I shot again; the bullet was true, and soon the professor’s toil ended. I wondered what was stored on his computer…



I crept forward quietly, getting closer to his computer. When I finally reached the computer, I saw some weird layouts. It was the black ball thing. He was making the spheres. Fear shivered through my body. I carefully scrolled through the file. As I kept reading, I wittnessed all the scientists plans. In short: they want to destroy the world. When I reached the bottom I saw a little note: The only way to destroy these things is to attack them from the inside. This information is vital. I heard hurried footsteps. I panicked. I was going to get caught. My fingers tapped at the keyboards so quickly by the time the owner of the footsteps arrived, I was gone with the file deleted.

I trudged through the city, trembling with rage and fear. I saw the monstrous metal things lurking in the distance (remember about those. They blasted the man from earlier). As the blanket of night fell, I took shelter in a small house. Exploring the house, I found out half the roof has collapsed in. When I reached the kitchen I saw a bowl of, miraculously still ripe, fruit. I stuffed my mouth until it was full. I didn’t realise until now I was starving. When I looked for a suitable bedroom, I found the basement door. Strangly, it was firmly closed. I kicked it open. I was too scared to open the handle. I heard loud footsteps suddenly approaching.



Was it the house’s owner returning? Instinctively, I dived behind it and shut it as rapidly and as gently as I could at the same time. I gathered in the few moments I had that behind the door was a gargantuan, dimly lit and abandoned kitchen; not spoilt food was scattered all over, and there was a convenient curtain I could conceal myself behind. From behind the curtain, I observed another alien rushing in, panting and eyeing her surroundings dubiously. I was utterly confused: since when did those aliens act like this? The developers must have really gone far with their creations. To my surprise, it reached up to its neck and lifted the head off, revealing a young woman – no older than 30 – with a frantic, innocent countenance. Glued to the floor with astonishment and excitement, I decided to watch this person for a bit longer before revealing myself.


Opening a laptop which was hidden in a cupboard (I wonder why…), the woman hunched over it so that I could barely glimpse the screen. Yet, I observed that she was searching “how to diffuse equism”. It sounded familiar, but I could not quite put my finger on where I had heard it from… Oh, wait – the scientist’s notes on what their plan was. How petrified yet exhilarated I was! It felt like riding a ridiculously rapid roller coaster; furthermore, this woman seemed to be a scientist against the dreadful people (she searched “abomination” instead of aliens, before correcting it).

“Um, sorry if I surprised you, but are you working to destroy those balls and aliens?” I asked, pacing gingerly from behind the curtain. She spun around in an instant, whipping out a gun and holding it at my head. “Please… I mean no harm,” I croaked desperately.

“Prove it,” she snarled, eyeing me disbelievingly. I reached my hand into my pocket and pulled out the photo of my beloved family.

“This,” I showed her the picture, “is my family, which the aliens killed.” Tears dripped down my face, which convinced her enough – at least, for now.

“To answer your question,” she muttered, “yes, I am trying to destroy those atrocities of scientific creations,” I told her about what I had found out about the balls – that you had to attack them from the inside. “Interesting…” she murmured, turning back to the laptop and typed in, ‘penetrating bullets and explosives’. I supposed she was trying to find out how to access the inside since the black ball seemingly did not have even a single weak spot.

“Uh, do you mind if I take some food? I’m nearly out of supplies,” I asked; she stared at me, gesturing to the kitchen around her, which I took as a yes. Well, that was awkward…



Just as I was going to open the fridge door the woman cried, ‘Ah-ha!’ causing me to jump. ‘hahaha’ she chuckled to herself as if she had just destroyed her worst enemy, ‘I have found the weak spot of these creatures! It is…’ But before she could mention anything, a giant, humongous but skinny leg pierced the ceiling like a knife and sponge. ‘Quick, hide in here!’ The woman shouted over the creaking and groaning of metal above. Frozen on the spot, I dared not move. ‘Crash!’ another leg through the ceiling, inches away from my face brought me back to my senses in a quite violent way. I fell back and the woman had to drag me into the cupboard. I could feel myself sweating in the heat and what I had just experienced. Thoughts, unwanted thoughts, swarmed into my mind, my family. They were dead. They wouldn’t come back. They were gone forever.

It was now silent, just the steady breathing of the woman next to me and my heart, pounding as if it was trying to break free. The sound of human footsteps outside made me want to jump out but the woman held me back.

‘WHY!?’ I shouted to her by accident. The footsteps approached us, and the cupboard flung open, there in front of us, a man and woman dressed in white and some human-like machines behind them. The Scientists.

One of the scientists said something to the woman next to me which I thought was some strange blabbering, but no, the woman answered back similarly. Was she really fighting the machines? Or was she with the scientists?…



i found out u can learn martial arts from paragraph 1. isn’t that amazing?

My heart was going to beat right of my chest in fright. Suddenly, I lashed out a kick into the scientist man’s face and punched his associate in the stomach. The woman next to me tried to grab my arms but I swung my hand at her chin causing her head to snap back. She slumped to the floor unconscious. The associate lunged towards me but I kicked her really hard into her stomach(again). She doubled over and lay wheezing on the floor. The scientist man clutched at his face and tried to get up but I stamped on his leg. The human-like machines approached me. I tensed and swung my arms up. But the machines just went round me and shone a bright light at the three scientists. All three of them groaned and got up watching me with wary eyes.

I wanted to sprint out of the house but the tripods were outside so I dashed into the basement. I could hear foot steps walking down the stairs. “Can’t they just leave me alone? I attacked them and they still don’t get the message. Are they even that clever? Even a fool would have stayed away,” I thought. I looked around frantically, searching for a weapon. Finally, my eyes settled on a baseball bat and I grabbed it.



how, para 1 is more of description than action. it is cool tho

Even with a weapon, it was only wooden – sure, it could do some damage to the scientists but to robots!? They’re literally made of metal! So, there was still only one option: flee again. A beam whizzed past my head, grazing a bit of hair; peculiarly, it straightened and did not fall for a good five minutes. What was that about? It piqued my curiosity, so I stood still, postulating about what it could be.

When one of the human-like machines approached me, it released a beam again, which struck me on my torso. Groaning like the scientists, I felt a power course through my body – it was a stimulant. I turned around, glancing at my accommodator sneaking up on the three unsuspecting Scientists, who all laid prostrate on the floor within milliseconds. The assailant proceeded to stuff the three bodies into a hidden chamber underneath a floorboard, then jogged towards me again.

“What,” I breathed in astonishment, “just happened?” She then told me in a ridiculously long story that she used to be a Scientist, who was told they were revolutionizing the world, but found out that they desired to conquer the world, so they recognize her as someone who’s retired (and check on her occasionally). Consequently, she must modify their memories, using an invention she made recently so that they don’t ever find out what she’s doing. Amid her explanation, I realized that she should extract their memories if she could so that she could gather intel.

“That…” she grimaced, “is possible, but will require lots of effort.”

“I can help,” I volunteered, beaming at her. “I don’t want them to conquer the world either. She stared at me for a few seconds, before telling me to not take this as a joke. I fell silent – how many Scientists and creations would there be, if she had to be this dramatic?



*Anyone can change this because I’m not too sure how to carry on. I might start sort of a new chapter k? just tell me on your next post or in italics at the bottom of this.*

“NOOOOOO!” I screamed as the dead body fell to the ground. Anger boiled in me as I stood up and faced the monster with tears and hatred. “Ahhh!” I cried as I realized it had all been a nightmare. I looked around, there were the scientist and her laptops. But this…this dream seemed to be special. It felt… horrible but in a way truthful. What was this?

I decided to go out for a stroll, not thinking about the aliens and forgetting about the current state of the world. I ambled along the pathway still not noticing the giant machines stomping about me. I seemed to be blind in thought. That nightmare puzzled me deeply, I had so many questions and they kept on growing till I had enough and decided to enjoy the walk. I turned the corner and there in front of me was a house, it was familiar yet gave me great sadness and joy. I remember seeing this house somewhere. My home! I had barely any memory of my previous life until THE WAR OF THE WORLDS.

Voices were coming from my home, which was like my parents’. My body stumbled towards the pile of rubble being lead by my heart, but my head disagreed and thought it was dangerous. Anyway, I ended up in the house. But something wasn’t right, this was all rubble a second ago. I felt dizzy and collapsed to the floor.

I woke up and there in front of me were my parents being held by some scientists with a giant robot monster with a knife in his hand. “I…I thought you were dead.”

“The last time was just an illusion,” chuckled a scientist. “Now it’s time to say goodbye”

The arm of the robot monster moved up and down, right into the heart of my mum’s body. I collapsed on the floor, looking up as I saw my mother fall to the ground. Tears and emotions I never felt before, not even during the illusion rained down on me as I knew that she was gone for real now. Then I heard a slice and looked up, my father, killed.

“NOOOOOO!” I screamed as the dead body fell to the ground. Anger boiled in me as I stood up and faced the monster with tears and hatred. All of there voices suddenly became inaudible, I saw my friend, the woman rush in through the door and grab me.

I woke up with a fright, there was the woman looking at me, it had been real. I closed my eyes and was just as I said goodbye to my mother and father in my mind I realized that I had dreamed that this would have happened. Was I dreaming again? What was this? “What is happening to me?!” I screamed.



The story has become really complicated. I’ll try to make it less confusing.

Sweat was pouring off my face. What was happening. I propped myself up with my elbow. And looked around. There was darkness and, thankfully, no dead parents. I never had these kind of nightmares before. All of my usual nightmares never had any murder in it. Was this a prophecy? A kind of vision? All of these questions were swimming around in my head like fish who had drunk 10000 cups of coffee. I started to feel light-headed. Staggering out of bed, I headed towards the kitchen for some water.

When I finished pouring out my drink, I saw a movement by the window. It was another one of those ghastly tripods. Not caring about the wasted cup of water, I dashed towards the ‘retired’ scientist’s room. After waking up and seeing the panic in my face, she went to investigate. She just glanced at the tripod and WENT TO BED!!!! We could die because of her carelessness. When I finally woke her up again, she told me tat the tripod was Bob. Bob was one of her tripod inventions. Her faux tripod could fool the real tripods. Bob was the 100th test and he works!!! After hearing this, my heart calmed down. The next morning, I decided to go to the house next to us for resources. When I opened the door, I saw my parents and that monster robot from my dream. Suddenly, my mind blurred. When it cleared, I saw the monster robot dead on the floor. I had saved my parents.



Fun fact: mum means silent

How did I do that? I had no idea; all I did know was it might have not been me at all.

“You shouldn’t venture around on your own, especially during these times,” a voice told me condescendingly. Spinning around, my eyes met the scientist’s (who was clutching a smoking, electrical pistol, or something). “Agh, that was the last of my supply… Need to wait for those Scientists to visit again.”

“What happened…” another voice behind me mumbled, which I found out was my mother. Mere moments later, I was squeezing her so hard I’m not sure she was able to breathe.

“Who’s this?” the scientist asked curiously, just as my dad was groaning awake. Now, you, reader, must be content to skip ten minutes of tears, explaining and relief, or you’d be poring over random expressions for ages.

“Anyways, what did you mean by the ‘last of your supply’ or something like that?” I inquired of the scientist, ten minutes later.

“Oh, they supply me with bullets which are lethal to their creations, in case I’m attacked,” she retorted nonchalantly. “You must be starving [she faced my parents]; come in! And I’d like a word with you, young fellow [she turned to me].”

Pondering and wondering on how I’d imagined the robot, I followed the woman into a corner, where she ushered me in. To make a half-an-hour-conversation short, she interrogated me about how my parents were alive when she told me they’d been killed. Finally, she ceased badgering me and released me. That night, I had a half-dream where a scientist looming over me kept fading in and out. She was nearly identical to the scientist accommodating me and my family, but there was an unsettling twinkle in her eyes and her dull voice was hollow. It kept me awake for the whole night, after a few hours of it. Was it real or another ‘illusion?’



I came to a conclusion it was an illusion. After that thought I fell asleep soundly. The next day I found the scientists shaking me awake.

“The scientists are here,” she whispered.

I jumped up and told my parents we needed to go to the basement. We huddled there in fright jumping at any noise we thought we heard in the basement. Suddenly, we heard footsteps coming down into the basement. I quickly grabbed a crowbar and stood ready to attack anything that was coming. I heard the retired scientists coming down the stairs whispering that they are gone. I breathed a sigh of relief. I asked the scientist if she had more of those lethal bullets.

“Tons, enough to kill all those tripods,” she answered happily.

Everything went along fine until we found out that we needed more supplies. I offered to go because I wanted to take some food for myself. When I entered the shop I realised that there wasn’t any food left. Unless you count a bottle of hot chilli sauce and some gum as food. This was a disaster. I needed to go to the other shop. This doesn’t sound to bad but the problem was there was a tripod standing in front of it. I scurried back to the house and searched up the nearest supermarket. There was another one!!! What luck!!! I ventured towards the newly discovered supermarket to find it was full of food. “This was amazing,” I thought. As I got all the food I trudged back to the house to find that it was in ruins. Did a tripod attack? Did the scientist find us? I dashed into the house dodging all the ruins. I teared towards the basement door and ran down the stairs. I heard muffled sounds. I called for my parents and the scientist. As I entered the basement, I saw everyone safe and sound.

“Oh thank goodness, you’re alive!” I exclaimed.

The scientist filled me in on everything. A tripod attacked them minutes after I left to go to the new shop but didn’t see them go into the basement. After the attack they started thinking I was dead. But now that I have arrived it was obvious I wasn’t dead. I gave them the food I found and we all ate attacking the pieces of food like we were wolves. Night fell, and everyone was asleep. Everyone except me. My forehead was burning and I felt very weak. I stumbled towards the scientist’s room to ask for some medicine. But as I was about to knock darkness filled my vision and I fell to the floor.



*because Apple, you know…

By the time I’d woken up again, the sun was rising again. I found myself in the basement, on a mattress, and the scientist typing away on her Pear* laptop. Like the day when I first met her, she was hunched over it and her eyes were glued to the screen – as if I were able to watch it. I did hear some cat meows, though…

“Oh, you’re awake,” she absent-mindedly muttered. “What happened? I found you prostrate, outside my room.

“I felt ill, but not anymore,” I told her, “and do you know someone who looks like you- never mind, it was probably and illusion.” She raised her eyebrows at me, so I sighed and described the person I’d observed in my dream. Without any comment to that, she returned to her laptop and the cat meowing started again.

“Oh, and do you have a phone?” she asked unexpectedly, just as I was leaving the room; I nodded. “I’ll give you my phone number so you can contact me if you’re trouble, ok?”

My family was bustling about the building, checking all the crumbling parts of the house. Father gave me a ration of cornbread and– we probably didn’t have enough luck to find enough supermarkets, loaded with food, to survive this problem.

“Are the tripods still around here?” I asked nobody in particular.

“No, they left to do other things in a town seventy miles from here,” Mother replied.

“I’ll get some chilli sauce from a supermarket to kill some time then, if that’s ok,” I told her, to which she nodded.

On the way back to our refuge, I glimpsed a brilliant red beam streaked down from the sky into the ground. Smoke billowed into the sky, as I realised that was probably the town Father was talking about. I dropped the chilli pepper in surprise and sprinted like a fire in a forest back to report what I’d witnessed; the Scientists could probably slaughter us all with another one of those rays.



*soz guys, haven’t been able to write for some time*

I stumbled over sticks and stones, bruising my whole body. But still, I ran, my legs were turning soft, I felt faint, but still, I ran. I wanted to stop, but I couldn’t, this message was just too vital. I tripped over a humongous oak tree in the middle of the pathway, “What was it doing here?” I looked around. “What?!” The land… it was… moving, “Was I still running? No, the tree was still there” The Earth shifted violently causing me to bang my head on a rock. I started seeing things, giant monsters with land on their backs, stood on somewhat 15 larger than a building legs. They looked up at where the last ray had fired and then all of a sudden everything went black. I woke up again and looked at my watch, “I was asleep for 3 hours!” I started running again. “Wait, I never had a watch! I looked down again, it had gone!” I thought it was just my mind since I had banged my head which I surprisingly knew how. I remembered the giant land monsters as well. But not surprisingly I thought that I had been unconscious and was dreaming, but unlike I would know, this was all true, everything I saw, did was real. I ran back to our refuge, but I had forgotten what to say, I didn’t remember. My memory of the ray had been cleared…



Suddenly, the ground started shaking. Something was rising up in the distance but I didn’t want to know what it was. It started coming towards us. I started shouting at the scientist and my parents to run. They just stood there doing their daily stuff. The scientist finally gave in to my shouting and told me they were her creation.

“They designed to kill the tripods. They have the tripod-killer guns and they’re made of metals that are designed to hold of the killer ray, they look like robots with land on their back so they can hide,” she explained.

I ran this information through my head. Didn’t I have a vision about these robots?  As the robots walked towards the tripods, I trembled with excitement. Will they kill the tripods for once and for all? A blast of red ray hit one of them but nothing happened. Deafening gun shots filled and a creaking noise was heard. There was a loud thump and a tripod was down. I was getting excited. I ran over to the scientist. I asked her if she more around the world. When she answered yes I thought I would explode. Suddenly, there was a creaking noise that sounded suspicious. I turned around and my heart froze. The tripod scientists were here and heard and saw everything.

