The Lost Stradivarius 2


On returning to his sitting-room, John pulled the large wicker chair in front of the fire and sat there looking at the glowing coals. The night promised to be very cold, and the wind whistled down the chimney, increasing the comfortable sensation of the clear fire. He sat watching the ruddy reflection of the firelight dancing on the panelled wall when he noticed that a picture placed where the end of the bookcase formerly stood was not truly hung, and needed adjustment. A picture hung askew that was particularly offensive to his eyes, and he got up at once to alter it. He remembered as he went up to it that it was at this precise spot four months ago that he had lost sight of the man’s figure which he saw a rise from the same wicker chair he had just been sitting on, and at this memory, he felt an involuntary shudder.
He put one hand behind the picture to steady it, and as he did so his finger struck a very slight projection in the wall. He pulled the picture a little to one side and saw that what he had touched was the back of a small hinge sunk in the wall,and almost obliterated with many coats of paint. His curiosity was excited, and he took a candle from the table and examined the wall carefully. Inspection soon showed him another hinge a little further up, and by degrees, he perceived that one of the panels had been made at some time in the past to open, and serve probably as the door of a cupboard. At this point, feverish anxiety to re-open this cupboard door took possession of him, and an intense excitement filled his mind. It was an excitement that we experience on the event of a discovery which we fancy may produce important results. He loosened the paint in the cracks with a penknife, and
attempted to press open the door; but his instrument was not adequate to such a purpose, and all his efforts remained ineffective. His excitement had now reached an overmastering pitch; for he anticipated, though he knew not why, some strange
discovery to be made in this sealed cupboard. He looked round the room for some weapon with which to force the door, and at length with his penknife cut away sufficient wood at the joint to enable him to insert the end of the poker in the hole.
The clock in the New College Tower struck one at the exact moment when with a sharp effort he thus forced open the door. It appeared never to have had a fastening,but merely to have been stuck fast by the accumulation of paint. As he bent it slowly
back upon the rusted hinges his heart beat so fast that he could scarcely catch his breath, though he was conscious all the while of a ludicrous aspect of his position,knowing that it was most probable that the cavity within would be found empty.
The cupboard was small but very deep, and in the obscure light seemed at first to contain nothing except a small heap of dust and cobwebs. His sense of disappointment was keen as he thrust his hand into it, but changed again in a moment to breathlessinterest on feeling something solid in what he had imagined to be only an accumulation of mould and dirt. He snatched up a candle, and holding this in one hand, with the other pulled out an object from the cupboard and put it on the table, covered as it was with the curious drapery of black and clinging cobwebs which I have seen adhering to bottles of old wine. It lay there between the dish of fruit and the decanter, veiled indeed with thick dust as with a mantle, but revealing beneath it the shape and contour of a violin.
John was excited at his discovery, and felt his thoughts confused. Yet at the same time he was half amused at his own excitement, feeling that it was childish to be moved over an event so simple as the finding of a violin in an old cupboard. He soon collected himself and took up the instrument, using great care, as he feared lest age should have rendered the wood brittle or rotten. With some vigorous puffs of breath and a little dusting with a handkerchief he removed the heavy outer coating of cobwebs, and began to see more clearly the delicate curves of the body and of the scroll. A few minutes more gentle handling left the instrument sufficiently clean to enable him to appreciate its chief points. Its seclusion from the outer world, which the heavy accumulation of dust proved to have been for many years, did not seem to have damaged it in the least; and the fact of a chimney-flue passing through the wall at no great distance had no doubt conduced to maintain the air in the cupboard at an equable temperature. So far as he was able to judge, the wood was as sound as when it left the maker’s hands; but the strings were of course broken, and curled up in little tangled knots. The body was of a light-red colour, with a varnish of peculiar lustre and softness. The neck seemed rather longer than ordinary, and the scroll was remarkably bold and free.
The violin which John was in the habit of using was a good make –a Pressenda,given to him on his fifteenth birthday by Mr. Thoresby, his guardian. It was of that maker’s later and best period, and a copy of the Stradivarius model. John took this
from its case and laid it side by side with his new discovery, meaning to compare them for size and form. He perceived at once that while the model of both was identical, the superiority of the older violin in every detail was so marked as to
convince him that it was undoubtedly an instrument of exceptional value. The extreme beauty of its varnish impressed him vividly, and though he had never seen a genuine Stradivarius, he felt a conviction gradually gaining on him that he stood in
the presence of a masterpiece of that great maker. On looking into the interior he found that surprisingly little dust had penetrated into it, and by blowing through the sound-holes he soon cleared it sufficiently to enable him to discern a label. He put
the candle close to him, and held the violin up so that a little patch of light fell through the sound-hole on to the label. His heart leapt with a violent pulsation as he read the characters, “Antonius Stradiuarius Cremonensis faciebat, 1704.” Under
ordinary circumstances it would naturally be concluded that such a label was a forgery, but the conditions were entirely altered in the case of a violin found in a forgotten cupboard, with proof so evident of its having remained there for a very long period.

