The War of the Worlds 2


It was October the first of 1918. The date of what some called the first shooting star, though, really, it was more like a bomb of misery, an invasion technique. It landed in Manchester Forest, at approximately 8:00 a.m., and was found by the befuddled Professor Wingless, who was going on to 98 and had a shocking bunch of white hair.

The thing or the bomb had landed square in the middle of a desolate clearing, embedded halfway into the dry and sandy earth, The bomb was covered with moss, rock, and granite. Slowly, this outer covering, the skin as you may call it, cracked and peeled off. What was left was a smooth, sleek, and pure black sphere, settled neatly in the outcropping. Back, I say, back! nervous police officers ordered the stunned crowd.

Some people surged forwards, curious, others reeled back in alarm. Sargent Aldo was the only one brave enough to touch the bomb. He took back his hand, saw it was covered with soot, saw the imprint of his hand and a rather disconnected reflection, but was too late. White flames lept onto his right arm, consuming the hard surgent up within one second. The bomb rose into the air. The police didnt even have to utter a word. The crowd fled.




         People were shouting and screaming and pushing and bumping, like headless flies.No one even looked at Sargent Aldo, who already busted into flames, like a mummy with its lose string in the wind.

         The wind of dead flowed across the lose crowd, now the people were shouting louder and louder, but it was all observed by the sudden booming sound that could scare you to death.Now the booming sounds were ear-cracking, there were fire everywhere, like it had taken control of all lives in the alarmed ‘bubble’.

         All the people, or almost all the people died.The big ball that already rosed into the air was turning into tiny little killers balls and went straight for everyone else.If you ever touch one of those, then you will be bursting into white flames.

         After spreading dead away to almost everyone, the murderous ‘ball of dead’ begun to zoom into the ‘bloody’ earth and made a memorizable hole



Professor Wingless came back to his laboratory after the bombing occurred. The bomb was sent by the Nacacios people. They lived in the Nacacios world, a world where all of their citizens are half robot half human. They were excellent in constructing weapons, and about no one could find out how to make their weapons. Professor wingless was also very talented in constructing weapons, but when people were asked who would construct a better weapon, a Nacacios scientist or Professor Wingless, they all would answer that the Nacacios scientist would win.  


But even that the odds were against Professor Wingless, he decided to figure out how to make the bomb that had killed Sargent Aldo and many more people. He could use that bomb to blow up the Nacacios science headquarters, so many blueprints to make overpowered weapons will be destroyed. Usual scientists would have just started to study about the bomb with the evidence provided by the explosion and try many possibilities of how the bomb might of been made, but Professor Wingless was thinking differently. He was thinking to send a spy over to Nacacios’s world and get to get a look at their battle plans, and especially their blueprints to make their weapons. But first, Professor Wingless had to figure out how to get on their world and make a suit for the spy to wear to disguise himself as a Nacacios scientist. He also had to design a special type of spaceship to get into the Nacacios’s world, since they designed an atmosphere that only Nacacios citizens could pass through. This was easier than trying to figure out how to make the bomb, but was more risky, because if the spy was caught, he would probably get killed. But despite the odds, Professor Wingless started to work



After a whole, tiring afternoon, Professor Wingless finally had

created a secret formula, that, without a doubt was strong enough to

destroy a dozen fleets of strong, diligent and imposing sea ships,

though the formula was quite weak looking, in a tiny glass vail and

only consisted of a few drops of purple essence, that looked like

hemlock poison.



Professor Wingless was pretty proud of his discovery if you could

call it that. He was so overcome with pride that he shouted out into

the empty space of his lab. “Finally! My pains have been returned to

award !” “ Eureka! ” His voice was so loud that the scientists next

door heard him quite clearly as if he was shouting straight into their

ears. ” Um, Professor Wingless, can you kindly quit that disturbing




Professor Wingless grabbed his orange jumper, throwing it on as he

excitedly rushed out of the lab’s doorway. It was time to test his

achievement, referring to the test room- the Double Check  Room. 

He bounded towards the rack of secret weapons, intending to dip all

of them into the formula that he had devised. ” We will get this

savage population of impudent creatures, no matter  what  they

throw at us!” 


         In the Double check room, professor Wingless cried was joy and scare, but he is whistling a merry tune and is actually bouncing up and down when he took out the ‘magician’ liquid and carefully and slowly, (though he is very exited ) poured one tiny drop of the liquid into a small cup connected to a machine that looks like a arm, just that it is metal and is robotic.

         Professor Wingless was both anxious and a bit scared, it might cost his life if he wouldn’t be protected, so he  stood behind a special wall that is see-through and could almost protect him from anything, except that ‘murderous ball of dead’.