“Oh no,” I said.



I just realised we never mentioned if the narrator had siblings or not lol

“Oh, hello there, are you her ex-colleagues?” I asked tentatively, gesturing to the scientist.

“Please, like I’ve told you, call me Amanda,” she muttered sheepishly.

“Oh yes, I meant are you Amanda’s ex-colleagues?” They all nodded curtly, their dubious eyes narrowing. My legs felt much more like jelly than when I’d been sprinting home. Enquiring of me why I was so excited, I stuttered that I didn’t have to worry about being murdered in my sleep, if they were faulty.

“And you trust her?” one of the Scientists faced Amanda, after nodding at me; Amanda nodded again. “Well, it’s good to see you in one piece, especially with your little companion. We’ll be going now.” I could feel fury boiling inside me, but I narrowly constrained myself from attacking her (with every single fibre in my body). The faction of destruction filed out together as swiftly as quicksilver. Nobody uttered anything for a good five minutes, as we all processed what had just happened. Suddenly, I recalled the burst again, so I recounted my story of the ray demolishing the town Mother had mentioned – the only logical thing to do. However, Amanda (or Professor Vivian, I found out) waved the matter aside and mystically hinted that another one of her inventions would defend us. She also mentioned that the Scientists probably thought that we have had one or two encounters with their creations, so their unexpected appearance was nothing to worry about. Maybe Amanda had been thinking of something else…

That night, I dreamed about Amanda’s “invention” was defective and the radiant, red beam crushing our accommodation to scattered bits and pieces. I started awake, drenched in sticky sweat that was streaming down my back. One of my brothers (called Charlie, if you wanted to know) was also wide awake, staring outside the window. I guess I wasn’t the only person worrying about the ray thing.



when you said Amanda first thing I thought of was Britain’s Got Talent lol. P.S. This isn’t the end of the story. It would be nice if there was a twist.(✿◕‿◕✿)

The next day I went over to Amanda’s room. I knocked for 5 minutes until I just kicked the locked door open. The room was a mess. Amanda was nowhere to be seen. I panicked. If Amanda was gone who would defeat the scientists? I ran into the kitchen and found her hunched over her computer. Her eyes were wide open with excitement and she was typing frantically. When I tapped her she spun around like a little child about to ride an AMAZING rollercoaster.

“There’s no tripods LEFT,” she confided with me excitedly, “All of them destroyed AND all the Scientist bases are destroyed!!!!!!”

“THAT IS AMAZING,” I exclaimed.

All of the scientists and tripods dead means FREEDOM. I watched Amanda’s computer screen there were little screens showing people emerging from their hideouts and dancing around. They weren’t scared because they saw the tripods defeated. Laughter was ringing through the world. Everyone was having parties with what was left of the food. Over the next few years, scientists that escaped were locked up and the world was rebuilding its economy again. The world has got rid of any other abominations from the scientists. Amanda now is now in charge of the country that we’re in(England) and I was invited to be President of America!! I told them that I’ll think about it. Because the tripods have made many animals extinct and has increased global warming, Amanda is currently working on those tasks. Global warming has been destroyed and Amanda has nearly brought all the extinct animals that the Tripods killed. But she’s also bringing the ones WE destroyed as well. We are kinda cruel, right?



it was just a random name I thought of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. plus do u know any other similes for quickly other than ‘like a cheetah’ or ‘like a bullet’.

“I brought a strange animal, today,” a jaunty voice called out, somewhere in our simple home one uneventful day.

“What is it?” I inquired of her curiously, only to hear silence. Had something happened? Surely, after months of suffering in this building (which had only ended a few years ago) something hadn’t happened *again?* No, it was probably her being fascinated about something like how I’d found her over her computer. Watching cat stuff. I chortled, before following where her voice had come from, still postulating on why sh- then my blood stopped. A shrill shriek dominated my ears and the air. Like wildly flapping wings, I darted towards Amanda’s cries, to find her knocked out on the floor, in a grotesque puddle of scarlet blood and a creature sitting in the middle of it. The thing was [REDACTED]. What?

Coincidentally, I’d flicked through a dictionary yesterday and found ‘chimera’, meaning something to do with some animal with half something and half something else or a Greek mythical creature. The animal – possibly not even an animal – probably didn’t pass either of the criteria, but it sounded cool, so I named it that anyways. Now, oh, right, Amanda. Unsure of what to do, I grabbed a box of bandages nearby and some clothes only to find that somewhere the blood had been clotted and the chimera had [REDACTED]. After all that, I finally took some time to comprehend how strange the animal was. Why didn’t I do that first? Why name it first? I honestly don’t know…

Amanda didn’t wake for an hour after the attack, but the chimera didn’t do anything but nod off on the settee. Particularly strangely, another animal appeared behind the sofa, behind the window. It closely resembled my newfound pet animal, except its eyes were red. And its skin was pale. Its eyes had an unsettling twinkle. Just like Amanda’s counterpart in my vision.



Lapping up blood calmly? That’s so dark. Why do I feel like its just thinking Oh it’s some Kool Aid. Max, that bit nearly made me throw up. Anyways, there other similes are as fast as lightening, as fast as a hare, as fast as thought and that’s all I could think of. Also the chimera is so strange I wonder if it is an alien.

My chimera started following me everywhere and it freaked me out. The pale one just sat by the front porch and started being our personal, freaky guard dog. The one that drank Amanda’s blood stares at me 24/7. WHY WON’T IT GO TO SLEEP?! Is it plotting to drink my blood as well? I bought a cage last week for it but its claws just sliced it apart like butter. I really want send it to space so it won’t kill me. The pale chimera was literally harmless. It looks so creepy though. The red eyes seem to be saying, I’m the boss. The pale does literally nothing. It just watches the people walk by and intimidates shady characters. Amanda has NO PRBLEM WITH THEM THOUGH!!!!! She doesn’t even get freaked out when the pale one stares at her. She does stay away from the dark one though. It’s like an adorable dragon. Cute but deadly. I was walking home from the doughnut shop when I saw Amanda waving at me like a maniac. I thought the dark one was attacking again so I ran all the way to her bedroom.

“Look what I found! Isn’t it adorable?” cooed Amanda.

She was holding the cutest baby dragon in the whole entire universe. Then I when I went downstairs I saw that her had ripped apart the settee and frightened the wits out of the chimera pets. Is this a mythical animal zoo or a house? I don’t know. I hope it isn’t the zoo one.



sorry i wont mention that part again. i replaced it with ‘redacted’ if that makes u feel better :p rn I have no idea what the twist should be – how much longer do u want to make this? Idm. And whats our characters name I forgot if we mentioned it :v

The “pets” might as well tear the entire house down if we kept finding more and more. If the dragon could even petrify the chimeras, it was probably going to be a gargantuan hassle to take care of it. Unless they sat by the window or something and did absolutely nothing suspicious all day apart from staring; ye-yeah, I’m fi-fine with tha-that. One hundred per cent. Absolutely. No objections at all. Coincidentally, I found an extra-fluffy, tabby cat underneath the – well, somewhere. As long as no more harrowing creatures appeared, I’d be fine. And there was (and still is) a 99% chance I jinxed myself, like the other kids said when I was at school all the years ago. *Great* memories, only negatively.

Nothing much else happened that day: sure, we learnt the cat was immune to fire the adorable-baby-dragon-thing breathed, which also didn’t damage anything but that was completely expected, wasn’t it? The next day, I felt some massive heat on my face which, somehow, managed to clue my eyes shut for at least fifteen minutes. After finally being able to open them, I found a blazing inferno dancing in the forgotten hearth without any wood, next a certain dragon dancing with it. I grinned with the pleasure of the warmth and remembering Treffie Rinket from some movie saying, “[gasp] That is mahogany!”

“Someone! Come down! The newspaper just came in!” I heard Amanda yelling from downstairs. Like a deer, I leapt down the stairs, snatched whatever she was goggling at out of her hands and skim-read it until a certain headline, saying that “a mythic creature resembling a baby dragon you might find in fairy tales [had] bolted from beneath a collapsed building and whoever found it receive a million pounds.” My head was swimming: why weren’t dollars being exchanged, what was the animal doing and how did Amanda find such a charming thing on its own?



soz guys again XD didn’t write for like 10 years, anyway, I had an idea that maybe we could say that this Amanda person’s soul was trapped away and this wasn’t actually her, just someone controlling her physical body. plz reply

‘Amanda will escape soon, we must stop her’ leaning closer to the door I heard something that baffled me. Why would Amanda escape, did she think we were the enemy? I leaned even closer. ‘OOF’ I fell through the door into the room, everyone jumped at the sight, the pain in my back was just terrible. ‘Oh no, OH NO NO NO’ I thought as I thought how much trouble and embarrassment I would be in when everyone noticed. ‘Ahh, Jim, nice of you to join us’ ‘How did he know my real name? I was nicknamed the narrator’ The puzzling look on my face must’ve made him realize and he corrected himself and apologized. Why were they acting so sus?

This spooked me out the following night, everyone was acting strange, no one talked to me and everyone seemed to be so worried.


(max) maybe they’re both struggling for control or something then

(LUKE) hmm maybe, that’s up to Anna to decide.

(Anna)this is all too confusing. suddenly this happens then a TOTALLY different thing happens. help.

(max) true. maybe a few more posts then we can introduce that idea/a different one? plus maybe you shouldn’t use “sus” in writing like this. im a bit confused too ngl at the name part



At midnight I heard the front door banging. I also heard the sound of fighting. Suddenly, there was a high pitched yowl. I ran downstairs to see that the pale chimaera had teamed up with the dragon and was tearing the dark one apart. Well, I could see that the dark chimaera (now officially known as ch1maera) put up a good fight. The opposing team had dark slashes on the sides. Without thinking, I grabbed a book and hurled it at them. The ‘animals’ dodged it but sat down calmly like nothing happened. Tiredly, I climbed back into my bed and fell asleep. The next morning everyone was in a panic.

“Can’t I get any sleep on a Sunday morning?” I moaned.

“Be quiet, the ch1maera is dead!” wailed Amanda.

“Not surprising, the dragon and the pale one teamed up on it. Probably because the ch1maera was horrible to them or something,” I yawned.

Amanda stared at me in disbelief.

“You saw them FIGHTING?!? Why didn’t you tell me?” Amanda cried out.

“It was 1 in the morning for goodness sake!!! Why do you care for it so much? It drank your blood! You needed to go to the hospital!” I retorted angrily.

Amanda just stared at me and ran off.

“Typical,” I muttered and fell asleep.

I woke up at 12 and got ready to have some lunch. Whilst I was eating my McDonalds, the ch2maera(the pale one) and the dragon were staring at me with curiosity. I wasn’t hungry so I chucked my fries and chicken nuggets at them and went off for a walk. I came back 5 minutes later because there wasn’t anything interesting around. I was confused because Amanda normally sits in the kitchen and watches boring science videos on YouTube on a typical Sunday. I just realised that I have used the word ‘typical’ a lot today. I waited for 2 hours for Amanda. I started to get really annoyed again. I think Amanda only cares about her ‘precious’ animals. I felt hurt because I helped her put an end to the invasion of the evil scientists. At 9:00 Amanda FINALLY arrived home. I was about to leave the room when I realised that had reached her hand into her pockets and pulled something out. I realised that Amanda had a lifeless look in her eyes.

“Amanda are you OK?” I asked tentatively.

“Amanda doesn’t exist anymore,” she simply answered and lunged forward with a knife forward in her hand.



She managed to leave a gaping gash extending across my entire arm before retreating again.

“What…” I murmured, unable to understand what was going on. Where did she go? How did this happen? I had a brief idea that the Scientists had done this, but they had already been defeated – right? Unless they were still there, but keeping a low profile or something… But could they really take over humans? I shuddered as I contemplated on all the possibilities, before arming myself with a knife and tucking a tranquillizer-loaded pistol in my pocket. ‘Her’ malevolent eyes narrowed at the knife in my hand, as they gradually turned red. I couldn’t even mutter anything. “If you do anything, I’ll stab you!” I yelled. She shook her head violently before turning around for a few seconds. I took my opportunity and shot her in the arm.

The rest of my family rushed back home from outside (after a day of whatever they were doing) to find out what the commotion was all about. ‘Amanda’ made an inhumanely piercing shriek before collapsing on the ground, as the dragon and the remaining chimera backed away. I thought about babyish cliches that could be omnipresent – the mythical creatures could sense some strange aura or something. Unexpectedly, Amanda ambled through the front door.

“Well, sorry that I was a bit late but-” she announced cheerfully before noticing the ‘Amanda’ on the floor. “Well. What happened here?”

“I thought… that was you?” I stared at conscious Amanda bemusedly.

“Umm, didn’t your parents tell you I was going out on a hike?” she stared back at me. “Besides, we need to get you patched up,” she stared from my arm to the knife ‘Amanda’ was still clutching. I realised that she was the one from my ‘vision’ or dream, except with some makeup or something to liven up her complexion. ‘That’s why her eyes seemed lifeless…’ I thought as I traipsed upstairs with all of them.



That night I didn’t want to go to bed, ‘What if that I have another nightmare and then it will come alive again?!’ I thought of all of the bad things I could dream of until I forced myself to stop in case I started dreaming all of these things. In the end, I fell asleep, and fortunately, I did not have a nightmare, but there was another nightmare that day.

I woke up to the sound,

‘STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER’, I thought that something was going on through my head so I waited a bit until I heard screaming and someone calling my name. Now I knew that this was not something in my own head but something actually happening. I leaped from my bed and dashed towards the door, banging into it, but I forgot that you pull it not push it, so it took another few minutes to open the door itself.

I finally reached the bottom of the stairs, everything was silent again, but there was a mess all over the room. ‘What happened here?’ I wondered. I thought I was too late as I took so long to open a simple door. I rushed around the house until I came to the back door. The door was open, and there were footsteps leading in so I followed them. I followed them all the way into my room and saw me, attacking Amanda, “STOP” I screamed but they couldn’t hear me so I ran towards them but something was stopping me from getting to touch them. Then the curtains opened violently almost making them rip. Outside, it was night, a dark night with a full moon. Then the clock turned on, it was midnight, but the date, it wasn’t today…



Do you still remember that the ch1maera is dead….

I froze when I saw the clock. The date today was 27/03/2001 but the clock said 30/06/2001. Was this the future? I tried to scream for help but the shock wouldn’t let me open my mouth. Rude. I was stuck to the floor in horror. Suddenly, my vision swirled and I woke up with a gasp. I was on the floor with a painful bruise on my head. Perfect. My door swung open and I noticed the dragon trotting with the ch2maera by its side. I groaned and proceeded to PLAN A which was climb on top of the wardrobe until they went away. The moment I had clambered on top of the wardrobe Amanda came in with a Nintendo. She looked around until she saw me on top of the wardrobe hiding.
“Umm, why are you on top of the wardrobe, you do realise we’re not playing ‘The Floor Is Lava’?” Amanda said.
“Shh, I’m hiding from those two…” I whispered.
Amanda rolled her eyes and ushered the two monsters out. Once they were gone, I jumped down back into bed. Amanda sighed and went back downstairs. I was about to reach for my eye mask when Amanda came back in with something in her hand. She swung her hand up and revealed a huge gun. She pointed it to the bed and pulled the trigger. Suddenly, the warm, comfy bed turned into ice!!!
“What was that for!!!” I screeched.
“We’re going to a theme park in 10 minutes,” she said calmly.
I was puzzled. Normally Amanda went for walks in the woods or went to the beach for sand + water + shell samples. I was stomping(because I was tired)down the stairs when I heard a yowl coming from my bedroom. I dashed over there and found that the dragon had tried to sneak back into my bedroom but I had shut the door on its tail. I sighed and opened the door to see blood everywhere in my bedroom. I groaned loudly because I would have to clean it up. When I was about to leave I saw the ch2maera crouching on top of the wardrobe with a huge wound in its shoulder. As I was about to near the ch2maera, the animal jumped down into my arms with fear in its eyes. Its reaction scared me because it never jumped in my arms. I dashed out dragging and carrying the dragon and the ch2mera. As I was about to shut the door I heard something.
“Where do you think you’re going?” said TWO dull voices.



my bad, changed the bits about ch1mera. was also thinking that the trip to the theme park could be a break of some sort, then when they’re about to leave something happens

“Amanda!” I shrieked at the top of my voice before subconsciously reaching into my pocket, pulling out a loaded gun that hadn’t been there before and shot the two dull voices’ sources before they could do anything. Surprisingly, I heard two thuds (I’d closed my eyes) and found two people who seemed like the Scientists…

“Yes?” Amanda finally responded, still quite calm for whatever reason, peeking her head around the door. “Oh dear…” she muttered, “what has happened now?”

“Well, I heard two voices behind me and shot them. They do seem like the Scientists, don’t you think?” I answered, as her face became a dark thunderstorm.