From The Lost Stradivarius by J Meade Falkner

From 11+ paper from City of London School for Girls

What do you think happens next? Write the next part of the story.




       John could not bottle up his excitement any longer. He began to whistle a merry tune, but, when his long fingers touched the surface of the violin before him, he stopped and his eyes widened with pure astonishment until they were as big as saucers. He had felt the electric power that surged through the skin of the violin. And, there was a soft voice echoing around the chamber!

 “Let .Me. Out.Please!”

   John shook his head.” This can’t ever be!” He muttered to himself. But when he looked again, the red-wooded violin was still there, the voice louder and clearer than ever. “Please!”He sighed, a little miffed by the mysterious voice. “All right!” He grumbled. “ But it’ll have to be now, okay?” Nothing. John sighed again. He reached towards the left soundhole, figuring whoever or whatever was inside the violin, he could access that way. His last thought was of terror, as John was dragged into the violin.


Trying to open his eyes, John was blinded by a serene source of emerald light, cast from an equally glittery sun. He stared at his surroundings, memorized by its beauty. He was in a field of tulips, pink, purple, blue, and yellow. This grassland, John later learned, was called, the plain of the Rainbow Fairies. Amongst the tulips, the fresh smell of rain lingered, evident of a recent shower. Lush greenery, mostly evergreens, lined a pathway leading to… somewhere. John stepped tentatively t0wards the path. “Not so fast young man!” a voice growled, intimidatingly.


John was petrified by the voice that came from nowhere. He really wanted to run away from this land, however he found himself like a rock statue. His legs seemed being filled with tons of rocks, freezing and solid. He couldn’t move toward even an inch. His body was trembling, and his teeth were chattering. He wanted to scream, but no sound came out. “Don’t be frightened young man.” the voice was getting closer and closer. John pricked his ears up and tried to find where the voice came from. He widened his eyes as much as he could, in case he missed anything. He kept spinning around his neck to locate anything suspicious. 

Suddenly John caught a glimpse of the creature floating toward him. The creature was extremely huge, as tall as a giant. He got a pale, wrinkly round face, as round as a plate. On the plated face there were black eyes like a pair of buttons glued on the plate. Under the buttons, there was a long, pointed nose. Beneath it was an enormous mouth. The creature was smirking. 


John saw that it had no leg, no hand and no ears. He tried to calm himself down by breathing slowly, but when he looks at the monster’s cave-like mouth , each breath he takes is difficult, like someone is stealing John’s every breath.

” I am the guard of this place, called the plain of rainbow fairies. How did you DARE to get inside MY land!” The creature roared, ” If anyone is here to disturb me from work to get out, their fee is their LIVES!” The creature’s voice hit John and bounce off the anonymous land, John is half scared and half curious, though he now that if he dare to say a word ( He know he can’t because he is frozen), it would cost his life.

Now he could see all the people around him who is ALSO frozen. A woman dressed in a lumberjack’s clothes, a child in a farmer’s holed jacket (with three COWS ,a chicken  and a rabbit), a wealthy gentleman, a lawyer and a horrifying scene of them trying to shout.

The monster laughed in a terrifying way:” Anyway, you will be my MEAL when I get tired and it will be a good snack if the chickens are fat enough.” After that, it flew right up into the sky, but bumped his head in the sky, he MUNCHED on it and flew back.It added carelessly:” O, how stupid of me, this will be your family and company FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!”…



John was petrified. he willed his limbs to move, but they were still as ice. His fate loomed, impressive,

yet terrifying. The creature leered a mocking song:

“When you take a walk,

You don’t suspect me to talk,

Though when it’s too late,

Your screams don’t abate!”

By now, John was waking from a distant trance, faintly recalling something about ghouls…Was it that they disliked flowers? No, that was zombies. Then what was it? Oh! It was at the tip of his tongue! Was it…wait! A spell! But which was it?

John scrambled desperately around his memory. No! No! No! The ghoul leaned in, close to John’s face. It spat, “Any last words, DINNER?”

John shook, his body quivering like jelly. This was it. The end. Waiting for yourself to be gnawed to pieces is extremely agonizing, like invisible monsters eating you from the inside. John stood still, showing no sign of resistance.

