The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

   Introduction: My Premutation


The aftermath of a permutation is rather interesting, as I am the widely known Edward Tulane, but my beginning was the most spectacular yet infamous. It all started on July 21 1969 shortly after Neil Armstrong took a step on the moon, The scientists gathered in the room with the dying Albert Camus. A wonderful philosopher he was, but his death was coming soon. They drastically loaded his brain into a computer with the computing power of NASA at the time. And yes, I am indeed Albert, and recall a sharp pain in my spine and a feeling shifting in my soul. For a short, while I saw the reality of the plane I was in and my true purpose. But traveling throughout these dimensions made my memory faint. In the start, I was a rabbit, made of China, in the end, I was dust. After a time, I was shifted throughout The. The as in the everything. Every aspect of reality, and every multiverse within. Then it all made sense. It didn’t matter. my life was to build humanity up until it destroyed itself; over and over again would this happen, and all I could do was watch the vicious cycle.
I woke up in an Awkward form, that which my joints were limited by far. I believed my brain felt like it was expanding, compressed, and then depressed with much volatility. And with that, it brings me to my aftermath, with my “Owner”, my friend, Abilene Tulane.
As you should know, I am a philosopher who shows no interest and ignores most Chemistry, Science, dumb people, the burden of proof and Math, and love in literature, civics, conjectures, and what we don’t know. So naturally, I was curious. I decided to tug on Abilene’s skirt, and she glanced down just when I stopped. “Mom, Is Edward pulling my shirt?” she replied with much annoyance, “No Abilene, just your imagination.” I was scared that they would smash me if they figured I was living. So after a few rounds of driving the Tulane crazy, I stopped.


Abilene’s room was only white with a huge chandelier. It was a very big room just for one person. There was an enormous window that made the room shine with only natural light. There was also a shelf filled with artifacts and paintings that must have cost a fortune to buy. I tried to keep still, but I had to stretch a few times because of how cramped it was, staying in one position. I figured that I should keep still because Abilene would find out that I could move. Abilene put me in on the cabinet just facing toward the mirror. I was amazed when I saw my reflection. I was three feet tall and made out of china. I wore very fancy cloth and had a little golden pocket watch that could tell time.  My head was covered with real rabbit fur. I figured that I had made some noise because Abilene rushed into the room, but when she thought she had misheard she went back to brushing her tooth. After she had finished she took me downstairs to eat breakfast. Abilene’s father was talking about something and occasionally Abilene would make her father repeat what he said, even though I did not care about what they were talking about. Abilene took me upstairs and carefully put me on the shelf after breakfast and said goodbye because she was going somewhere. I stared at the window and the new surrounding around me which made me feel prideful.


I took another look around and found many more dolls on shelves and many were torn up I have a feeling that there was a creature in this house. I went downstairs and there it was, a Pitbull. It got to me and then I woke up, I heard a voice saying “Goodbye Edward”. Then I had a theory. So I went downstairs then the Pitbull goy me again and then I woke up, I heard a voice saying “Goodbye Edward”. So my theory was correct, every time I die I get put back in at the same time and day. So I did the same thing. I looked for the Pitbull and then I woke up, I heard a voice saying “Goodbye Edward”. But this time I had an idea, I will slowly follow Abilene to where they were going. It turns out they were going on a cruise and I figured it would be best if I hid. So I grabbed the edge of the cruise ship but then a boy found me and pushed me off and then I woke up, I heard a voice saying “Goodbye Edward”. I was getting frustrated because no matter where I go, I probably die so I had no more ideas left, Until…….


I remembered my life’s work, I had fought my way out of many paradoxes such as the grandfather paradox. If I could there, then apply some logic, and were out of this fetch-22. This was a veridical paradox. If I could be to states at once, maybe in that single nanosecond where I am not dead nor alive, I can pop out of the paradox into normal existence. But according to the 2 coefficients, life, and death, You cant square zero and then divide them, so I knew quantum physics was involved, which was from Schrödinger’s cat. I got a plan, I would slow down time by entering a clocked dimension with a clock, get eaten by that nasty ferrous dog, and travel back into the quantum dimension as I once did. I remembered that I needed a computer so, after 2 hours of work and ingenuity, my portal was opened. I hopped into the quantum world and out, I was normal! But even if I didn’t, I’m not testing it out. And to my enlighten, Abilene came back and everything was normal until they decided to take me on the cruise, which based on my bestseller, I was lost on a journey. 17 years later…
And would you look at me now, I am in the hands of Abilene’s daughter happy as ever. This is my aftermath.

Extended Epilogue:


Every day was a very happy day. Every day, Abilene’s daughter would go to preschool, except on Saturdays and Sundays. One day Abliene’s daughter carried me to her preschool because they were having a party. I saw rows of rooms next to each other, and what seemed like thousands of kids the age of Abilene’s daughter was running around and screaming. Some kids looked at me with jealousy. This reminded me of the bad memory on the ship. I was afraid that someone would throw me down the toilet and flush me. I would have to hold my breath the whole school day. Abilene’s daughter walked into the room and sat on the table that had her name labeled on it. Her name was Emily. The room’s walls had artworks that they had drawn. Some students’ tables had pencils, erasers, and crayons all over the table, but others had tables which were not a single speck of dust on top of it. After a whole day of close calls, I finally made out of the school alive.