“We shouldn’t assume who people are because of their appearance-”

“But I didn’t even look at-”

“Okay, but next time at least take a glance at them before you shoot them with your apparent previously-non-existent.” That shut me up. “Well, I could check them for signs of being Scientists – they used to have a logo if they still do…” Amanda lifted the invaders’ dandelion white cloaks and muttered, “Aha. They seem to be the opposite of the Scientists – they have a green logo instead of red.” I pondered about what this meant – sure, red could mean bad and green mean correct or good, but it also symbolised sickness, but then again it normally meant positive attributes like independence. “They might have simply changed their logo’s colour though… Next time try using a tranquillizer or something and we can question them.” I gave a thumbs up in response. “Well, anyway, about that trip to the theme park…” And in around half an hour, we were ready to go to the theme park of all places in the car, with my family and some of Amanda’s old friends (who she apparently talked to while watching cat videos. Very good to know).



lol. cat videos…that’s what I do when I call my friends.

After we got some Mr whippy ice-cream with 4 flakes and 3 types of sauce with 5 types of sprinkles, 5 sticks of candyfloss each, 6 toffee apples, 3 lollypops, 9 bags of sweets each we had a serious case of sugar rush. Everyone except me actually. I am the only person who can’t get sugar rush because I ate lots of sweets in my childhood. As everyone stumbled towards the exit, a rollercoaster made a groaning sound and started falling towards them!! I screamed the news to my parents and Amanda and her friends. We all ran as fast as we could. I looked around and saw everyone was out of the way. Suddenly, someone started screaming Fluffy. I looked around wildly until I saw a confused dog that was about to be crushed by the falling rollercoaster. I started running but my dad got there first. He grabbed the dog and tried to run but he got his leg stuck underneath a huge pole. He threw the dog to me. Luckily, the dog wasn’t too heavy. I thrust the animal into Amanda’s hands and started sprinting towards my dad. There was a rumbling sound and the rest of the rollercoaster collapsed. I froze. Panic washed over me like icy water. I sprinted like Usain Bolt the rest of the way.
“Dad can you hear me? Dad? Dad, answer me!” I whisper/wailed.
The metal didn’t stir or even twitch. I took three deep breaths and started digging into the metal. I came across a foot and started digging more ferociously. I came across the rest of the body and started shaking Dad. Amanda came over.
“If you keep shaking him like a magic 8 ball he will die. You would permanently damage his brain and his brain won’t be fit enough to fix his injuries.” she said.
I reluctantly stopped trying to wake him up and called 999. I held my breath as the paramedics gently lifted dad onto the stretcher and carried him away. I tried to jump on to the ambulance but the paramedic said there was no more room since my mum has occupied the space. I started into space as the ambulance’s siren was getting fainter until I couldn’t hear the weoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoe sound anymore. Amanda came and put her hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off and went over to the car. I started the car and left without them. I’m was very sad OK? I need my own time. At 10:00, Amanda and her friends finally arrived but, well, I didn’t care. I was playing with the ch2maera and the dragon. They won’t leave me alone so I decided to make the most of it. They are kinda adorable when you get used to them. Suddenly, there was a piercing scream and lots of shocked swearing. They’re adults OK? Not kids.



why ru guys writing so like, sarcastic? U guys are lucky to see the worst piece of writing below rn 🙂

Suddenly, everything disappeared around me, everything went black, but this isn’t like a normal story. I could think, I could feel everything around me, it was like I was blind, but at the same time I wasn’t. I could sort of imagine everything around me. Suddenly I heard shouting, “SON!”,

“dad?” I called, no reply just the word “son” came back every time.

then I heard a voice “hello” a different, creepy sounding voice. It sounded, sounded, sounded like, hmmm, ah yes it sounded like Amanda, but different.


“no im here sister” replied the voice

“Im a scientist, and we will RULE THE WORLD HEHE”

“no it can’t be” Amanda’s sister was a scientist? Does that mean Amanda was one too???

And like normal I woke up in my room, in our house, everything was normal, we were about to go to the fair again, no one understood me. They were shocked and tried to attack me. I was so confused. I ran into the toilet and locked the door. I turned to the mirror to see what’s wrong with me, maybe it was my hair. But no, A SCIENTIST STARED BACK AT ME. I hit myself, the person did the same. I moved left, it did as well. I cleaned the mirror, still the scientist. “It can’t be, no, this isn’t happening” I was… a. .. SCIENTIST NOW?!



i don’t think we should use “I woke up and it was all a dream”, its rather cliché.

I started gasping in shock; still, Amanda had been one of the Scientists but she was a good person – right? If Amanda had kept an “undercover” identity while still staying calm, watching her cat videos… I chuckled: maybe we should watch some together in the future. I then realised that when I thought I had become a scientist, I just had a lab coat stuffed to the brim with empty bottles and some strange substances, some fuzzy white hair, a pair of glasses – all the stereotypes – and a new pair of jeans. Perfect! I’d been wanting some new trousers, or just any new clothing, ironically. The dandelion coat didn’t look too bad on me, either. And I’d panicked so much…

“Hey, Amanda, guess what happened,” I yelled exuberantly.

“Sorry?” I heard a muffled reply from somewhere.

“I got new clothes! We don’t really need to go shopping now.” Silence. I guess she was just confused, because moments later she was standing outside the bathroom door, panting. “What’s up with you?”

“I was just jogging downstairs,” she explained briefly. “Anyways, where’d you-” her eyes widened. “No… no no no no… don’t tell me you’re…”

“Wait, please, let me explain,” I tried uttering soothingly. “I woke up as this, and I had a dream where two people were plotting to ‘rule the world’, and they both sounded a lot like you, except one was different and I think she was your sister.”

“My sister?” Amanda’s eyes seemed to augment into round apples. “So, you woke up, ran to the bathroom and found yourself like this.”

“Yeah, I was just thinking about how the lab coat and jeans looked-”

“Labcoat and jeans? Where?” she interrupted. “You’ve got very different clothing to that.”

“Wait so you can’t see what I’m wearing?”

“No… you have some weird hairstyle and an outfit very similar to… a friend of mine…”



I’m a genius(maybe not). I managed to connect The strad story with this. lol

“Well, who is this friend of yours,” I asked curiously.

Amanda watched me with sadness.

“He was one of my best friends, sadly he was the one who brought up the idea of destroying the world…He had escaped last night….it was on the news,” Amanda said, unable to look into my eye.

I groaned. I can’t have a few moments of peace. Near world destruction, check. Mythical creatures tormenting me, check. Evil versions of ourselves trying to kill us, check. Dad died in an unusual death, check. I’ve seen it all. Just as I was about to scream with exasperation, my phone rang. I waved Amanda away and she shot me a glare for being treated like a servant.

“Excuse me, your dad is truly dead…We couldn’t save him,” said the other person.

I gasped.

“Another heartbreaking thing is that your mother had died of an asthma attack…She went on a walk to calm herself but inhaled too much pollen, I am sorry,” the person sad sadly.

I hung up the phone with trembling hands. Why did this have to happen? No one else had to suffer all of this! Y

“Yes, but thousands of people have lost more loved ones than you have!” Amanda called.
I cringed. I must have said it out loud.
“We’re going to the water park today!” Amanda called out.

I covered my face with my hands and groaned. What will happen next. Does someone drown? The building collapses. Trouble always seems to find me!
It was actually fun and we went back home with slightly wet hair. Amanda didn’t notice, but I saw a small glowing light that was opening up. And we plunged straight into it…

I woke up with a dizzy head. Amanda was already up and was shaking me. The car was in ruins. We had somehow survived. The blue sky and fluffy clouds confused me. When we were going home it was already night! We had spent a day at the park!
“Welcome fellow aliens! We haven’t seen many of you since Alice and Bob and John had visited and that was years ago!” A booming voice called.

“Uuuhhhh, Alice…Bob…John…errr…who?” I asked, obviously puzzled.

“You know, the grim reaper and the magical girl but isn’t a witch and the human boy!” the voice said.

“Nooooooo,” I said with thoughts rushing through my head.

“Doesn’t matter, my main concern is that you are hurt and we need to treat you!” the voice said.
I groaned and struggled to stand up. The owner of the voice was a slightly plump man with magnificent glossy riding boots. He had a twirly moustache and had a gleaming crown upon his head.
“Wow, a king, I mean what an honour to meet you, uhhhhh,” I said taking a bow.
“Benjamin Doodle Candyfloss FatBoi Crownella, but Ben is cool,” he said in a nonchalant voice.
I was amazed about how he hadn’t all those air and graces I thought he would have. A few minutes later, we were in the magnificent palace dining room when a panting bedraggled servant dragged his way through, holding a basket with one lonely egg in it.
“The Cat Lord is attacking!” he managed to shout before fainting onto the floor.
“Assemble the forces now!” the king ordered, obviously worried.
“Who is the Cat Lord?” Amanda asked.
“He is an evil cat who belonged to a kind witch. He had drunk one of the potions by accident and was able to turn into a human when he pleases. The potion had negative effects on him and turned him evil and dangerously ambitious.” the king quickly answered.
I was calm.
“Amanda, do you still have your weapon case with you?” I whispered.
“Wha-ohhh, good thinking,” Amanda answered and pulled out a huge case out of her small coat pocket.
“Are these swords, because we would need them!” the king asked anxiously.
“No, but they will sure scare this fishy Cat Lord off,” I said smirking at my discreet cat joke.



do you want to connect the two stories? like intertwined histories or something

Opening the case, I found nothing but fish inside it, a picture of a cat, a videotape and a videotape player.

ㅤ“So, the contents change to suit the situation we need them in?” I asked bemusedly.

ㅤ“I suppose so,” Amanda replied, a bit baffled as well.

ㅤ“Hey, there aren’t any swords there!” Ben the ‘fatboi’ panicked. “How are you going to defeat such a cunning and mischievous creature as the ultimate Cat Lord?”

ㅤ“You don’t need to worry, king, majesty, sire-” I said soothingly.

ㅤ“Call me Ben, or Benjamin Doodle Candyfloss FatBoi Crownella, but any one of those you just said also work,” he returned smugly.

ㅤ“Ok, then, Ben, listen up: you don’t always need to attack by force,” I winked at the blinking dim-witted man before sighing. I took no notice of him for a few minutes and slid the video tape into the videotape player, then played it. Then I had an idea, unlike the exceptionally perplexed Benjamin Doodle Candyfloss FatBoi Crownella; it wasn’t the best with such a specific kind of clip to show this Cat Lord person, but it would have to do. Amanda seemed to have an idea too, as we nodded at each other like we were in some cartoon before sprinting off. Ben chased after us, panting furiously and yelling something about armour. While we’d been conversing, the meagre “forces” had gathered at the door to the back of the house, probably anticipating the. I remembered that there hadn’t been anything behind the house – upon my first inspection, at least. Finally, the door slowly creaked open on its own slowly, revealing another world, as all the forces fled in fear. It was a new universe, it seemed, made entirely from sweets and mainly dotted with sugar cane trees. I started quivering, as Amanda started pacifying me by stating that the Cat Lord’s actual prowess and splendour were probably being over-exaggerated. I felt a bit calmer after that. A bit.

ㅤㅤㅤBen’s army hadn’t returned yet – I assumed that they were all cowards, and it was me and Amanda against a creature we barely knew anything about. Finally, I had my first look at it as the Cat Lord prowled into view: it was a cat. Not much else to say about it. Until it turned into a human, after ten seconds of a grotesque transformation. The human then turned back into a cat again. It was a bit smaller now. Then it grew again. Strange. Amanda and I paced out in wonder, still observing this beast; after all, we didn’t have any weapons or armour, which Ben had probably been saying we needed. The beast ripped a gargantuan bottle of coke twice its size before chugging it all down and tossing the bottle aside, not leaving a single drop. It then proceeded to let out an immense burp. A mini army of cats appeared from the bottle, somehow

ㅤㅤㅤ“Hey! Down here!” I yelled impulsively. As it reached down with its fleecy paws, I dived to the side, narrowly missing the fist. I glanced over to my right and gave Amanda a thumbs up, which she returned with a feeble smile. I checked my pockets before realising that Amanda had the videotape but I’d left the player at the door – it had been far too heavy for me to carry. Like my life depended on it, I dashed back and heaved the burdensome thing. “Amanda!” I cried; she understood what I needed from what I was carrying. The videotape spun like a frisbee through the air as I caught it and jammed it dramatically into the minuscule player, which produced a colossal screen from nowhere, lifted it into the air and faced the Cat Lord. As the nuisances they were, the mini cats started chasing after it as if we were playing a game of fetch. The video of Hideous Thomas the Cat Theme Ear rape blared whilst I covered my ears with my hands, squeezed my eyes shut and soon heard a tremendous thud. When I peeked again, the Cat Lord had fallen on the ground, the cat army vanished as they span around dizzily and Ben’s army reappeared, cheering loudly and patting themselves on the back. We may as well have filmed a movie’s battle scene, everything seemed so dramatic compared to what had happened if you summarised it.



whoever took over from me nearly deleted my work!!! >:( It’s Ok. Anyways can we do like a bit in the story where Amanda and the narrator travel through games?

I can’t believe it! We survived this battle with only a video and our minds. I’m still vexed that the soldiers were acting like they did all the work. I sighed and turned to Amanda. She, for some weird reason, was playing Pac-man on her Gameboy!! I was astounded!!! Why did Amanda start playing Pac-man? I went over and found the Cat Lord lying on the floor. He was the original cat size so I could pick him up. I slung him over my shoulder with ease and started trudging towards the portal entrance. The soldiers were still congratulating each other. I turned to them and they fell silent. They obviously knew that they didn’t do anything but just wanted to make a show in front of the king. I rolled my eyes and ran forward to Amanda. She was frowning at the screen.
“Amanda? Don’t worry, it’s just a game!” I said brightly, thinking she had lost.
“No, that’s not the problem! Pac-man won’t move and keeps staring at the screen!” Amanda answered worriedly.
“It’s just a Gameboy!” I said, still bright.
“No, it’s not that…it’s…it’s…never mind,” Amanda muttered.
I shook my head. Amanda wasn’t usually like this. Before I knew it, I had reached the king’s palace.
“You have defeated the Cat Lord!” the king congratulated.
“You have done nothing except run!” the king glared at the soldiers.
“How did you know?” I inquired.
“I watched you all, and my soldiers have done NOTHING!” Ben fumed.
Suddenly, there was a rumbling noise. And there was darkness.
“Wakka wakka wakka wakka,” rumbled through the darkness.
“Oh no, we’re in PAC-MAN!” shouted Amanda.
The ‘wakka’ sound was getting ominously closer. There was yellow in the distance.
“Run!” I shouted.
Amanda immediately legged it.
“WooO WoOO WoOo,” sounded through the darkness.
“The ghosts!” Amanda cried.
Flashes of red and cyan were getting closer. Closer. Closer. Amanda closed her eyes. I huddled on to the floor.
“Weoeoeoeoeoeo woop woop,” echoed around the maze.
“Alright, who’s coming for some pellet burgers?” called out Pac-man.
“ME,” called out everyone.
“You better stay behind Pinky, just in case the game starts,” said the red ghost.
“Yeah,” called out everyone else.
Amanda tiptoed up to me.
“Don’t you realise that all the other characters are boys…No wonder they want to leave her out…It’ll be awkward,” Amanda whispered.
“lol, I would do that,” I whispered back.
Amanda kicked me in the shin.
“Owwww, why did you do that?” I hissed.
“You wouldn’t like to be left out would you?” Amanda muttered angrily.
“Hmmm, true,” I admitted.
I had to admit that. Leaving out someone just because it would be awkward was horrible. If I was that big I would have kicked them. Just as Amanda had done to me. I had a feeling of anger just rising up in me.
“EXCUSE ME,” I yelled.
Amanda grabbed me.
“Shut up, they’ll hear you!” she hissed.
“Too late,” I murmured.
The ghosts were looking around confused. Pac-man was moving around trying to search for me.
“Who said that?” cyan said.
“I did it!” I shouted.
All the ghosts turned to look at me.
“No no no no,” Amanda muttered.



@Anna @Max  Hi, gl on ur writing. xD

It was strange, with three ghosts (Pinky was again being left out) from a game staring questioningly at me.

“Ahhh!” cried Amanda, terrified by the sight of the Pac-man characters.

I rolled my eyes which meant, “Just like a girl.” Amanda glared but was still frightened out of her wits.

Before anyone could say anything, Pinky cried, “I’ve got him, I’ve got him, he’s there! Suddenly, all the ghosts were transparent and turned into blue, flexible shapes.

“I ate a pellet! Now I’m going to get you!” cried Pac-man, as he ran near some ghosts. “Bonus! Bonus! Look, there’s a cherry!”

Amanda and I stared at each other wonderingly. It was weird, sitting inside a game.

“Ahhh!” screamed Amanda again. “There’s a ghost behind me!”

“Don’t worry, cry-baby,” I replied, soothingly, as I walked towards one of the pellets. “Come on, the ghost behind you- that’s Pinky- is lonely.”

Amanda screeched even louder when Inky and Blinky rushed towards her, trying to squash her in between.