But the pain never came.



The ghoul’s words kept on rolling over and over again in John’s mind like the tape was played continuously. His heart was throbbing,body was quivering.

“Dinner? Dying? No, I don’t want to die, I don’t want my life ending up as a monster’s meal!”muttered John firmly.

John breathed in and out deeply as many times as he could , in order to calm himself down. He brian stormed the way out fast.

The ghoul must know the way out so I have to talk to him. But he definitely want to gobble me up ,so I have to make a plan first”, mumbled John.

John glanced at the creature, and leaned toward it staggeringly.

“C,c,can w,we have a talk?” stammered John.

The ghoul was stroking the frozen child, with his drool kept dripping from his cave- liked mouth.

” Oh young man, you are the first thing that dare to talk to me before I devour you.”chuckled the ghoul.

“Can we make a deal?” asked John warily.

“A deal?how you are?” shrieked the ghoul, staring at John with fiery eyes.

” A meal, a cooked meal that you never tried before.” John replied eagerly.

The ghoul seemed curious about what John was going to cook.

“Could  you give me some clues to leave here as a prize of my lovely meal?” John kept asking.

“Hmm, I can certainly give him some complicated clues that will take him forever to figure out and meanwhile I can have something different to eat.” murmured the ghoul.

John asked the ghoul for a stove and some pots and started to cook. He roasted a big, fat chicken, boiled lamb soup, steamed rice and baked a giant cupcake with lots o f frosting candy and fondant. The ghoul was bemused by the smell of the cooking. He finished everything satisfactorily. He rubbed his plopped tummy and said ” OK, in order to go out , you have to go through a ‘hole ‘in the meadow. But , there are many ‘holes ‘ there. I give you 3 days. Good Luck , young man. ” Ghoul laughed contemptuously and disappeared.



John was right there was holes every where, “well I must get choosing” John said to himself. He tried the first hole but there was no success, but a dead end. There was two more holes after doing 88 and he said to himself one of these holes has to be the exit”The eighty-nine hole was no success, but the last one was a exit. He knew this place he was sent back to the meadow and there was a noise.  “well,well,well it looks like you fallen  for my trick” said the ghoul as he smirked and a puff of smoke he was next to John and when John turned around he was gone.
He saw a shovel and a lamp, he decided to dig out but he could not let the big ,ugly ,fat ghoul know about it. So he dug a long tunnel in the meadows. John blocked it of from the inside. It was extremely dark, cold and dirty.He put up the old fashion lanterns on the wall. He decided to go in the meadow, the ghoul was there. The ghoul saw his eye and John blocked the entrance. John said “I need to escape if I don’t want to be eaten”! He dug and dug and was flinging the dirt high up in the sky until his hands where exhausted. The ghoul said “you are a little horrid boy, when I find you, you will be on my stove.” John knew he had to say something to distract the ghoul. John said l have escaped from your stink meadow”.So the ghoul went out side and the boy sneaked for some food there was some spam in the cupboard .John said “this will have to do”. He went back to the meadow and he was just in time, the ghoul was back.

John was still trapped in the hole and did not escape.


John signed as he scampered back to the hole he dug out himself and took out the little food he stole from the ghoul . The spam somehow looked like the meat of humans and John gasped, he would definitely not eat the meat because it is uncooked and is human meat. Will I be trapped here forever? When will I go out and should I go and steal more food from that nasty ghoul? John is really anxious, thousands of questions formed a tornado in his head, but none has a answer. It will take forever to finish that passage and get out. Also, he is hungry and out of food. The last time he had eaten is days before when he’s having a date with his gentlemen friends. John decided to go back, but just as he stepped his first step on the narrow path, something slippery made him fall on his back.

It was a clothing with a hood attached, John put it on and is surprised that he couldn’t see his body. John used the lantern to see his legs, but miraculously, they are invisible!

John tip-toed out and made sure that he hid his head under the enormous hood, though he could still see the things outside the hood and scampered to the cupboard.

Inside the cupboard, there were three tins of spam, some wings of chickens, a jar of honey, some bread. To John’s surprise, there are also a sword, a shield, an ancient scroll and a key, a fire-lighter.

John took all of them (except the spams) and went back to his ‘hideout’.

He rolled out the scroll and smiled.


John’s fear instantaneously evaporated as he peered at the scroll in his hand.If he was to escape,this piece of parchment was his only hope.


He started the incantation:


“Thin life does more than lies,

Those in pain shall forever be friends,

Those who beseech shall be foes of the world,

Timeless speech unaccounted for.”