The next morning something horrible happened. Abilene bought her daughter a new rabbit and she threw me aside like I was nothing. I hit a sharp edge forcefully, then…The next morning something horrible happened. I needed to think of something but after minutes of attempts, I could not think of anything. The closest thing to a good idea was to go backward in this timeline and make it so Abilene wouldn’t buy that doll. By the 4,638 tries, I saw a warp portal

Reality 1:I went in and saw that this was all fiction I see 3 people called Matthew, Joshua, and Jason. They wrote things like “Abilene’s room was only white with a huge chandelier. It was a very big room just for one person. There was an enormous window that made the room shine with only natural light. There was also a shelf filled with artifacts and paintings that must have cost a fortune to buy. I tried to keep still, but I had to stretch a few times because of how cramped it was, staying in one position. But I did see those things or did I……

Reality 2: I went in and then…I woke up, I heard a voice saying “Goodbye Edward”. I did it! I made it back to when this all happened but now I needed to find a way to stop Emily from buying that doll.


I went through the portal and sure enough, I saw myself, and Emily, but I was careful not to let old me see present me because if I saw myself, it would lead me into an infinite loop in incinerated reality. I took my trust dart gun and scored a 360 no scope to past me’s armpit, therefore, the sedation wouldn’t be obvious, and yes I added a low amount of concentration so present me would still be conscious. I slipped into Emily’s grip and then used some advanced hallucinatic technology to traumatize her making her hate the shop, I HAD DONE IT!!! She now protected me from all and was a paranoid protector. Once a big bully, a 5 foot 11 thick boy, conventionally a ‘Gus’ came and tried to snatch me, but not only did she refuse she screamed: ” GET AWAY FROM ME YOU OVERWEIGHT BOZO!”. Man not only did that give me permanent ear damage, but the bully also looked like what my dog did when I threw a chair at him. I am so blessed.


If doll rabbits could laugh, I think that I would have laughed till I lost my breath. It had been worth it that I tried so many times to find the warp portal. I am also glad that I didn’t just get thrown away by Abilene. When we got back home, Emily and I played with each other until Abilene finished cooking. When everything was finished and we were going to tell a story. There was a farmer that was very kind and nice and always gave his crop to everyone. One day cunning robber came into the house, knocked the farmer unconscious, and stole all the farmer’s seeds. Slowly the people in the town kicked the farmer out and got replaced. When the farmer was almost starved to death a man found him and helped him with some food, but the farmer got kicked out by the son. Soon the farmer found himself with a hobo. They talked and laughed but got separated. After many hard years, the new farmer said that he needed help. The townspeople said sorry to the farmer and the farmer was welcomed. After the story, Abilene whispered to me, “I am proud of you.”


Suddenly after that story, a dreadful thing happened someone came in and took me away from Emily, and was left on the streets for an unknown amount of days. But then a miracle happened, a doll shop owner stepped outside and saw me and then took me to his place. I was in shambles I lost an eye, I was wet and my clothes were dirty and worn out but I got fixed and now I am just waiting in a shop wondering if they will come. I got bored so I just counted people that walk by. Day 1: 56 Day 267:832844 Year 17:7478239847832987841. Then a familiar face showed up and a certain voice  A 4-year-old girl said “Mommy!!, can we pwease get thiws wabbit” A woman said” Fine but no more dolls for you; the rest the mon…” “Edward?….”


Was it the phrase, “I am proud of you”, like the goodbye Edward? Would I possibly have to do that ALL again?!? No! Because I am not going to snoop down to the level of dumb Lil, peacock butt sniffing royal guards of reality, annoying me until I want to die! I will throw that dog, when I get home, into a portal so the two phrases would cancel out, and leave a wonderful slave, Win-Win! … Well it worked out pretty well, uh, so the dog is under my control, and I had to test it out, so I made the dog attack the cat, and well, uh, let’s just say nobody sees the cat, heh heh🤫. Abilene recently has been trying to get Emily’s attention, who made me draw on the pitbull, my slave, who I named John Cena. It has been pretty awesome not going to lie, but dangerous at the same time. Somehow, the 4-year-old got ahold of a turbine engine and made a 3-foot plane. I just want to say, that kid is going places, she’s a genius. Anyway, she nearly BLEW me up in a “test” flight, so there’s that.



So, the next few days were pretty calm until Emily’s friend came to her house. I was hoping that Emily would hide me because I was a treasure, but the reality is the opposite. When Emily heard the knocking of her friend, Emily immediately picked me up. My mind suddenly bursted with a million reasons why Emily had picked me up and ended up with the thought that Emily wanted to show her friend how good a doll I was. After thinking of a good reason why she took me with her, I had to worry about the way to avoid being thrown into the garbage again. Emily and her friend played and play until what felt like an eternity they were finally finished playing. I was glad and hoped that there would not be anything else that happened.


I am glad that I am back home but I want to get out of here or else everything distorts again, but the last thing I saw was…….. A SPACE-TIME RIFT! But how to get one here is the question but then. Beep, Beep (little pants) “Doc! He’s alive!” “Hello there, I am Dr. Emily and my assistant Mrs. Abilene and the year is 6035 welcome to your paradise you were hit badly in the head but I don’t think you remember but you researched about space-time rifts”. I asked one last question “when did I hit my head?” She replied and she told me I was 16. I now understood that the only real reason I was doing so well as a philosopher is because there was all fake. No one can truly do a fantastic job because there’s always more to learn.


Then, when I was actually starting to believe it, Emily, and Abilene, appeared and accused the “Imposters” of brainwashing me, The Scientists have found me out and wanted to manipulate me. I thought this was a joke, and after a few seconds of tension, …laughter. Everyone in the room was laughing their butts off, and they were conducting an experiment on philosophers from the 18th century. That really cracked them up, but something inside of me snapped. I was really mad at everyone except for my slaved dog, and then he (my dog) burst in the doors, because I summoned him like a pokemon(I couldn’t put it any other way) and he carried me out. FREEDOM!

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