I rolled my eyes for the second time and responded most calmly than ever “Pellets, sissy”


Suddenly, I panicked. No pellets- that meant death.

Before the ghosts could come any further, Pinky cried, “We’ve won! Pac man’s dead!”

“I told you to wait until we’ve finished off with those err… intruders.” scolded Blinky, separating himself from his fellow male companions, who were huddling in one spot, making Pinky bursting into tears.

“Well- I don’t mind… can’t you leave them alone?” began Clyde, looking sulky-he had sided with Pinky ever since the three ‘friends’ quarrelled. Pinky looked grateful.

“Actually, Clyde” interrupted Blinky “Inky have to have a say.”

“Have to?” grumbled Clyde, but gave in.

“What I think is that…” Inky started, but got not much further than that, because the game paused, and everyone was back in their original places.

“I’M GOING TO BEAT YOU!” declared Pac-man determinedly.

“I’M GOING TO WHACK OFF YOUR SILLY FACE!” squawked Inky, like a screeching parrot.

“I’M GOING TO WHIP YOU UNTIL YOU CRY FOR MERCY!” roared Clyde, in his rare old temper, dancing with his body.

“I’M GOING TO SMACK YOU, YOU IMP!” bellowed Blinky, blazing fiercely, flaring up again.

“Can’t I have any peace?” piped up Pinky, sighing at the argument- she was always the peaceful one.

“SHUT UP, YOU WRETCH!” demanded Clyde.

“YES, KEEP YOU MOUTH SHUT!” shouted Blinky.

“MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!” commanded Inky.

“I WASN’T GOING TO SPANK YOU, BUT I WILL NOW!” Pac-man threated, aiming a cuff at Blinky, and a blow at Inky.

All five of them, including Pac-man, glared at each other for one whole minute. Amanda and I was amazed by this peculiar squabble. Then, when another player arrived and the game commenced once again, we noticed that we were too absorbed in the feud that we were trapped inside the game!


Luke-@max, it wasn’t me plus mine got deleted too, sooo, not meh.




ㅤㅤI wondered what the game must seem like – three ghosts and one Pac-Man facing each other, one ghost in the corner and two humans just inside the mess of it all. Pac-Man only being a few meters away, the “wakka, wakka, wakka” became deafening. And it started moving towards us.

ㅤ“I’m going to catch you,” Pac-Man growled menacingly, despite the fact we’d just appeared and stayed out of the characters’ (whatever you called them) argument. Unexpectedly, it started becoming faster and faster before I noticed all four ghosts now chasing us. I wondered what would happen if we touched any of the entities, yet I didn’t want to risk it either; the entire game seemed to glitch out a bit every so often, probably meaning it was already unstable with Amanda and I in it. Touching anything would… probably break it and possibly trap us in. I gulped at the thought.

ㅤ“Since when was Pac-Man speeding up a function?” I yelled exasperatedly over the blaring noise.

ㅤ“Not sure,” Amanda yelled back, “maybe it’s a new update?”

ㅤ“Well, we need to speed up or we’re toast.” Glancing back at Pac-Man, I realised he was merely meters away from even touching us. “PAC-MAN IS RIGHT THERE! HURRY!” Amanda swiftly checked behind her, remaining oddly placid now, before grabbing my wrist, jumping behind a corner, and pressing her index finger against her lips. Opening my mouth to protest this, she swiftly covered my mouth as the sprites moved slightly jaggedly in a sense. Stunningly, they bobbed directly passed us.

ㅤ“How did you know they would do that?” I asked Amanda, stupefied.

ㅤ“They can only move in a straight line, right?” Amanda replied, simply. I thought that if that was the case, we should be able to just move to the wall the first time, but I didn’t question it. At least not aloud. I didn’t like the thought of what would happen if… yeah…

ㅤㅤFor what seemed like ages, Amanda and I were just trailing far behind Pac-Man and watching its ungainly turns and movements – whoever was controlling it must be really bad, since they ate all the cherries in the first minute or so without ‘eating’ a single ghost, then proceeded to play for an hour without completing even the first level. Gameboys weren’t that hard to play with, right? I mean, I remember playing with them for a few minutes once. I think. Perhaps not, but that’s not the point.



Suddenly, the game switched to Among Us. The player must have given up Pac-man and changed it to Among Us.

I found myself wearing a cyan outfit whilst Amanda was nowhere to be seen.

“AMANDA!!!” I called.

“Here I am, I am PINK” was a familiar voice.

“I’m Cyan!” I answered, then hesitantly shouted. “I hope you’re not an imposter!”

Eventually, we found each other in the upper engine.

“What next?” asked Amanda “I am pro at Pac-man but noob at this game.”

“Follow me!” I replied as I headed towards the security, thankful that I played this game before.

Soon, we arrived, and a began to do my task. As I looked in the security cameras, I noticed that Red was near a dead boy of Blue, then venting towards security, where I and Amanda was.

“Run!” I cried to Amanda, heading towards the Medbay Scan. “RUN!”

I scurried to Cafeteria, for I had completely lost sense of the direction where the Medbay scan was. When I turned my head around, I noticed that Amanda had GONE! Afraid that Amanda was in danger, I promptly hit the “Emergency meeting button.”

“It’s Red, Red killed Blue! I was with Pink!’ I cried in the chat.

“You’re sus, I was in Electrical all the time” lied Red.

“I saw you murdering in the security cameras!” called out Amanda excitedly.

“I was in reactor to do a task and O2” cried Green. “Cyan and Pink’s sus”

“OY!” glared Amanda.

“I was in Admin, then shield” put in Brown frustrated.

Then I noticed that Black wasn’t entering the talk.

Suddenly, I was black- I was GLITCHING!

“Ah!” I cried to Amanda, panicking“I’m lagging!”

Then, I fell into Lava. IMPOSTER WIN was imprinted on the screen, revealing Red and Black as the Imposters. I guessed that Brown skipped, both Red and Black and Green voting me, and then us voting Red. Then, a ding-dong, ding-dong sound chimed inside the game, strangely. Maybe the player wanted to change the game to Super Mario Bro, or Roblox, or something else. Maybe the player didn’t want to change the game at all. Maybe the battery was low. Who knows.



This story is turning out to be GOOD! 🙂  But mines terrible 🙂

The player suddenly changed the game to Mariokart, ‘Amanda?!’ I cried, trying to look around the racing karts of all different sizes and colours for her.

A weak voice came from around a giant, humongous monster of a kart with strangely tiny wheels, ‘I’m here…’

I found her in a corner leaning on a wall as if she had no bones looking quite pale,

‘Are you ok?!’

Amanda mumbled, ‘m…k’

I suspected that meant I’m ok but most of the vowels didn’t come out. It must have been the switching of games that made her feel ill. As soon as I was about to pick her up, but the player suddenly changed to Roblox and everything around us started disappearing and swirling. Half ‘blockish’ characters started walking and chatting to each other. I was great at some games in Roblox but terrified of others. I remembered The Mimic, it was super scary, no, it was absolutely 100% terrifying! But in real life?…

Luckily for Amanda and me, the player chose jailbreak. I was an absolute pro at this game. I had nearly every vehicle but sadly, the player was a newbie at the game and left quite quickly. I was confused as he closed Roblox and started an app called Rocket League, a ball that was too big in my opinion appeared in the centre of a playing field with a ceiling and walls. What was this game? I let the player control me as I was a car now and Amanda was one too. They could do a skill very well which was called an air-dribble, he brought the ball up the wall, tapped it off, and used something called rocket boost to gain momentum and what he called feather his boost. Suddenly right in front of my face was a ‘10% LOW BATTERY’ sign. I wondered what would happen. Abruptly everything went black, it was like I was falling into a dark abyss, and everything went silent. I could hear my heartbeat and myself breathing.

‘Amanda?’ I cried desperately, ‘Where are we?’

No reply.

A ‘dunno’ murmured from behind me, it sounded like Amanda, but the voice was all wavy like she was running out of battery too.

‘your voice sounds weird Amanda’

‘That’s because I’m not Amanda’ …


(max) what year is the story now then…

(anna) uhhh 2019? there is a virus(not the virus right now.)


*cartoon cat.
*lol loads of these*

Ding Dong!

“Charging, Charging,” a monotone voice sang out.

Bright lights flashed around us.

“Amanda?” I called out tentatively.

“Yes?” two voices were heard.

I turned around. There were two Amanda’s. They were both looking with disgust at each other.

“Are you…twins?” I asked, shocked.

“Yes, I had a twin and she was supporting the scientists,” Amanda, I think, explained. ” When the scientists were caught, she started her own scientist group is trying to take over the world as well.”

“That isn’t Amanda, she’s the fake, the evil twin!” said the other Amanda.

I noticed both of them had long white coats. I wondered. Lab coats…

“If you are the real Amanda, pass me your coats.” I declared.

They passed me it. Actually, one of them passed me it eagerly. The other one hesitated. I looked inside the coat. One of them had the green scientist logo I had seen before. The other…had a pusheen* cat sewn in the inside. I knew that was Amanda straight away. She loved cats. I grabbed the real Amanda and dragged her away.

“Well, you figured out that I wasn’t the evil twin. Can I have my coat back?” Amanda said.

“Awwww, my pusheen, I missed you!” she squealed when she saw the sewn cat inside.

I rolled my eyes. Classic Amanda with cats. Abruptly, my vision swam.
I saw darkness and lanterns. There was these terminals: Chapter one and chapter two. I gasped. I turned around. Chapter three coming soon…
A gnarled tree filled with beautiful, pink cherry blossoms…*
“Amanda…I think we’re in the worst situation possible..” I whispered.
Players were spawning everywhere. They said things like: “OMG, that was sooooo scary. ” and “I nearly woke the whole town with my screaming!”
I knew what game this was. It was the ‘Mimic’…
“Amanda…We’re goi-,” I couldn’t finish my sentence.
“Yes, I know we’re going to have to go in there, don’t talk to me like I know nothing!” Amanda snapped.
She marched into one of the two-player boxes and waited for me. I sighed and went in.
Darkness. I fumbled for the flashlight I knew we would have.
“Amanda, come on,” I hissed.
There was a swift kick aimed at my left shin but I dodged it.
“I’m coming, just wait!” Amanda whispered angrily. I started sprinting. My stamina was longer than usual. I didn’t complain. I heard footsteps behind me. It was only Amanda. We went through the door.
“OMG,” Amanda whisper-screamed.
“What!” I jumped and looked around.
“This person’s footsteps are uneven and they dipped them in blood, how disgusting!” Amanda gasped.
“Amanda, deal with it, it’s a game,” I rolled my eyes.
I carried on.
“People are still doing voodoo magic, how old!” Amanda exclaimed.
I groaned. Amanda can be really annoying at times. We sped through the school map and ended up in an abandoned city.
“Look!” Amanda screamed.
“What now,” I said drily.
“It’s an ADORABLE Hello Kitty poster, AWWWWWWWW,” Amanda gushed.
Sighing, again, I carried on. I crossed a bridge and went into this hall. I saw a pale door. I was about to open it when Amanda grabbed my arm.
“You dummy, look up!” Amanda hissed.
There was a map. And I didn’t see it. I cursed myself. I memorised the way to the key and exit.
“Ok, I memor-,” I started.
“No need! I took a photo on my phone!” Amanda exclaimed.
I sometimes wondered why I always took the hard way. I opened the door. CREAKKKKK! There was a humming sound. Footsteps.
“STOP! I’ll buy you a mansion if you leave us alone!” Amanda cried.
There was a pale woman standing in the shadows.
“Really, how may I ask? I can’t get out of this maze, I’m stuck!” she asked..
“We’ll help you,” Amanda said earnestly.
The tall lady peered at her. She nodded and signalled us to follow her. We saw a key lying on a dead man. Amanda looked at the woman suspiciously.
“Just a prop, didn’t do anything!” she said
Amanda nodded and grabbed the key. We travelled to the door. The world started swirling around us.
“Grab us!” Amanda cried to the lady.
She grabbed me and we swirled into…Flee the Facility?



ㅤㅤFlee the Facility. A game I’d played in the beta. The logo appeared as Amanda curled up behind me; probably the name frightened her or something. Or something else. Either way, it didn’t really matter. Somehow, the lady didn’t arrive with us.

ㅤ“Where are we?” Amanda asked.

ㅤ“Flee the Facility, you’ve never heard of it?” I stared at her, a bit stunned.

ㅤ“Nope. How do you play?”

ㅤ“As survivors you hack computers and escape, the beast, or ghost as you might think of it [Amanda’s eyes popped out awkwardly] has to capture all of them. There are a few other mechanics as well,” I explained briefly.

ㅤ“Oh… well hacking sounds like fun.” The timer at the top of my vision stated “13:43 | COMPUTERS LEFT: 5” and everyone playing seemed to be AFK, I found out as I scrolled through the spectate function. Convenient. Peculiarly, on the leader board, there were five cringe interesting names, even though the maximum number of players was five. Perhaps it was because the game didn’t seem to register Amanda and me – our names didn’t appear on there. At the very last minute, all the people – with rather alike avatars – came back and started searching, to my relief; at least they seemed to know how to play…

ㅤㅤFinally, the round ended. The map Facility_0, or the original map, was voted for. ‘Easy dubs’, I thought: I practically knew all the computers’ locations. The only problem was that three of the survivors left as soon as the round started. That meant five computers to hack between Amanda, me and another person. Fortuitously, Amanda and I spawned next to a computer in the purple room.

ㅤ“If you follow me and try not to mess up the hacking, we can be done with this,” I muttered. Yet, I soon found out that there was no “e” button to press when you were inside the game, therefore we kept failing. The other player came to join us, so we managed to finish that quickly – one computer down, four more to go. “You follow us?” I asked them, before also realising that my speaking probably didn’t interfere with the chat. Gradually, I heard the supposedly terrifying music and noticed the red glow on the walls, so I crawled through a vent. The door opened as I just managed to squeeze through; Amanda wasn’t so lucky. Whacked vigorously, Amanda slumped to the floor and attempted to ragdoll towards me before being dragged off. I sighed: if this beast camped, it would be particularly annoying, especially so if they trapped Amanda in the middle of the map.

ㅤㅤTo my great fortune, the “beast” led my comrade to the middle of the map. I glimpsed the other person hacking a computer nearby before they ambled over to the trapping-container-thing (whatever you called it) and crouched down. Somehow, their avatar blended into the ground. ‘Who exploits in a game like this,’ I thought aloud disapprovingly, only to discern that now it had appeared in the strangely small chat box in the top left of my sight, complete with an ‘smh’ at the end. Strange.

ㅤㅤThe beast fell into the hacker’s trap and freed Amanda (only then did I realise that players could visualise us, even though we weren’t supposed to be part of the game). They jumped off the platform, although Amanda cried out a bit, her face still smarting from where she’d been smacked and slammed the door shut behind the beast. Immediately, the four computers turned to “FIND AN EXIT”. More hacks; I couldn’t even tell whether that was good or bad for us. As the cringy line“xXCrazygamer226Xx has escaped” flashed across the screen, I met up with Amanda again and dashed to one of the yellow signs indicating an exit, opened it after much ear-splitting noise turning the down-handle-thing around and escape, Amanda following me. We both fell out of the world after, into the void, deeper into the void, yet deeper, yet deeper…



Yes, it was a miracle that the game restarted and the “E” button finally appeared on the left. What was very unfortunate was that three people voted for Library and the other two was for Homestead (me and Amanda). I did so want to do Homestead. But then, I also knew Library quite well, because I knew some sort of unguessable, spectacular hiding place in every room.

GAME STARTING imprinted the caption in bold 15 SECOND HEAD START. I, myself, found me and Amanda once again survivors. But we were not in the same starting -place, which was quite sad. I sighed, took a deep breath and tried to find Amanda.

“Amandaaaa!” I called out, ignoring the sinister echoes, which made me tremble and quiver my voice. “Amandaaaa!”

The small room was right but hidden, and the eerie shadows regularly sent shivers down my spine, giving me a worried look occasionally. With its frightening purpose, spiders’ cobwebs hung on the dusty corners, trying to freak people out, and the vacant wardrobe hid on an unoccupied, shady spot, unnoticed.

Suddenly, a red fiery glow sparkled through the wall. It was the beast. As the door started to open, I dashed to the cupboard, hoping against hope that Amanda was safe. Finally, as the light of terror faded away, I was happy-go-lucky that I wasn’t caught. Alas, Amanda was captured for her “blood” was getting lesser and lesser. COMPUTERS:1 said the board on top of the names of people and their blood. I valiantly tried to save Amanda, and I successfully did, for the Beast was hunting for someone else.

I led the excited Amanda towards the exit, for someone had already hacked the last computer. Then it said “GAVE OVER. SURVIVORS WIN 10xp”

“Yes!” Cried Amanda jumping up and down, looking cock-a-hoop.” This is the best game ever!”

“Come on!” I replied calmly, but in my heart secretly delighted that we won. “Let’s explore the crystal caves before the game starts.”



i was told luke wants me to write this one, and the game is called parkour tag – you probably haven’t heard of it before

ㅤㅤAmanda and I messed about in Crystal Cove for about thirty seconds until everybody else. The server became a bit slower before I realised why: empty servers became slower to conserve energy, before ending without affecting all the other servers. I started to panic.