         After he, professor Wingless is behind the wall, he pushed a button and the ‘arm’ threw the liquid  and made is fly across the ceiling of the room and hit the strongest and weirdest model of a gigantic robot. “BOOM!” and the model turned into grey, burned dust…


 # LouwynThe gigantic robot model was burned to the ground, and not metal chunk was found. Professor wingless stood there for a moment, which seemed like he was saving up for an earsplitting “eureka.” Luckily, he was stopped by his assistant who also watched the experiment happen. How that the the explosion recipe was made, he had to make the shell, the infection flames, and the separation of the huge bomb to make small killer bombs. Despite the odds, professor wingless went to work on a formula to the bomb. First, he made a formula for the bombs shell, using several pieces of metal stitched together. He thought this was how the bomb had split into many parts after the huge explosion. He went to his testing room and tested the shell to see if it worked by sticking little bombs in the inside of every metal piece. Then, he activated all the bombs at the same time, but the result was just the shell breaking apart and the bombs exploding together. Depressed on his failure, he threw the bomb controller down on the ground, and went back to his laboratory to brainstorm some other ideas to make the shell. Then, he suddenly remembered that a Nacacios member had came to earth as a spy, but was found and was in prison. If he proffeser wingless could persuade him to the secret formula, maybe there was still hope.





—————————————————————————————————————————————–        Amber        


       Snapping his fingers with a new-found excitement that made even the hairs on his arms dance with joy, Professor Wingless jiggled purposefully with the buttons on his lab coat, intentionally imitating a child who has won first prize in a race. Unlike other scientists, Professor Wingless didnt report his discovery to the authorities, in fear of other scoundrels who might steal his formula theory right out from under his nose.

    It was mostly uncommon for a sunny day in Manchester village, so the inhabitants took it upon themselves to spend the majority of their time at the particularly starch dry beach. None of them suspected of what had recently happened in the nearby forest, and the destruction that event had caused, for the witnesses had pledged their word not to mention these mysterious occurrences to the other acknowledged villagers. Though there was a slight dispute over where Sargent Aldo had gone, most of this concealing plan went smoothly, due to the fake explanation that he was retiring since he had broken an arm during an accident, causing permanent disability for handling any weapon whatsoever.


# Amber #

Ecstatically, Professor Wingless leaped into the air, an outcry of revolutionary discovery at his lips. Fortunately, his assistant saved the world by interrupting this ear piercing process. “Um…Professor,may I have the honour to drive you to the Gatebrige Prison?”  The only thing that Professor Wingless could do in his state of excitement was to nod his head. Inclining  his head on the door frame, the assistant muttered under his breath, “One of these days he will go mad!”

Meanwhile, in the forest, something was stirring. Something that was not human. Something that was hungry for power.


Professor Wingless went to the jail of the intruder. Although the guards tried to stop him, but he won’t listen . 

When professor approached the cage  of the spy, he felt tired, so tired that he wanted to sleep right in the jail. In the cage was a girl younger than him, she was beautiful like a flower, she has red, curly hair and wears a tight dress, crying and staring at the floor. Wingless was shocked that they sent a girl to be the spy. He spoke to her,” Greeting, fine lady, I totally understand you and I am happy to claim but your freedom.” The girl looked up, then Wingless felt a voice in his head, “Oh, then ye ain’t mad about me? Me planet are really mean. ‘e tyrant, ‘e tyrant.” Professor Wingless is about to jump up and down, that spy really needed some English lessons, for her grammar is terrible, listening to her is worser than being pushed into the shark pool!, but the next sentence shocked him more,” Ye is the only pepper who listens to my, and ye is kindness. ‘e ‘e terrible in side me planet, ‘e want to took over ye planet. ‘e horrible, ‘e horrible!”…





“Could you help the people on earth with your wonderful knowledge about your planet? ” asked Professor Wingless cautiously. “People on the earth love peace , but they are dying and they see their family dying every minutes because of the bomb that from your planet.” carried on Professor Wingless. Professor Wingless’s tiring eyes, behind the thick and golden rimmed spectacles, was full of blood shots, his face muscles shaking, and the deep winkles on his forehead jumping. He was staring at the little girl like a fierce hawk, waiting for her reply.

“Hmm I will have a think about your suggestion. Come back in two days time, I will tell you my answer.” replied the little girl.

After Professor Wingless left, the little girl sat on the floor and recalled her life one her planet.

On her planet, she was treated as if she was an animal. If she was not obedient to the master, she would be thrown in the dark, stinky cellar with no food after being whipped harshly.

Her parents, used to be spied under the same master, were tortured to death in front of her after failing a mission. She was raised up and trained with pain to be a tool  for the master. She hated it, biting her lips hardly.

She dreamed that she might live peacefully on the earth, settle in a cottage with a warm fireplace. When she thought about it, she felt relief.

Two days later, Professor Wingless visited again. The girl and the Professor Wingless made a secret plan. They prepared a fake report and blueprint in order to convince the girl master that she had completed her mission. Meanwhile, Professor Wingless gave her a phone and few bottles of magic formula.

They knew that the mission would be challenged and treacherous.





One of the witnesses of the invasion was a man of 25, Leon Slovakia. His sister, Maria Slovakia was a constant bother. She was always the boss, bustling around the house and giving snappy orders to whoever would comply, although almost no one ever did. Leon was weighed down by the fact that, due to her broken leg, Maria hadn’t made it away from the hazardous ball of destruction. Proud she had been, determined to make ends meet in Leon’s family.


The poor, dear girl. Maria had been so devoted. So determined. Leon couldn’t let her sacrifice go to waist. That was when he came to a resolution. He would avenge Maria Slovakia.


It was time to enact Plan B of the family regiment, but enacting it inside the city might be too extreme. The poison was meant to kill, and it would not fail at its job, even if the worst came to the worst.


The young girl is on her way, but the master knew it, he knew it all…



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