As he finished his chant,John saw that he was no longer in the stuffy hollow of a hole.He felt the cool,fresh air brush his cheeks,streaming through his auburn hair.He was in a lagoon.


The overhung vegetation swirled in charming circles, allowing exotic birds of luminous reds , yellows, pinks ,greens, blues and purples to perch on vines as thick as rope.The lagoon itself wasa ball of steaming heat,vapour pouring over the land,as if it were a spa.



# Cynthia

” where am I ” murmured John.

“Anybody there?” chanted John with fears. Other than the echo ,nothing was there. John was sweating and breathing heavily as if he just ran a marathon.

“It is too hot here and I barely breathe. I ‘d better get out of here immediately.” gasped John,  struggled to stand up.

He looked around , a faint light behind the enormous rock leapt into his eyes. the startling light made him hope. He hurried toward the light, a chamber was there.  John staggered closer to the chamber, cool ,fresh air was throwing at him, soothing the overheat. It was a glass chamber with silver rim around. A tiny stone-made staircase lead toward the chamber’s wooden door.

“It is much comfortable here. Shall I get in ?” questioned himself.

“Maybe, it is a teleport machine that will help me get back to my world.” John uttered, and carried on moving forward.

He walked cautiously , passed the staircases,  and opened the door gently ,trying not to disturb anything in the quiet lagoon. There was a table that finely carved in the middle of the chamber. On the table, there was plenty of food, fruit and a cup of water. Four chairs were tucked into the table neatly. On the armchair beside, sat a young man with blond hair looking gaunt and feeble. His eyes were full of sorrow.

John asked warily,” who are you ? why are you here? Do you know how to get out of here?”

The young man lifted his head and said weakly,” I am Matt, I was trapped here for long time.”

“Please , don’t look at the emerald light on the wall, it will make you severely ill.” blurted the Matt.

It was too late. John had caught a glimpse of  the light. He felt he could not stand any longer. He collapsed.


# Harry #

Matt shakes his body, John tried to lift his hands but he failed. Matt found a needle and poked it in John’s hand and John was relived.

John said “thank you for saving me, but never ever poke my hand again.”

Matt said “ Don’t open your eyes yet. I have told you that if you look at the emerald lamp on the wall, you will get sick.”

John had lots of questions to ask or he could burst. He said “ What is going on? Who are you? Why are you here? How old are you?”

Matt said: oh, you asked so many questions, let me tell you slowly. My name is Matt, I am 7 years old. I went to a forest and found a light, I threw the rock to the side, then I was trapped. I have been stuck here for a long time, I didn’t know how long it has been, maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks, maybe even longer! I find that I can not look at the emerald lamp on the wall. Every time I look at it, I will faint in pain. I have been looking at it several times. Now I just look at the ground with my head down. You don’t have to look up there.

Are you hungry? It’s amazing that there is plenty of food on the table, so l didn’t starve to death. Let is sit down and eat and talk. You need tell me: Who are you? Why are you here?

John is arrival makes Matt no longer lonely and afraid. Matt looks very happy.



On the table, there are lots of food, just like what Matt had just said, there are cans and cans of meat, tins of lettuce and sardines, some sausages, fruits, tea, juice, water. There are lots of fork, knife, cups, bowls and plates all placed inside a small cupboard attached so high that it is nearly up to the ceiling.

Hungrily, John ate three sausages as wide as his leg and then, ate a tin of sardines and had a smile that reached his ears. Matt said, politely after John had finished, “You might think this is all of the best things we have here, but there are more to explore. After one night’s rest, we will go and get more goods from the giants. “

John was really anxious and asked more. Matt explained everything,” The giants, also known as the Arsedamns, are filthy creature who claimed everything from my father’s land. My father is the king of the land of  jewelry. But one day, my aunt, uncle betrayed him and locked him into a tower. I had no choice but ran away from the country. Giants took over the land as soon as father was gone.”




John felt his nausea overcome him as he consumed the plentiful meal that Matt had set before him. His mind was blank, and yet his thought process returned to his mission, as well as the reason that he was in this ambiguous land of many mysteries: the soft, imploring, female voice.


He heard the f -wick of an arrow glide past his ear. Thunk. Thunk. Two knives swiftly pierced the wood of the hollow table. John leapt to his feet.


“Hello Jonathan Greens. It is very nice to have made your acquaintance.” The harsh voice of a youthful female caught John’s attention.


“H-h-how do you know my name?” The boy’s tone was delicate, a thin string among agitated sharks.


“Of course I know your name. I’m Amora, the Queen of the forest. Sound familiar?”