ㅤ“What game do you think we’ll enter next?” I asked Amanda, assuming that we’d just be warped into another game.

ㅤ“Not sure… This game is pretty fun though,” Amanda postulated. “This has to end sometime soon though unless we’re stuck in here. Apparently, a lot of people are quitting Roblox because they don’t find it as fun anymore and moving to Minecraft. Perhaps we’ll end up there?” I thought for a while, as the world around us bugged out more and more – I hadn’t played Minecraft before, but then again it was a bit tiring spending even more time on games I’d played many times before. I grabbed Amanda and we swirled for a second time into… some game I’d never played before.

ㅤㅤMy first impression was that it was some game relating to “it”, which was a game we played at school before: the chat was filled with “____ tagged ____” and eventually “Blue is now it!” The leader board also showed two teams – red and blue – my avatar was a plain “noob” as some people may call it and above my head hovered “first-timer”. Somehow, this game had managed to register me, and my ‘username’ was ‘Player2019’. Weird.

ㅤㅤThe round soon ended, and I found (with Amanda) that there was a voting system; I picked a snowy map, as it seemed quite fun. Amanda also discovered that you could sprint, double jump, triple jump every so often and run on the walls. Everyone was teleported onto the map, I on a hill. The game mode was ‘infection’, I noticed: there was one tagger who made more and more people join their team. Amanda had spawned next to me, so we hid on the top until a person in red started trailing us. We split apart, both running on the walls. It was such a simple concept, yet I found it incredibly fun. Strangely, I found myself unable to move halfway through, before rag-dolling onto the floor as the same person in red moved past me. I could imagine their smug smirks, even if they weren’t in the game. Unexpectedly, I didn’t come back as infected: Amanda appeared next to me, and we were falling out of the world for a second time. Did the game just end or did somehow glitch out? I had no idea…



*You know what I mean

Everything was black. Like, pitch-black. Can’t-see-a-thing-black. Not-even-cats-can-see-dark. You get the idea.

“Amandaaaaa?” I called out.

“Shhhhh, I found my phone!” Amanda called out.

“Great! Let’s try to find out where we are!” I said.

“No way! I’m watching YouTube,” Amanda shot back.

“Ok ok,” I sighed.

Amanda can become very addicted to Youtube. She’s probably watching pusheen cat cartoons. Face-palm. Suddenly, the darkness started getting lighter. And lighter. And lighter. Then, FINALLY, it was bright again.


It was the best thing I had ever seen. There was a proper real landscape. Not game landscape. PROPER landscape.

“Look! There is a creepy dark house next to us!” Amanda exclaimed, very matter-of-fact.

“Wow, thank you for telling me!” I said sarcastically.

I went forward first. CREAKKKKK.

“Amanda are you coming or what?” I asked hurriedly.

I heard swift footsteps behind me and someONE pushing me forward.

“You’re always hurrying me!” Amanda said.

She then kicked me. Really hard. On the shin. For a punishment. Very painful.

“Let’s just go in now!” I said before Amanda had the chance to kick me again.

Once we were FINALLY in the hallway we saw it had a lot of dust and cobwebs. The house wasn’t very well maintained. There were objects scattered around and 9/10 all the furniture was broken.

“This must be an abandoned house,” I whispered to Amanda.

“I told you that I KNOW THINGS, I’M A SCIENTIST,” Amanda yelled, raising her voice.

I backed away, worried that she might attack me, again. I was about to trip when I saw a wooden door staring at me. It wasn’t damaged in any way except for the splatters of crimson on the bronze wood. The sight of the dreaded ‘ketchup’* brought back the memories of my families death. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and looked at my surroundings. There were lots of crosses, the one Jesus was supposedly killed on. They were discarded on the floor as though the owner didn’t want them anymore. Lots of them were snapped and when I picked one up I got a serious splinter. I yelped and held my finger very tightly. Amanda sighed and managed to get it out. My eyes started to get watery because of the pain. When I scanned the room for a cloth I saw lots of goat skulls. They were placed on a human skeleton. When I looked at them some random thoughts passed my mind. How will a human goat be born and what would you call them? Amanda went over and kicked it. She has a special talent for kicking.
“It’s plastic!” She observed.
“Do I need to know?” I called out.
I went over to the ketchup speckled door and jiggled the metal handle. Nothing happened. I jiggled it again. STILL, nothing happened. The door was locked.
“Hey, Amanda! Since you have a special talent for kicking, can you kick down this door?” I asked Amanda.
She swung back her foot and it connected on my bruise from her earlier kick.
As I grabbed a splintered cross and was about to chuck it at Amanda, the basement door creaked open.
“Well, now it’s open,” Amanda said and strolled into the basement. I hurried in behind her. As we reached the end of the dusty stairs I heard some muttering.
“I summon Satan’s spirit to come and help me,” something muttered.
Amanda looked at me and her expression made me laugh out loud. I heard some shuffling and saw a figure. It drew closer and I saw it was my worst fear. It was a nun…



She just stood there, in the light, staring at us. She was ugly, very ugly, kind of short in height, and oh… very very large in width. I thought she was pregnant until she started to run or jog towards us with that giant floppiness of skin and meat and fat.

‘Satan! Is that you?’

‘no’ I replied, but it came out a bit loud not the normal quieter no, the calmer one. Amanda walked forwards, ‘What are you doing?!’ I hissed. But, if I knew Amanda properly se would not reply. Even without a mirror I could tell my face was petrified.

‘Hey, your that person from YouTube, OMGOSH, I LOVE UR VIDS’ Amanda blurted out.

‘YASS, finally, someone recognizes me’ She called out in reply, flinging her hair back as she did making her more look more weird. But Amanda didn’t mind. Amanda loved it. Immediately Amanda flung her hair back in the same way but it was a lot cooler. ‘No, No, No’ It’s like this, once again this YouTuber flung her hair back again. Amanda copied. And before I could look away, Amanda copied it. Exactly.

But luckily for me another thought popped into my mind. So that’s why a few days ago Amanda flung her hair back… But wait, she also said something, something like ‘Satan, I love you!’ Amanda would never say something like that, I must’ve misheard her. ‘SATAN, I LOVE YOU!’ Amanda suddenly screamed at the top of her voice. OK never mind, I didn’t mishear her, at least I know my hearing and memory are still in check. Amanda ran towards this floppy person, but Amanda shoved her onto the floor and continued. There in the shadows, the whole time was. Maybe a giant monster of the devil, in flames and soo powerful. No. Just a little girl of age 7-8.

‘Satan?’ I asked in disbelief.

‘HAI’ She maybe screamed maybe shouted but her voice was SCRATCHY. Amanda was on her knees now, muttering under her breath how amazing ‘Satan’ was. I knew that Amanda would never pray to someone like this… maybe I picked the wrong Amanda some time ago? No. She was still very, very annoying. That left one more question. Was this the real Satan???



@Everyone/idk wuts Satan and it says on web https//              btw I luv pusheen cats too


I was about to drag Amanda away by the collar of her lab coat, when I noticed something eerie and strange – this was not Amanda, I briefly remembered that Amanda despised nuns, by their peculiar way. And if I was mistaken, evidence was on hand too – the lab coat had a green logo sign…

Valiantly, I kicked the fraud and the nun strongly and turned away to the darkness. My heart drummed fiercely and I climbed to the roof of one’s house. I was shaken by my boldness, I sat down on the driest place and thought: Before we did flee the facility, there were two Amandas, then, the real Amanda must be forced to wear the other lab coat for a moment, and then swapping again without my notice…This was definitely confusing!

Feeling worried, I took a good look at my surroundings – a hole, a wardrobe, a computer and a red light in the hole – we were still in the flee the facility! Feeling thankful, my mind spins around and I swiftly made some plans; all I needed to do was to make the battery low again and ask pusheen cat-themed questions to both Amandas. Yes, I had to get moving all the time to make the user charge this device, then all would be fine!



Satan is the devil.

How would I know when the battery was low though? What if the phone was never charged? Would we finally return to reality? I realised something: red light. Red light. I felt my heart pounding, just like the sound effects in the original game, as I ducked down onto the floor and barely squeezed through the gap, or ‘vent’, leaving the Beast behind. I took in my surroundings once more; I didn’t recognise this map, but it showed some resemblance to a library. ‘Must be a new map,’ I thought, grinding my teeth bitterly – navigating dim maps like these took entire eternities to learn, or even navigate for that matter.

Eventually, after what felt like an hour of the Beast being on my tail, I heard two voices squabbling about eyelashes and modern tik-tok challenges and trends. Sighing, I momentarily forgot about my pursuer and glimpsed at the top of my vision there were still five computers. Was it good that now Satan couldn’t escape with Amanda now, or bad that we might be stuck here for a while? I couldn’t tell.

“Please tell me the battery is at least becoming lower…” I prayed to, well, God, ironically. Instinctively, as I heard my rampant heart accelerating, I leapt into the room where Amanda and the girl (could it possibly be Satan? Perhaps Amanda had just been out of her mind…) were arguing and cupped one hand over each of their mouths. It felt so strange: the girl’s skin – her lips, at least – didn’t feel natural at all. Yet, I was only focused on the beast, unaware that this ‘child’, who probably wasn’t human, could take my hand and snap my neck. Amanda watched excitedly as she started muttering something about this becoming a great trend. I seemed to become a ghost, phasing through a wall and witnessing many more ghosts behind the walls (now transparent for me to spectate through). Had these people all suffered the same fate? And what had happened to Amanda, even it wasn’t her who was currently talking to this now definite Satan?


(tiger) @Max  Thx. So’s satan a YouTuber devil?

(anna) @all People…this is getting really Confusing. I’ll try my best…again…



Suddenly, there was the same monotone voice…

“Battery low, battery low,” echoed the voice.

Yes! I’ll be able to find the real Amanda! My vision was clouded with darkness but I didn’t groan as I usually do. As usual, there were two Amandas staring at me. I stared back.

“What type of cat is the Pusheen cat?” I fired.

“She is a plump grey tabby cat!” One of the Amandas cried.

“Ummm, yeah she is a tabby!” the other answered hesitantly.

“Then, how many siblings does Pusheen have?” I asked.

“Two! One of them is a sister called Stormy and one is a brother called Pip!” The same Amanda answered.

“Errrr, yeah just as I was about to say!” the other one said, sweat dripping off her face.

I held out my hand and felt the coats being given to me. The Pusheen genius had the Pusheen coat. The other had the green lab coat. I knew instantly which one was the real Amanda. I grabbed the Pusheen lover Amanda and ran.

“It was about time you realised that I was the real one!” Amanda said sarcastically.

I paused. There was a blue light glowing on the floor. There was sparkly mist dancing around it. It was a long jagged cut in the ground.

“Hey, look Amanda!” I called out.

“Cool! Let’s jump into it,” Amanda said.

“No wai-,” I frantically cried.

I tried to grab her but she leapt in. I had no choice but to follow her. I saw a plump shadow staring at me concerned. It was the king who was always under attack because of the evil Cat Lord.

“Thank goodness you’re all right! You went missing a few hours ago but we found you in the candy field!” Ben cried, obviously relieved.

I struggled up. He was right. There was sugar grass, the sugar surprisingly strong and not fragile. There was the odd buttercup made from real butter and plenty of dyed chocolate daisies that were definitely fragile. Wiping squashed butter onto my trousers I looked for Amanda. She was already up and was talking to something.

“Are you a cute girl? Yes, you are!” Amanda said excitedly.

“What is that Amanda?” I asked.

She turned around holding a cute little puppy. I peered at it and realised it was a very very lively springer spaniel. It kept trying to jump out of Amanda’s arms because Amanda’s love for animals was suffocating the dog. I looked at the dog more closely and saw that it was sparkly like that portal. It had cobalt blue eyes. This was the strangest dog I had ever seen.

“Apparently she had jumped into the portal like the one we found! She got saved but she went all glittery and blue!” Amanda piped up.

“Did I ask?” I said.

Amanda was obsessed with the dog and decided to name it Sparkles. Just saying it made me slightly cringe. I tried to persuade Amanda to change the name but she refused.

“I like the name,” Amanda said obstinately, squeezing the dog.

At least Amanda wasn’t kicking me anymore…



here goes

The very next summer, a few days after my birthday, Blig (Amanda’s other terribly named pet who could also talk) stupidly ran into a cave screaming there was a dog inside and then just disappeared.

I patted my birthday gift of trackers so you never got lost and entered the cave.

After a few minutes, complaining. ‘It’s too hot! In this stupid cave.’

‘I know it is, Amanda’ I mumbled whilst being drenched in sweat.

‘I’m not Amanda’

I paused. ‘I’m Sparkles.’

I expected to see Amanda right behind me, holding the dog up to her face and pretending she was the dog, but when I turned, it was only Sparkles. Where had Amanda gone?

‘Who said that?’ I questioned, trying to ignore the “me” sign coming from the dog’s eyes. And of course, the dog replied, but it wasn’t words–

‘WOOF!’ Suddenly from behind Sparkles a giant dog, and by giant, I didn’t mean the nearly your dad’s height dog, but a dog 4 or 5 times way larger than your dad’s height. Somehow I recognized it straight away, a hellhound. RUN. I ran and ran and ran even with the begging voice all around me telling me to stop and go back to the giant hellhound. But what I didn’t realize was that the path I was running on was a circle, so, I just ran back to the hellhound after wasting pretty much all of my energy. I didn’t realize until I ran straight past the hellhound and it licked me and made sure I was a pool of dog saliva. This definitely stopped me. As puzzled as I was I came over to the hellhound and patted it on it’s wet snout. And then I finally came to my senses, this was a hellhound, I have a talking dog, Amanda ran off into this cave screaming that there was a dog in here and just in the end she disappeared. I started on my private life and would’ve probably stood there for the rest of my life thinking about it until Sparkles finally said,

‘We better find Amanda, she seemed to have run off when you weren’t looking.’ And once again I nearly screamed because I forgot the dog could speak. I nodded, still in awe.

The search started with me screaming ‘AMANDA!!!!’ until my throat hurt so bad I could barely breath, but since I had a talking dog, a giant hellhound who was actually friendly — I could ride him, or she, the hellhound basically. Hurriedly as it was starting to grow dark I told them the plan.

‘We will ride on this hellhound here–

‘Jason’ Sparkles corrected in a tone of voice as if it was obvious.

‘Right, Jason, and you Sparkles, and of course I when my throat feels ready again, will shout and call for Amanda.’ Jason probably didn’t even understand but he was happy to be able to run around the cave. Before long we found Amanda, but I celebrated because my plan had worked. But still, something was wrong, Amanda wouldldn’t talk, she just gazed into the distance as if we weren’t even there, it was probably because she still hadn’t found Blig.

Soon I couldn’t take it anymore so I told Jason to lick Amanda, instead he licked me. Great, just great, we found Amanda and we were in a cave with no way to escort her back since she was too heavy and surprisingly floppy. I swear I had forgotten something, something about throwing something onto the ground so we wouldn’t get…



“I hate you, doge,” mumbled Amanda after some time. “I will kill you, doge.”

I looked at Amanda in utter confusion, I thought she loved Doge and thought he was cute. Strange. Of course, I could’ve been mistaken, but no one could refuse the truth in such a despising monotone voice. Things certainly had changed.

“I want Blig and Pusheen back, you hateful animal.” moaned Amanda, sobbing into her new handkerchief. “Give my things back, you hateful Doge.”

Suddenly, the puzzle made sense to me- it all fit together. Doge stole Pusheen and Blig, but then why? Doge was a popular Shiba Inu, worshipped by many Tik-tokers and YouTubers, whereas Blig was an ugly little mongrel, who despised baths, and was quite smelly. However, Pusheen was a much-loved character, and obviously, dogs detested cats, so why had doge captures Pusheen. It didn’t make sense. Then, it seemed quite impossible that Doge was in this rotten, filthy cave. But then-could he?I mean, he was apparently lost, according to the newspaper, and Elon Musk CEO, the billionaire, as well as the owner of SpaceX and Tesla, had reported him gone for two days, with no clues found but a golden sparkly trail that led to nothing. But, then, WAIT, maybe Doge was jealous of Pusheen’s growing popularity… Hmmmmm…

Jason, the friendly and colossal dog, who was licking my hand continuously, suddenly growled and backed away, then ran. I would not have noticed it until Sparkles squealed out when I was still daydreaming about doge,’ It’s here!’ In a trice, Jason and Sparkles vanished without a trace.

A commotion on my birthday. Not another, please, God, I thought.

”Bah.” was my first reaction.”Fancy leaving without their rightful owners.” when at that time I felt in wild despair… Jason gone? That meant doge. and doge must mean death.

”Cooo-eee” I cried, panicking. ”Sparkles, come here!”

Silence. A deep rumble. A canary-colored ear was visible. Then a saffron tail. A dog. Not a normal dog though. Doge. My guess was correct.

‘Doge’s here!’ I whispered to Amanda, and tugged her repeatedly on her collar.”Please try and be yourself. If we get through this alive, I’ll buy you a pusheen cat shirt, ok?”

The words seemed to have a great effect on Amanda. Gingerly, she crept up, and pounced on me, shook herself and cried, ‘Pusheen? Doge?’ And jerked my coat to death door. ”Come on, we’ll fight. WE have to get them back; Pusheen, Sparkles and Blig, all of them.”

”And Jason,” I added quickly, I didn’t want to leave the adorable, loyal dog.

Amanda nodded her head like the old days hurriedly, not wanting to know who that was, but making a right guess. ”Giant one,” she said, but no more.



Amanda marched in with her head held up high. Doge shuffled out with his ‘innocent’ face staring at us.

“I deMAND that you give back Blig, Sparkles, Pusheen and the giant one!” Amanda cried.

“It’s Jason,” I hissed.

Amanda just shot a glare at me and continued staring defiantly at Doge. Doge looked at her angry face and started backing away.

“It’s just a misunderstanding you see I-,” Doge protested.

Amanda cut across him,” I don’t care! Give back everyone you took!”

Doge looked at her again and dashed away. I heard some frantic whispering and all the kidnapped animals came out sheepishly.

“OMG, BLIG, SPARKLES, JASON, GASP PUSHEEN,” Amanda rushed forward and hugged and stroked each one of them.

All of them looked at their fee- no paws and didn’t look at Amanda. Amanda looked at them suspiciously and gave the look at them that meant ‘what happened and I know you are guilty because I’m an ex-scientist so tell me NOW!’.

“Well, after Doge kidnapped us…he told us he was lonely because the only ‘friends’ were humans but they weren’t true friends…seeing as we’re animals and we were the around him at the time he was going to take someone…he took us…we had a tea party, actually a milkshake party, we had these amazing cakes and cookies and, you get the idea! It was like Doge bought a whole bakery! Please don’t be angry Amanda, it wasn’t bad,” Sparkles mumbled.

She looked up at Amanda and did the most perfect puppy eyes that even I was feeling sorry for the animals even though I wasn’t the person that questioned everyone. Amanda took one look at her eyes and picked her up and cuddled her with many strokes and head pats which resulted in an annoyed-looked Sparkles. All the animals let out a sigh of relief. They were obviously happy that nothing happened. Doge padded forward with his head hung down but to his surprise, Amanda stroked his furry head with no trace of resentment. There was an ominous rumbling noise. Crack! Rocks started falling! The entrance was blocked. There was no way to get out. As the dust cleared and we stopped rubbing our eyes and coughing we saw that the cave was lighted up. There were some lanterns leftover from Doge’s milkshake party. But there was no trace of it. There was a huge entrance in what used to be a solid wall. Doge was as shocked as us and there was no denying it. As Amanda hurried forward she stopped. There was a large obstacle course…but there was something at the end. The was a large chest surrounded but a cage with a thick padlock. And prowling around it was a large…it was hard to make out from here but it wasn’t friendly-looking.



                Were we in some adventure game again, except in real life? Probably, but just that it wasn’t a game. Sighing, I took in the sight as my eyes adjusted to the receding light; it was just like a generic obby or some parkour – it wasn’t that difficult. At least, it didn’t seem that difficult. As I hopped onto a jagged stone pillar, I glimpsed my reflection in some murky, green sewer-like water: forgetting about everything, I was reminded of the sewer part of Break In and gave a brief smile to the encompassing gloom before hearing Doge talking.

“Do we really have to go that way?” he whined pitifully. “That creature over there is scary… It keeps staring at us.”

“You can see it?” I asked where his voice was coming from; my anxiety went through the roof as I didn’t hear a peep from Amanda, Blig, Sparkles, Jason or Pusheen.

“Yep, you didn’t know. Hmph, not a true doge fan,” he scoffed as I facepalmed. “Hey, its not my fault you never learnt about all my superdoge superpowers! Here, I’ll guide you through this with my superflying doge powers!” he yelled enthusiastically; I glimpsed the huge beast face us, probably confused what was happening at the other side of the cave. Unless he also had superdoge night vision or something. I felt myself being lifted off my feet, spun around mid-air and just managed to make out Amanda and our pets’ silhouettes also being lifted up as we all glided as one force to the other side. A light suddenly spotlighted the beast on the other side through a crack in the stone roof (was it collapsing? Why were there so many cracks in the roof…) and showed the creature. I definitely did not expect it to be an eggdog when I took a first glance at it.



eggdog, those things are… one word, ‘strange’

But it seemed to be more eggdogs stuck together with some sort of egg-glue since it looked like a normal dog but with lines of space in its body. The eggdog turned around, but the rest of it’s body didn’t, slowly the other parts of the eggdog turned revealing 10 eggdogs stuck side by side. CRACKY EGGYNOCKY PROPUI thundered around the cave almost making the ceiling collapse as the eggdogs detached from each other. But one didn’t go, it stood there with its eyes closed, focusing its eggmind. Very suddenly and very very weirdly a thought came into my mind: ’round head, SO ROUND ITS ROUND AND LIKE AN EGG ITS A EGG ITS ROUND ROUNDNESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS’, and my mind replied with: ‘calm down jamal’. I was not sure where on Earth I knew that phrase but either way an eggdog had just got that thought in my mind. Then suddenly something else popped into my mind: ‘Download simply guitar, but still I wish their was an app named, simply erase this experience from my mind’. It sounded a lot like an ad. But there was no time to think about this, eggdogs were flying or being very good at parkour towards us.



Suddenly, the eggdogs stood on top of each other and formed the sentence, “EGGIES EAT EGGNOGS.” Weird. Unexpectedly, Doge suddenly gnashed his teeth and bounced from one obstacle to another, as if he was an athlete, finally reaching the other.

“Hoi eggheads” jeered Doge triumphantly, then beckoning us over, giving us a huge wink.

The eggdogs stopped posing as “EGGIES EAT EGGNOGS” and leapt light off each other. Without warning, the eggdogs advanced to doge and made a growl in their “mouth” as if they were trying to push doge off a cliff. At last he arrived to us.

“Run!’ panted D0ge, blinking back tears.”They want eggnuggetes!’

“What?” I inquired impatiently. “Egg nuggets?’

“Yes!” replied, doge panicking. “And eggcream, eggcake, and eggbeans!”

Sparkles sulked, and entered the talk for the first time, and retorted shortly, “You forgot eggchips and eggnuts, we had them at the party.”

This time, both me and Amanda cried, “WHAT????”

“Stop whattizing whattisits whats, you whattering whaterers.” demanded doge “THE EGGBOSS IS HERE”

The eggboss must have been here, for some earth vanished as the ground rumbled and shook the surface. What did the eggboss really look like, I wondered. Hmmmmm….

“Da!” squeaked a million eggdogs piecingly. “Eggie eggs is hungry!”

That was incredibly weird but I guess it must be fascinating to watch tons of eggdogs shouting for “Egg” foods.


BASH CRASH CRACK! The ceiling of the cave had tumbled down. In its place was… a GINORMOUS eggdog floating down.

“WHERE IS THE EGG FOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!” boomed the huge eggdogdad.

All of the animals panicked. Sparkled started howling like a banshee, Blig ran around in circles, Jason started scratching himself without a break and Pusheen was muttering to itself.

“Da-Da! Eggie food now now NOW,” squeaked the eggdogs.
The eggdogdad slowly turned around to face us. Despite its size, it did the parkour obby as fast.
“STOP RIGHT THERE!” Amanda shrieked. Loudly. Nearly burst my eardrums.

Surprisingly, the eggdogdad stopped. Skidding into a halt in front of Amanda, she turned to the eggdogdad and scolded him. Like he was just a puppy. NOT a GIGANTIC eggdog that could eat us in one bite.

“You should be ashamed of yourselves! Demanding food from other people! What are you? A lazy rich person who needs people to help them with everything? If you were responsible then you would cook food for your children instead! You are a fat lazy THING, yes THING, not an eggdog, that doesn’t deserve a SINGLE thing unless you do something! Also, eating eggs? That’s practically eating your own kind! It’s very disturbing and people won’t want to be friends with eggdogs who are partially cannibals, do they? Now sit in the naughty corner!” Amanda chastised.

Everyone(including me) stared at Amanda with our mouths hanging open. We were even more flabbergasted when the eggdogdad actually went to the ‘naughty’ corner! The eggdog children started whining for food but stopped when Amanda shot them an angry look. A look that meant ‘you should stop whining or I will starve you!’ You should never disobey that look.



‘I don’t wanna be in the eggnaughty corner though.’

‘YOU DESERVE IT!’ Amanda screamed, and I was sure that that would give me nightmares. The eggdogs looked agitated as if they needed the toilet bad. They were running in circles on whatever piece of parkour they were on. One fell and cause a lot of drama.

‘HOLY EGGS HELP BROTHERS DA, HELP, EGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS!’ Every single eggdog rushed to help and even Eggdogdad even though he wasn’t allowed to leave the ‘naughty’ corner.

‘Did you just leave the naughty corner?’ Amanda said in a voice a lot like a person about to kill you who was very very calm.

‘No, I was just ermm leaving the naughty corner, I never left it though.’ Replied the eggdogdad clearly very frightened, to be honest, I would’ve been too.

‘THEN GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BACK‘ I would’ve used double capital letters and boldness but, I can’t.

BANG BANG BANG, the sound of someone knocking down a door with their friends head came from above. BOOM CRASH, the ceiling flew, like literally, it grew wings and flew away, slowly one by one the eggdogs did too, leaving the one eggdogdad afraid to leave his naughty corner. Slowly the eggdogdad couldn’t help it, but he flew away and left us with a screaming, very angry, slightly mental now Amanda.



What have I done by introducing eggdog

               The first thought I had when they all flew off (following the new rambling roof) was ‘what had just happened.’ For the next minute or so, Amanda screamed her head off until her throat disobeyed her ever-so-slightly mental commands and her voice flew off to join the roof and its army of eggdogs. My confusion turned back to why Amanda was so obsessed with sending the eggdogdad to the naughty corner – sure, it wanted egg food when it was an egg itself, but to the naughty corner? That was a bit extreme, wasn’t it? Well, I suppose he did leave without permission… Okay, he deserves a year in the naughty corner for that now.

Staring into the blue sky, I thought could discern something sparkling. Even after I’d been exposed to the light for a fair amount of time, my eyes felt like they were burning; to make matters even better, the ever-inconsolable Amanda had started to do what she did best: start hollering again.

“Why can’t we go after them?” Amanda fumed.

“Uh… we can’t fly?” I retorted curiously; perhaps she did need clinical help. All of our companions and I simply stared (since our ‘pets’ – and Doge – were the only other people or creatures we ended up in places with, I thought to call them companions).

“What if we use these elytras and rockets I found?” she was breathing deeply, before pulling two elytras and two stacks of rockets out of her minute pockets. ‘Great, we’re really in some video game – probably Minecraft or something else that has elytras for whatever reason,’ I thought miserably. After an entire childhood of desiring to be in something fun and interesting, I had become a bit tired of being in video games. Strange.



It was amazingly speedy that Amanda made 15 rocketers in a whole minute. She nodded her head as if she was going to say “Just in case, mate”. The eggdogs and the poor eggdogdad, a couple of flying komondor joined them, with a terrifying look at Amanda. They must be trying very hard to escape the “Beast” Amanda, but failed in the attempt, for they were heavy- they wouldn’t glide on the air. The worst was that eggdogdad was the heaviest of all, and his “Gliding feet” was nearly on the roof.






Boom! Amanda screeched with all her might and leapt towards eggdogdad.


The eggdogdad whimpered as Amanda slapped him whip-likely.


“I don’t want to”




“My paw hurts”


The eggdogdad finally gave in and cast a last look of freedom.




The eggdogdad sped across the room quickly, knowing the consequences if he disobeyed Amanda. Finally, Amanda calmed down and turned to us whilst gracefully floating down to the ground.

“Well, that was sorted out! Now should we drink some hot chocolate?” Amanda said calmly.

I was amazed. Amanda wanted to drink hot chocolate now? After she had shouted at this huge eggdogdad?

“Ooookay?” I answered, worriedly.

“Right, you stay here YOU HORRIBLE PART-CANNIBAL, and now Sparkles dear, which cafe should we go to?”

Sparkles whimpered and wouldn’t answer. I wonder why? Amand waited patiently until all her patience ran out. There wasn’t much of it.

“Sparkles, did you hear me?” Amanda demanded.

“Yess,” Sparkles said cautiously.

“Now ANSWER MY QUESTION,” Amanda said, raising her voice.

“Can we go to the new cafe? The one by the sparkly waterfall?” Sparkles muttered.

Amanda nodded and signalled us to follow her. Everyone – including me- stayed a good distance away from her, afraid that she might fly into another one of her tempers again. When we reached the new cafe, our eyes drowned in the bright colours that were used to paint the building.
“Is it just me or the colours are making me blind?” Amanda inquired.

“The colours are making me blind too,” I muttered to her.

Amanda shook her head and strolled in.

“Give me the menu, please,” she said seeing the look on my face.

“Alright,” huffed the fairy behind the counter. She peeled her eyes off this screen and headed over to the menus. It looked like a bored teenager in MY world. You know. The one where there are no horrible monsters and stuff.

She handed Amanda the menu and went back to scrolling through her PHONE. ISN’T THAT AMAZING? EVEN MYTHICAL CREATURES HAVE MYTHICAL PHONES! Amanda snatched it from her. She shot a look of contempt at the fairy before looking at the menu.
“No hot chocolates?!? What kind of CAFE IS THIS! Alright, we’ll have milkshakes!” Amanda ordered.

Once everyone had placed their orders, the bored fairy groaned and walked over to the blender, with her face glued to the screen. As a result, she banged into a shelf, stumbled over a stool and nearly knocked over a jar filled with brown dust.

“Typical, we’re out of choco fruit powder, gotta go to the back and get some,” mumbled the fairy. She fluttered towards the door and screamed. It nearly burst my eardrums.




Poof. The fairy disappeared in a cloud full of ‘poofness’. There was a giant stomp outside the door, it sounded like something big. Cautiously, I edged closer and closer, shuffling, making squeaky sounds along the way. I ducked and crawled to the side of the counter and peered around the corner. It was something that was round, and it was turning, slowly. “HI :D!” shouted the round, a bit large (in width) ball of something. It turned, and it’s face became clear, it was eggdogdad.

‘I TOLD YOU TO SIT IN THE NAUGHTYEGG CORNER!’ Amanda started screaming, I was about to calm her down but she wasn’t finish with her ‘mental’ state. ‘WHAT TYPE OF STUPID EGG WOULD LEAVE THE NAUGHTYEGG CORNER. GO BACK THERE NOW, OR I’LL COME OVER AND DO SOMETHING VERY ‘CRACKY'” The word ‘cracky’ seemed to have an effect on things made from eggs, the eggdogdad, backed away towards the outside, which sounded like a noisy road since we couldn’t see past the very big eggdog.

‘I don’t like it there, there are spiders.’ Whined the eggdogdad.


‘I don’t wanna die, i think I’m too eggy to die!’ Eggdogdad answered in a voice slightly quieter than his comment about spiders. A deafening CRACK sound happened. The Eggdogdad’s eyes rolled up in his head and Amanda finally went quiet and peaceful.

‘I have new orders from my mistress to kill.’ Eggdogdad said in a different, more lower pitched voice than his normal tone. ‘You have failed the world.’ He continued, scaring the life out of me. He started to rise. He raised his arms and struck. Everything went black, I felt like I was in a dream, a calm but painful  and sorrowful dream, staring into darkness. Was this how it felt like to die?



I woke up again to Amanda still vociferating eggdogdad for leaving the naughty corner, occasionally mentioning him ‘murdering’ me. I stared down on myself, finding lots of ketchup on me – not blood, real ketchup. The fairy hadn’t noticed anything and was still staring at her phone; what was that all about? I heard some muffled eggdog whimpers from outside; perhaps they didn’t want to do this. Who was the eggdogdad’s “mistress” though? I decided to lay still, eavesdropping, in case the eggdogdad decided to have another go at me.

Peeping from behind my conveniently positioned hands over my eyes, the first thing I noticed was eggdogdad’s countenance remained placid and callous throughout its gift of a lecture. Yes, Amanda was going mental, but I didn’t expect her to simply give the probable assailant a ted talk on leaving the naughty corner. Eventually, eggdogdad burst into tears, moaning that “he couldn’t help himself”.

“You couldn’t help yourself!?” Amanda continued to shriek incredulously. “You couldn’t help eating your own kind?”

“No… I have a mistress,” he murmured miserably, seemingly unable to utter words, “I can’t control myself.” While Amanda continued to rant on about him not being able to control eating egg things, I pondered and wondered: if eggdogdad really couldn’t control himself, then his ‘mistress’ had been acting on his part – so why was I a target? For whatever reason I was her prey, why wouldn’t they had finished me off? Why did I find myself smeared in ketchup? I somehow heard my brain telling me maybe the mistress had the eggdogdad’s vision as well, and every so often she couldn’t control him or watch him, so he’d covered me in ketchup to make me seem dead. I also somehow managed to confuse myself; even if that theory was correct, lots of other parts were ambiguous.