John racked his brains. Finally, “ Amora Sakai!”  Amora sighed. She was a light skinned girl, with hair that spilled in dark pools of bouncy black. Chocolaty eyes clouded her twitching, strawberry lips. A garment of fragile spider’s silk encased Amora in a glow of nature. Being a skilled archer and markswoman, she had slung over her shoulder a brimming quiver of arrows , with an oak-wood arrow slung at Amora’s side. Her deadly gaze was enough the cut through anyone who dared oppose her. She had a silvery pouch of dragon-teeth sharp daggers fastened to a belt encircling her slim waist.


“Are you ready for an adventure?”



John was too shocked to even reply. His eyes was opened as wide as he could, his jaw were almost dropped on the ground.

“Oh John, please don’t be like this. It is not funny. ” said Amora in a solemn voice, ” let me tell you the story.”

The land of jewelry used to be reigned by the King Phillip , a kind ruler. Everyone there had a peaceful and delighted life. Thomas, Matt’s Uncle, was Jealous of King Phillip and wanted to rule the land of jewelry himself. He asked Arsedamn, the filthy giant, for help to take over the land of Jewelry. They made a deal that Arsendamn  agreed to help Thomas to take over the land of Jewelry, and for return, Thomas had to give Arsendamn on person a day to eat. Therefore, Arsedamn gave Thomas a secret formula and told him that it would change their personality after  consumption.” Amora recalled.

“Did the King Phillip take the formula?” questioned Matt and John together eagerly.

“Yes, he did unfortunately.” sighed Amora, shaking her head gently from side to side. ” After the King Phillip took the formula he became a tyrant. People protested for the king Phillip to stepping down.”

“What happened next?” asked Matt.

” Thomas became the new king, as agreed, Thomas handed in a person every day to Arsendamn. People were so scare that they tempted to flee away from the land. So Arsendamn sent ghoul to go after people.” said Amora.

” I knew it! I met it when I was dragged here.” shrieked John hurriedly.

“Now there isn’t any people left! This land is deserted.” Amora gasped.

” Where is my Father now?” whimpered Matt, almost cried.

“Since the King Phillip was forced to step down, he was locked on the top of the tower by Arsendamn with a magic spell. Whoever got closer would be bounced back with serious injuries.” Amora said.

“What can I do to break the spell and free my father?” asked Matt.

” It’s going to be a tough journey. You have to collect five gems to release the power and break the spell that made on the King.” Amora answered.

“Where are the five gems and what do they look like?” John asked curiously.

“They are Green, Orange, Red, Blue and Purple. The green one was hidden in the glass chamber where Matt used to stay. It could make you feel sick when you see it. Now, here is your first gift –a special spectacles made of tree leaves which can stop you from getting ill. Be careful, this journey involves a lots of risks. You will find the clue about the orange gem once you retrieve the green one. GOOD LUCK!” Amora smiled and vanished.


# Harry

John and Matt know it is hard to get all the colors gems together.

First of all, they put on special spectacles made of tree leaves and succeeded in getting green gems.

Then they looked ahead and saw that the path to the orange gem was covered with lava, and only a few very small stones could stand. John walked ahead, he jumped confidently on the small stone and passed the hot lava path. Matt also carefully passed the lava path.

when they moved the orange gem, the lava under their feet disappeared, and the one in front of them turned into an open door. At the same time, they cried out “ It’s a maze!  It’s a maze of trees and flowers.”

They went in and carefully observed the barriers around them. They found that each fork of the maze had a different color bouquet. After many attempts, they finally followed the red bouquet exit out of the maze. They easily got the ruby and high five each other excitedly.

There was a disco floor ahead to meet them. The boys had to dance to the beat but Matt stepped on a wrong square. What will happen…… The ground became an invisible step. The boys had to climb a thousand stairs. They used their last strength to climb out of the stairs. There is a box at the end of the stairs. When it is opened, it is blue gem. They didn’t have the strength to go any further. They decided to have a good rest.

When they wake up, they carefully check the four colors gems they have got. They encourage each other. As long as they get the purple gems, they will win. But they don’t know how dangerous it is to get the last gem!!!     Can they make it? …….


Matt said:” Let’s rest for a bit, and they did,despite of the tiering things they had done. Suddenly, Amora appeared, laughing her head off… ” I knew you would be like this!” And she came, giving Matt and John something that looks like two cups made out of bamboo.  “Drink it, it is the water of energy and soon you wouldn’t need to eat for a neayaiu!  ” John wondered what neayaiu meant, seeing him wonder, Matt explained it meant four fortnights. Amora said,” No one in history had ever take the purple gem yet, and so you’ll have to make it!” Matt and John fell of the trunk they were sitting on and gasped











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