Uncontrollably, I gave a discontented snort and covered my hands on my mouth when I realised that it was too late. As if it was Sparkles and nothing happened, I continued to lay down and pretended to be unconscious. But Amanda knew the sound of my voice.

Suddenly, Amanda squealed, “OMG,OMG You can TALK now!!!!!”

I rolled my eyes at Amanda (Thinking that 2 yr old could talk than I could) and scolded at the one who intended to “kill’’ meh. The eggdogdad whimpered and pawed at Amanda for mercy and grief miserably and moaning, “Lemme outta cornie, pleeeeeasee. You can eat as many Eggdogs as you want!’’ He tried to gulp back the last words “ you can eat as many eggdogs as you want” and stuttered, “you heared NOTHING, nonononono no crack, pleeeeeeaaaaaase!’’

Amanda glowered and threatened: ‘I will, YOU promised not to DO that AGAIN, its for your OWN good, NOW WHO IS YOUR MISTRESS YOU IDIOT!!!’’

Doge added, “ AND it was YOU who stole MY party brownies, say SORRY, NOWWW!!! AND i can see evidence, that chocolate sauce squirted on YOUR chin, so DONT lie”

Amanda nodded in agreement then frowned and targeted the poor eggdogdad, giving him a strict lecture of manners and behaviour, in seconds, he was fast asleep, but then wokened by Amanda.

The eggdogdad growled sullenly and with a bump, he sat forlornly on the cold, stoney ground. But doge continued to press in “ SAY SORFY NOOOOOWWWWW, I am GOOD to you because I ONLY asked for you to say SORFY, no payment!!!!!”

”SOrfy” responded eggdogdad wickedly.

“I SAID SORRY!!!!!” Cried Doge, I could understand well enough, because one of my friends had stolen my brownies before, and it took them AGES to say sorry.

“Your welcome” replied eggdogdad cheekily.

”EGGDOGDAD??’’ Amanda warned.

”FINEEE!Sorry!’’ Howled eggdogdad finally.

”OI!!!  You there” barked Amanda, returning to her mental state, pointing at the Fairy.

The fairy hummed as if nothing just happened.

Bad temperedly, Amanda poked at her solidly and stonily.

”What the-’’the creature started, but stopped as an overflow of words, one over another, talked rapidly.

“Stopsayingswearwordsoka. Ifyoudothatagain,thenyouwilllosemoreandmorecustomersuntiltheresnomoreLeft!“ Demanded Amanda mentally, and the fairy dumbly nodded now and then, though I suspect that she did not know what it meant, only sounding like a tumble of words, no stopping, no breath in between.



I was mainly confused – what on earth was happening: Amanda had gone mental (again), was blackmailing the fairy to stop swearing when it had never started and eggdogdad become his wimpy self. Seems like this would become a normal routine; perhaps we needed some pills or something. As Amanda continued to rant, I wondered what had happened to her – before she was a normal pusheen lover, watching cat videos all day as we tackled the Scientists. Now? She was intensely reprimanding an eggdogdad by telling them to go to the naughty corner. Life sure was progressing.

As I watched, eggdogdad eventually yielded to the incessant squeals of the eternally demanding Amanda.

“GOOD!” she shrieked (I could only imagine her throat and lungs were dying of all the yelling she’d done), panting gasping for air as eggdogdad obediently sat down. In the middle of the floor. ‘Oh, dear.’ I thought.

“WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING ON THE GROUND!?” the gorilla that used to be Amanda roared, met with squeaks of terror from eggdogs. “WHEN EGGDOG MASTER CG5 TAUGHT YOU HOW TO BE AN EGGDOG DID YOU NOT LEARN ANYTHING!?” I could hear everyone’s rampant, thumping hearts (including mine) accelerating, and shallow breaths infiltrated the room. Everyone either inside or outside the café instantaneously knew it was probably time they should go – with that, everyone stampeded for the exit, shoving, and knocking each other over. Thankfully, most of everyone nearby managed to flee in the awkward silence while Amanda gathered her breath before bursting the eardrums of any innocent victims still nearby. Like I said, life surely was evolving. Maybe just backwards




Eggdogdad stood up with wavering legs, his face scrunched up as though he was about to cry.


Suddenly, white fog that smelled of eggs filled the room. Millions of eggdogs swarmed the room.

“Baby eggies help Da-Da now now NOW,” the eggdogs chanted.

A bunch of eggdogs started singing something about delicious eggies and even though they know they are eating their own kind it is too delicious to resist and the rest of the song was about how to cook an egg in 1234567 types of ways. For some random reason, this created more eggfog and the eggdogdad disappeared with a bunch of others. Then another group, well, grouped around Amanda and started singing that weird egg song again.


Unfortunately, this only urged the eggdoggies to sing faster. The eggfog appeared faster and the eggdoggies disappeared along with Amanda. Everyone stopped clutching their ears and let out a sigh of contentment.

“As much as I like this peace and quiet, I guess we have to save Amanda,” Sparkles mumbled.

Everyone moaned but they nodded their heads. This peace and quiet was a treat for them. Doge finally stopped muttering to block out Amanda’s shrieks, pusheen was finally able to do cat stuff and sign autographs, Blig was yapping at everyone contently, Jason was doing dog things without having to cover his ears and Sparkles was able to show off her sparkly fur to everyone without wincing at those Amanda shouts ringing in her ears. Even I was a little bit happier without Amanda bursting my eardrums. But she was my friend and saved me from the tripods from years and years and years and years etc.

“Alright, so those eggdoggies would have taken Amanda to their mistress, we just got to find the base!” I said,” But the base will probably be well hidden so this will be a hard task!”

“I guess we’ll have to get our supplies then,” Blig muttered.

She trotted off into the kitchen with her tail all droopy. Obviously, even though Amanda was nice, none of us liked her in this state. There was scuffling noise and some squeals. We all wondered what Blig was doing. Did she spot a rat? Or perhaps stepped in something. Suddenly, Blig scampered out with something in her mouth.

“I found an eggdog that was left behind!” she squealed.

No, it was more like this.

“Imf foon ahh egggoo bab wab web bebind!” she mumbled.

We all half-heartedly high-fived each other.

“Now, tell us where your mistress’s base is,” I said, trying to sound as threatening as Amanda. It failed but the eggdoggie opened its mouth anyway.



bonjour people.

‘Ma-ma base at mountains in… in.’ And it covered its face in a guilty manner.’

‘Whelp, I guess, there’s only one mountain around here.’ I offered. Blig dropped the eggdog but picked it up again, and dropped it again, and picked it up again, and dropped it again, and bit it again and again.


On the way out, Blig squirmed once again, we turned to see her staring at a dead rat on the floor, which looked slightly fake with it’s plastic, pale eyes, the motionless body, the light, fragile bones. And Blig jumped on it, breaking it in half, but then it healed itself, the rat standing up, no sign on Blig’s heavy bodyweight cracking it’s bones. And it let out a piercing cry. It starting growing larger and larger until it didn’t fit the area any more and cried once again in a deeper tone. Scuttles all around the walls became audible, mice started swarming the room from all angles. One fell, landed on Blig with a sickening CRUNCH, biting into Blig’s neck. Paralyzed, Blig fell onto the stone hard floor and a cold, dark feeling surged through me.



’Unconscious, Still lifeless’ Muttered the eggdogdoc.

I mourned for Blig and I thought how mental Amanda would be, because Blig was ‘killed’ by a vile rat and then ‘saved’ by eggdogdoc, whose race had eggnapped Amanda.

Suddenly, Blig blinked. Alive. OMG. Sparkles gasped and Jason stared,  wide eyes. Then, cheered rose from all 4 corners of earth (if earth has corners)  and chaos reigned. Strangely, Blig was the only one who was silent- his face transformed into an egg face and and shrank. Soon, he was lost into a crowd of eggdog helpers( some eggdogs were against the rules of eggcity so they were double-agents)

‘Uh… Oh dear…’ stuttered the eggdogdoc. ‘ Our AstraeggZenecaegg eggbridge vaccine- failed a bit.’

The eggdogdoc’s face gradually turned pale, as Blig was nowhere to be seen, because he was now mixed into the similar faces of eggdogs. My heart thumped rapidly- we needed to save both Amanda and Blig- but how hard will it be? We need to summon the eggdogdoubleagents and tell them to work at the egg ministry now, so we would now the way to the deep dark dungeons and rescue Amanda, and perhaps then we would have the luck to save Blig. This process will have to be confusing- for one would not know which eggdogs are on our side, and which eggdogs on their side. But thankfully, there will be some eggdogs who are willing to help us.



“You’re fired,” I told the eggdogdoc.

“But… but why?” it whimpered.

“You take vaccines before you are infected with something, so of course your vaccine didn’t work,” I told it lucidly.

“But… I have an eggdogdoc degree!”

“Alright, I need to save a mental friend of mine, who’s been eggnapped by your folks. If you take me to the mountain they’ve taken her, I’ll let you off this time, or it’s off to the eggnaughty corner you go.” I tried to menacingly tower over the eggdogdoc but couldn’t get myself to do it to such a cute and fluffy little eggdog. Imagining what Amanda would say about eggdogs being cannibals, I discarded the thought and let eggdogdoc trot off (who was seemingly glad about my lenience with it).

It wasn’t a particularly eventful journey to the eggdogs’ ‘base’, although it did take a while. There was a meadow nearby, I noticed, as me and eggdogdoc made the arduous journey to the mountain. It seemed so baleful when a bolt of lightning struck over it before the sun returned to its spot in the sky. There was an inn nearby, where I managed to have a decent sleep after what felt like years. The next morning, we arrived at our destination, eggdogdoc bouncing along and enjoying itself. While hiking up the mountain (which had a conveniently placed ramp leading to the hideout’s entrance). As I glimpsed a flash of white – probably an eggdog doing whatever they do – eggdogdoc asked me whether it was free to go.

“You want to come in with me?” I asked it.

“Sure, I guess…” it mumbled. I was not expecting to find that eggdogs had some sort of Satanic ritual.



There were lots of satan pictures but they looked like an eggdog as well. A HUGE pentagram in the middle. Cliche. Eerie candles were dotted around everywhere and a huge blood-splattered table was placed in the middle of the ginormous satan-themed room. Numerous eggdogs dressed as eggdemons were reading books about satan from satan-decorated bookshelves. The History of Satan, Our Glorious Leader: Satan, Why you should use toilet paper with Satan’s faces on them to improve your luck. Basically, you name it they have it. DONG DONG! A huge…dong…rang out. All of the eggdogs started squeaking and bouncing around. A woman strolled in, gesturing the eggdogs to be silent with a single wave. The eggdog crowd suddenly parted like the Red Sea. She was a slim woman with a giant hairdo. It looked like a skyscraper. It was black with red streaks. Probably because the Devil was mostly red. She was wearing a red top with a satan on it and long silky black trousers fastened with a giant, yep you guessed it, red belt. She strutted forward and pointed her red, satan-topped staff at the eggdemons. She cleared her throat.

“I would like to make an announcement first. Our eggdemon merch designer had made new shoes for us all! Red slippers with Satan’s face on them!” she announced happily.

Then her face darkened.

“But I have some bad news. Look at our eggdog newspaper and then tell me what it’s about!” she said as she flung copies of some newspapers onto the floor. I grabbed one and read the title hurridly.


“The newspaper is mocking me. And you don’t like it when I get mocked don’t you? Let me read a bit: *Ahem*  The Mistress has a plan to summon the eggsatan for all but a group of people and animals get in their way? Is the Mistress going to fail because it seems like it! Seems like it. Like I’m going to fail. But here’s the truth. It’s because you little eggy idiots won’t get it done. I want all of that group rounded up and brought back to me! Not to other places. To me. I need the two humans and the pet stars but you only got me one of the humans. And that one is currently in a mental state. So, if you don’t want to go onto the torture table, I advise you to keep searching.” threatened the woman.

The woman walked away and the eggcrowd discarded. Suddenly, there was a firm hand on my shoulder.

“Found you,” whispered someone.

I turned around and found two red eyes staring at me.

“Jesus Ch-,”I began.

“Shut up. You will not name that beggar’s name here, come with me now,” said the woman.

I shuffled after her like an obedient dog.


~ Luke

porry for being late

click, click, click, click, beep and the door opened.

‘In’ said the woman.

I was about to say how rude she was but when I looked up and into her red eyes, I felt a feeling of hate, anger and death. I looked away, chilled to the bone, I continued, slumbering onwards, staring down at the ground, thoughtless. We entered a dark room, and without realizing, I sat down in the seat in the middle, still pondering life and death, thoughts that would make no sense to me in the future. A screen flickered on, it read, how to and the last word was blurred, I looked around for the lady, everything was blurred, thump I heard myself fall onto the floor, unconscious, still thinking but unable to see or move. A phew images and words crept into my mind, eggdocdog, Amanda transforming into something familiar, still a lady but a slim one, where did I remember that from? I wondered as more images flooded my mind. Work for her. Said someone in a raspy, cold voice, like a broken CD player. Wake up in the next world. Said a different voice in my mind, a more calm and relaxing one, and suddenly the thoughts disappeared and I lost my thoughts to the dark, unconscious, helpless, confused.



Sorry for writing late~XD

I woke up, and rubbed my grimy hands onto my face. Silence. And when I say silence-I really mean it. There was no sound, nothing, nothing at all. Even the eggdogs and Satan wasn’t there. ‘Is this what it feels like to be in heaven- hell’ i thought.  “WHELP WHELP WHELP WHELP WHELP WHELP” cried an eggdog suddenly, appearing out of mid air. Suddenly, it grabbed a hula hoop and a ‘leaf’ dress and started dancing and singing like a mad egg- except that it wasn’t a mad egg- it was trying to act like Timon and pumba’s ‘Hula Dance’

‘’Are you—- tired of feeling beat, are you- craving for something eat. Come forget your troubles and sink your teeth into a luau Hawaiian treat!’’ Sang the ‘mad’eggdog

Satan, suddenly appearing, chased him, and as it was in the song- the mad eggdog shouted ‘ahhhhhh’ which was quite suitable at the time, and disappeared with Satan in the corridor. Satan paced him up and down whilst a familiar head of sparkles appeared.

‘Psssssss’ she whispered loudly, showing her body in full view and her voice raising louder.‘Psssssst over here!’

If sparkles was trying to save me, not letting anyone see- she was definitely not make a good job of it. SHHe came to view and it was possible for anyone to get her if they were near the nearby door. SHe led me to a cave, hidden view and far away, and most of my friends were there, but sadly Amanda and Blig had disappeared. I stared open- mouthed.

Sparkles  explained, ‘We asked that small minded egg dog if it could help us- because TECHNICALLy we saved its life. So we asked it to create a distraction- and he did! Well, if Satan catches him and finds us gone- we are brewing in deep trouble. Luckily though, using pusheen and doge’s powers, i managed to make this cave well hidden, clean, big, comfy and safe. We are also protected because no one can come here except from us because i am able, for i have me and my friends merged power, let only my friends to come in- and if anything sees this cave, they will forget it after 10 minutes.’

This was the longest speech sparkles every had, so her face looked quite red, and had great determination.

‘We must save Amanda! And Blig!’ She declared.

‘Who’s our leader?’ Interrupted Pusheen

‘Me’ shouted Doge

‘ME! ME! ME!’ Screeched someone

Suddenly, someone exclaimed, ‘He- (me, but idk his/her name soz) Satan’s first target, should be the leader, OBVIOUSLY. And it was all agreed.



And so it was decided between the voices (which immediately revealed themselves to be the eggdogs) that I was the leader, and I was to be their target in a single sentence. Great. Couldn’t their ‘almighty’ leader Satan tell them something as simple as I wasn’t the leader? Well, whether I was the leader or not probably didn’t matter; after all the woman who’d rebuked these eggdogs had demanded for both Amanda and me. The pets (all suddenly appearing after Doge and Pusheen’s several words) and Amanda, wherever she was, and I were all in a spot of bother.

“It’s all of them! Apart from the human we captured!” an eggdog squeaked atypically malevolently for its tiny size. Then a silence, as eggdogs climbed on top of each other, a red spotlight flickering onto me.

“Hey uh, little guys? Did you need something?” I tried to stall: Blig wasn’t someone to be waiting around, and Amanda in her insanity would be after eggdogdad’s soul. In the middle of my dire situation, I was somehow still able to wonder silently how Amanda had gone mental in the first place.

“Well, our boss said we needed to capture you and then we get egg treat!” the eggdog squeaked happily, lost in its thoughts. In the distance, I heard some footsteps grow nearer and nearer until Amanda showed herself, Blig panting beside her, yelling,

“Did. I. Hear. EGGIBALISM!?” she squawked like Zeus’ thunder roaring. Clutching my ears, I noticed that the spotlight was some cheap acting one, which exploded with millions of shards of glass, a pandemonium enjoying the trip with the flying glass. In the distance, yet another low-quality spotlight emitted smoke, a figure somewhere inside it.

“Now there, Amanda and… whatever your name is,” it gently but harshly spoke, “why don’t you come with me and there won’t be any trouble?” The fog parted, showcasing the same lady from before but in a simple Halloween costume of the devil, and a red trident balloon. I think I knew how Amanda had become insane.



The lady gasped but then started laughing.

“Well, you can’t do anything to stop it! I had asked the eggdogdoc to put a give all the other eggdogs a liquid which will enable me to mind-control them! So, haha you lose!”

“So what? At least I’m not two-faced like you! I envy the people who never met you!” Amanda yelled.

“…how rude,” the woman sniffed.

“I was hoping for a battle of wits, but you seem to be unarmed,” Amanda said, enjoying herself now.

“um, um…” the woman stammered.

“You are so annoying you make your Happy Meal cry!” Amanda jeered.

“That’s really mean.” the devil lady sobbed.

“Hey, hey…don’t worry I’m not insulting you…I’m describing you!” insane Amanda laughed.

I stared gobsmacked at Amanda. Where did she learn all these amazing comebacks!

” Somewhere out there is a tree tirelessly producing oxygen for you. You owe it an apology.” Amanda teased relentlessly.

“Ok Amanda, let’s stop!” I called out.

“Why?” She snapped.

I rolled my eyes.

“Because we can just put her in a cell and then leave. Or just kill her, it’s that easy!” I shrugged.

“Yeah! Let’s kill her!” Amanda cheered.

A few minutes later…

“Well, I’m glad we washed our hands!” Amanda commented.

Suddenly, red smoke swirled around the room. The Devil was here…


I is late, sorrrrry

Out of the corner, something or someone was shuffling about, moving, then stopping as if  looking out for a predator. It popped its head out.

“EGGDOG” Screamed Amanda, the eggyboy paused, and looked up, without a sound he shuffled towards Amanda. “SAY SORRY”

“Sorry” Said the eggdog clearly bamboozled. “WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU, YOU POOR EXAMPLE OF A HUMAN” the eggdog had finally found its confidence.


“Holy Cow Amanda, STOP” I screamed before I would become death at a very young age. Both of them stared at me. “Right, erm, both of you continue, Ima just book it.” I turned a strolled away to hear gunshots, and screams, I collapsed unconscious, or I was being warped into a new world. Either one right now was not the time.



I woke up, lying on the floor, and Amanda was clearly shouting again.  A baby eggdog, looking gloomy and feeling left out of this new ‘game’, seeing one after another of its eggsis and eggbros called out by Amanda. It approached to Amanda, with big wide eyes, full of plead.

’I want egg roastie. NO fair. Plsssss pls pls pls PLSSS roast me’ Implored the baby eggdog.

’NO’ shouted Amanda flatly, ‘YOURE ToO FaT TO GO IN THE OVEN.’

The eggdog stared for a second, blinked rapidly, and whimpered.

’YOU ARE LESS CULTURED THAN A YOGURT WEARINZG ZTINY MONOCLEs’ continued Amanda, eying the eggdog blazingly.

’AMANDA’ I called out furiously, standing up. ‘YOUR FACE MAKE ONIONS CRY,SO SHUT UP BEING An ANNOYING PARROT-‘ I stopped, amazed at my own words.

‘WHat did you say?’ Replied Amanda calmly, yet advancing me with red villainous eyes.

’Nothing?????’ I stuttered, feeling a bit nervous.

A moment of silence.

‘What is your favourite emoji?’ Asked Amanda in a strange sickly honey like voice, ChangJing the subject.

’Uh um” I answered uncertainly, for the question was far too random.’The tiger emoji?’

’I think its far too oblivious that it is the pig emoji.’ Jeered Amanda, in a dangerous tone.

’YOu think? YOU think?’ I snapped angrily, without warning. ‘WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT YOU GIRL?????????’

Amanda responded softly, ‘ wimp.



Just as she said that, I noticed Satan again. I’d forgotten about the smirking brat for a while, after watching Amanda plough through some wailing wrecks.

“So, hell does care about you, Amanda?” he placidly asked, an ominous hollowness in his voice.

“Yeah, duh, why else would you be here?” Amanda replied somewhat confidently, trying to hold her ground against Satan – not the best decision, I thought, but there was no way I was getting involved, unless I simply had to.

“Maybe because some of my disciples summoned me, you foolish little wimp, as you called whatever your friend’s name is [he nodded at me]. I could see Amanda holding a mental war with herself; to whimper like a baby eggdog, or to stay up against Satan. “Oh, just look at how the turns have tabled…”

“I’m pretty sure it’s ‘the tables have tur-‘” I interrupted.

“Silence!” the Devil wagged a thick red finger at me. “Nobody will interrupt the Great Satan.” I felt myself fuming inside. Who did this guy think he was? Sure, maybe he was Satan and probably had Devil powers or something, but the ‘great Satan’? And let’s think, who were his ‘disciples’ again? Oh right, a horde of egg creatures and a deceased demon lady. What a wonderful bunch. Employed by my fury, I felt something wasn’t right – if Satan did exist, why would he bother with me and Amanda? We were just two random friends, one of which had gone mental. Suspicious, I pretended to amble off, circled around behind ‘Satan’ and there it was. Some sort of clothes-stitching held the red stuff up, a few natural skin colours dotted across it, oily liquid was dripping off the tail and a gargantuan amount of tape kept the tail on.

“So, Satan, or whatever your actual name is…” I muttered triumphantly in the poser’s ear.

“Huh!?” he spun around, only to face my face of fury. “Uh… I can explain-” Soon, a raging Amanda came storming in, and the fake devil met the same fate as the demon lady. Amanda collapsed to the floor, mumbling something about Pusheens. At least she seemed back to normal now, after an angry tangent about eggdogs.


*Made up a new name

“WHERE IS PUSHEEN?” Amanda demanded.

“I was about to think that you turned normal, but now you are acting crazy again,” I mumbled.

“I am normal, I just want to know where is pusheen!” was the answer.

I sighed and turned away. The eggdogs were staring at the pool of blood that surrounded the body of ‘Satan’.

“You…you…killed our master,” they chanted.

“Yes, well, Amanda killed your master! Please don’t be mad!” I said hurriedly.

“Mad? Finally, the reign of terror is over! Squeak squeak!” they…squeaked.

Suddenly, everything turned black.

What’s happening? Why has everything turned dark? Where IS everyone?

“Hey, guys? Where are you?”

Only silence greeted me. The lights blinked back on. Finally some light. I looked around. I was still in the same room. But the left wall was broken down and rubble and dust coated everything. Another difference was that everyone was gone. I was there alone. I studied the corridor. It looked like a Japanese house. A rock suddenly flew across the room. But that was it. I started to feel bored. I pulled out my phone and was astounded that it still worked.  I clicked on youtube and started mindlessly scrolling down. Then, the screen flickered and turned off. I was confused. I still had 50%. I pressed the button. Blackness still dominated the screen. Abruptly, 5 words appeared on the phone. They obviously weren’t black. I’m coming to get you! I was really freaked out. Why is this happening?


“James*? Are you there? JAMES!” Amanda yelled.

“I’m here! Amanda, whatever you do, don’t go down the corridor. I have a bad feeling about it!” I shouted.

“Too bad that was the first thing I did! I’m standing in the middle of this mysterious corridor,” Amanda replied as her voice faded away.

I was worried. Corridors don’t magically appear and are safe. There is probably a monster inside. Just like in the Mimic. I looked nervously around. I froze. There was a scratching sound. It was coming closer and closer.

“Amanda? Amanda! AMANDA!HELP!” I shrieked.

“Hehe, I tricked you!” Amanda said.

“Amanda! I nearly DIED! That was possibly the scariest thing you have ever done to me!” I complained.

“Well, I’m here and that’s what matters! You seemed so scared, like a little child,” Amanda added.

I rolled my eyes. But I was secretly celebrating. It doesn’t seem like it but this is the normal Amanda. Yes, I know. What a disappointment.

“Huh, that’s really peculiar!” Amanda exclaimed.

“What’s peculiar?” I queried.

“Our rooms were the same! Exactly! The same position of that rock to the paper on the walls! What’s really strange is that I threw the rock across the room!” Amanda declared.

That’s why the rock randomly zoomed across the room!” I interrupted.

“But what does that mean?”Amanda puzzled.

Silence hung in the air. It stopped hanging so that Amanda could speak.

“Let’s go down the corridor. I want to check it out.” Amanda proclaimed.

“No way, I’m not going down there!” I exploded,” There is probably a monster! NO WAY!”

Amanda started to reason with me but I shook my head stubbornly.

“Alright! I’ll go by myself and leave you here and let you or me die!” Amanda chirped.

I was fuming. Amanda was so annoying. I stood up and hurried over, not wanting to die. We shuffled down the corridor. Amanda kept making my jump by making these whispering noises and scratching her fingernails on the walls.

“Amanda, I swear I will chop your hands off the moment we get out of here!” whispered angrily.

“Are you whispering because you don’t want to attract the monster?” Amanda said, speaking at normal volume.

She poked her head down a corridor.


I didn’t need any encouragement. I dashed down the corridors. I strained my ears to hear the monster.


I glanced back. I was shocked. What was that monster? It was a girl chasing us. I could see her bloodstained uniform in the dark. But that wasn’t all. Strapped to her back is a scythe(No, I wasn’t coping from the Lost Strad story. She actually has it in the legend). She was rushing to us at an incredible speed. Especially since she was running on her hands. Yes, hands. She had no lower half and the top half was supported by her arms. Arms that had a lot of muscles. Arms that looked like they could rip a full-grown man like we could rip a petal off a flower. Just the sight of her made me run even quicker to the room I appeared in. The creature shrieked inhumanely. She threw herself at the door but bounced back. She couldn’t get in. It was like there was a glass door in her way.

“It’s because of those strips of paper! They have some weird characters on them! It’s like an anti-demon thingy!”

“That was some useful information, Amanda!” I complimented sarcastically, “I don’t know if you have noticed but the demon isn’t leaving so what should we do now?”

“Um, I don’t know…” Amanda muttered.

The demon seemed to sense our defeat and cackled. Well, I think it cackled. It sounded like a gurgle.

“I hate this place!” Amanda muttered.

“#Relatable!” I replied.


“Are you that hungry James?” Amanda teased.

“IHAVEHADENOUGHOFSOUNDSTODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed.

“That was a really quick reply!” Amanda said astounded.

We looked at the demon and saw a white wave rushing towards us. It was a wave of eggdoggies.

“For our new eggy masters!” they chorused.

“Whelp, this is convenient, I guess,” Amanda commented.

“Amanda, you do realize the wave of egginess is coming towards us?” I asked tentatively.

“Yep!” was her reply.

Egg smells started washing over us and the first eggdog collided into my stomach.

“Sadness!” Amanda said.

“What sympathy!” I wheezed.

The monster was growling. This frightened the cowardly eggdogs and the rest of the eggdoggies ‘waved’ away. What a rescue… We only had a few dozen with us. Not very helpful.

“That was a terrible failure,” Amanda said, stating the obvious.



sorry for being late

One by one, the egdoggs dashed, screaming at the monster, but not to defeat it but to get out of this freaky place.

“They’re abandoning us” Stated Amanda as if I didn’t realize.

“Hmmm, never noticed.”

“You’re welco-”


“But I did think you were.” Amanda pointed out innocently

The way she just acts so calm and innocent with it made the anger burn inside, I was truly, truly mad. The demon by now was bored, at least that’s what I thought, it was slapping away eggdogs and eggdoggies trying to run away, only for them to try again.

“Follow me” I ran, without thinking it through, Amanda with no choice and no time to answer ran after me clearly puzzled by this sudden burst. As soon as I got closer to the demon, I started to doubt my plan, and my plan was, well I didn’t have one, I just well, ran. It’s face, drooping down loosely, on the brink of falling off. It’s eyes, red, blood red, the type of red you see in horror movies. And the nose, well it had no nose, it was just a dent inwards, into it’s face where the nose should’ve been. When we were in smacking distance to the demon, it immediately looked less bored and turned its attention away from the eggdogs trying to escape and to us. STOMP one foot blocked our path, but I didn’t stop running, behind me I heard Amanda’s footsteps come to a halt.

“James, stop” wheezed out Amanda, clearly struggling to talk with this horror of a being in front of her. I didn’t stop, and I wish I would listen but I ran straight into the demon, I ran into it, waited for contact but I felt, none, I could hear Amanda gaining her confidence and screaming for me to stop, but it seemed so distant. I tried to turn around, and it was then, I started falling.




I fell, through the wispy clouds and from endless skies that appeared out of nowhere. It seemed as if it were the only thing in the world. I grasped onto a whiff of cloud, into the thin rays of air, wondering were on earth Amanda was. The cloud, was suddenly unmistakeable solid, yes, it was as hard as stone. Where could Amanda be? Hell. Where is hell? Below, down, down, down. How do I go below the ground? Jump of a cliff. What if there is no cliff? Jump of a cloud. JUMP OF A CLOUD??? What? And litrally commit suicide? That is absurd.

But then, i would be stuck here forever for months, even years. WHy shouldn’t i face the future, step ahead and take the risk of being in hell’’s doorstep.

Without considering, I closed my eyes and prepared to jump off the cloud. WIthout warning, an invisible barrier appeared, blocking my path. In bold, CAPITAL, and red letters, a word appeared in thin air ‘ NO I backed away, scared. What no? No to what? Angrily, I pushed bac the barrier somehow and WOOOOOOOOSHHHHH- I fell once more



Yt thing is reference to but changed a bit

As I fell, I saw clouds. And clouds. And clouds. You get the point – best part was, I didn’t see any ground. Huh. With nothing to do but watch the somehow solid clouds, I pulled out my phone (which somehow still had signal, and now had 62% battery) and                opened YouTube. It seemed like I’d never use my 3-month YouTube Premium trial, while I was stuck in this eggy madness apart from now. The “I’m coming to get you” was still on the screen, but it was really a jumpscare video with a black background throughout the 10 hours of the ‘glitching’ text, uploaded on April 1st. How did I even end up on this video in the first place?

Taking my question off my mind, I scrolled down to a short that I clicked on.

“Excuse me?” another lady appeared, after knocking on the door.

“I think you’ve got the wrong address: see, the spawning Satan meeting [I raised my eyebrows to nobody] is somewhere else. You’re going to take a left, you’re going to see a cliff, you’re going to jump off-“

“No, my son-“ at which point I switched my phone off. This couldn’t all be coincidental, could it? First my phone is on a video I probably never clicked on, and now a short was literally using what I had just thought about a mere minute ago. And then I saw a cliff, apart from even more clouds. As I continued to fall, a massive trampoline caught my eye and I noticed the water under the cliff didn’t seem right… and was red. Bingo.


hMhMhMhMhm i WonDeR WhY?

I obviously had to jump down. So I did. The wind whistled in my ears, and there was a huge crash. Wood splintered underneath me and Dust started to envelop and choke me. I had landed in a house. The red was actually the roof of a house. Getting up from a bed, I rubbed the dust out of my eyes. I went downstairs. Nothing. Suddenly…


“Ok boys, well done! Good take! Everyone take a break!”

A director was hollering orders to everyone in the room.


He looked at me pointedly. Everyone groaned and shot me dirty looks.

“3 2 1 !”

I was nervous, I never acted before. But then I saw the cake. The beautiful, yummy-looking cake. But when the FBI turned the table over and ruined the cake, I was genuinely scared. If they were cold-hearted enough to do this, then this place was a dangerous place to be in. I screamed and ran to the cake but I tripped at the last second. When I tried to stand up I slipped in some cake again. And again. And again.


The too-furious-for-words director pointed at the door. So I left. I as left the room I heard the screams of the FBI and was glad I wasn’t an actor.



I really don’t know what to write and plus its my birthday so im going to write something short, *writes two words*

Angry people, madmen, sheesh I really never thought someone could get so mad after someone trying to save a cake. Doe he not like cakes? I like cakes, cakes are yummy, so sweet, so- I drifted off on the side of the road, how was I that sleepy? I just just, my mind started to rest. I woke up, sleepy still, but it was already dusk. As confused as I was I slumbered on, dazed and flimsy. I stumbled across a village, a place I should rest at for the night. I went around knocking on doors, but on every single door, no one answered. It was as if, they were scared of me, or scared of something that was near. I looked around now petrified by my own thoughts. My knees started shaking, my throat tightened, my senses tingling, something was about to do something, but it was waiting, waiting. Then, it pounced.


A strange creature pounced on me and i furiously tried to fight it off.

’PATHETIC’ cried a voice, sniggering.’You can’t even fight!’


I stopped, angry at this joke, as realism dawned to me.


I walked away , picked my phone, which was working once more, and doubled dapped YouTubed, clicked on a vid and ‘ I am beautiful no matter what they say, words’ and cut off suddenly. ‘ WHEN YOUR BRAIN GOES DUMB< YOU CALL THAT MENTAL FREEEZZE.’ And the battery died. I was shocked, and mystified. IT HAD 62% battery left! How could this be!?

I fumbled for my offline charge-

Uh oh—I left in the fight.

I knew there was only one way to get it back from those meanies- vanishing cream

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