The BFG2


A few months after the Queens anniversary, Sophie lay conscious on a humongous, silky velvet blanket which lay quietly on a king-size, cloud-like bed. Checking the ancient, antique clock for the seventh time this night, she let the slow, steady clock ticking fill her head before drifting away. 3, tick tick, 2, tick tick, 1, tick tick…

BAM!  A ringing bang rang into Sophies head. Siting up bolt right, Sophie peered at the clock-it was 3 a.m.- the witching hour.  A figure filled the room, which was unusual since the room was extremely spacious, and stormed towards Sophie. The tranquil night was now blinding, making it darker than it was.  Although Sophie was scared, she bravely stood up. It couldn’t get worse than seeing and defeating an army of giants. A husky voice sounded, “they’re out.”

Immediately, it dawned over Sophie. For all the day, the giants in the cage, except for the BFG of course, were left there, unnoticed, unsupervised. Obviously they would get out, though Sophie, if the were clever enough to dig their way up. Since Sophie had persuaded the Queen that the giants were too, too dumb to think of a way out, the giants were just left there. At once, Sophie realized she must have been wrong.



Immediately Sophie stood up and ran to the gigantic house where the BFG lived. She rapped on the door but there was no answer she knocked and knocked but there was still not answer. Just then she spotted the opening from underneath the big wood door. She got on her stomach and slowly slid quietly into the BFG’s house. The BFG was snoring so loudly that Sophie’s eardrums shattered. She yelled loudly ,”BFG wake up!” but the BFG did not move, he continued his rhythmed snoring .”And I thought his ears are 50 times more sensitive than mine!” She muttered impatiently. She carefully climbed onto the BFG’s huge bed and screamed directly in his ear,” Wake up!” The BFG popped up like a Jack in the box and glared at Sophie. “What’s so important that You need to wake me up at 3 am?!” He thundered. “That!” Sophie pointed towards the escaped giants.

The BFG shuddered, “Ok, that is something that needs me waking.” Sophie shouted “What should we do? I don’t think those giants could be dumb enough to be captured again.” The BFG covered his ears and whispered, “Not so loud please, I still need them to catch dreams, you know.” Suddenly, Sophie had a brilliant idea. The giants would be most likely return to giant country, right? Do you know where each of the giants sleep?” “Off course,” the BFG answered, the Boncruncher sleeps beside a hill, ButcherBoy Sleeps und…” “Stop talking and listen to my plan!” Cried Sophie, fast running out of patience. “Can we go and tell them to eat the bad dreams that you have caught, but hide me safely away, or I’ll be eaten alive. “OK, I’ll try to find those bottles, I’ve exploded most of them, though.”

While The BFG is trying to find the bottles which contain the bad dreams, Sophie sprinted like a cheetah back to her cottage and got some clothes as she was in her pyjamas with teddies that look as fuzzy as peaches when she woke the BFG. After putting on some decent clothing plus a gigantic coat that goes up to her knee and making sure the BFG has got his bottle with blood red dreams that’s banging the glass sides (all dreams wants to be free or in someone you know), she said “Let’s head for Giant Country!” and they started the long journey to where all the other nine children-eating giants are going.


“Are you sure we’re going the right way?” Sophie shouted as the wind whipped through her hair, making her eyes water with the effort to hang on. The BFG, who was taking long strides over the Antarctic, shushed her and carried on with his bag full of dreams that rattled like a music instrument. Splash, bang, boom, they had arrived. Sophie stared at the dreadful place, filled to the brim with giants. They were ripping and tearing things that looked like human flesh. Blood dripped everywhere, creating a horror scene, terrible to the human eye.

“Well” the BFG grunted, “we’re here, back at home, if you can even call it that.” Sophie leaped with excitement and nerve. She peered into the bag, making sure the bad dreams were still there. Sure enough, the red cloud of dread lingered in every bottle, desperate to escape and haunt the unfortunate souls out there. This is it, the moment everyone’s been waiting for…



As the BFG walked toward the feasting giants Sophie’s heart began pounding ,would the plan  work? What would happen? All She could do was wait and see what would happen.


As the BFG walked towards them, Bonecruncher caught sight of him and sneered, “We’ve been expecting you, Tiny. (all the giants snickered at this point) It seems like you’re surprised we escaped that stupid hole of yours. You can’t believe how we lived without being grossed to death by those seeds you threw down. We found human beans’ bones beside use so we lived on that instead of those green, slimy, grotesque seeds,” “And I can smell a human bean right now.” He added.

“Well, suppose it’s the stuff you just ate and you want more, that’s why.” the BFG answered placidly, “and, boys, I predict it’s sleep time in an hour and I’ll go back to my cave.”

“To do what?” demanded Butcherboy.

“Nothing that you’re interested in.” replied the BFG.

Back in his original home (the cave) the BFG let Sophie out who had the most unpleasant time listening to the conversation and with nothing to do but stare at the sinister red clouds bounce and zoom about their miniature glass prisons.

“The plan is working,” said Sophie, “I’ve also brought some sleeping pills so in case the giants wake up while we’re in the act, we can give them these to make them asleep again.”

“Good idea!” agreed the BFG. So they waited and waited for when the giants go to sleep and finally, their chance came.


The giants, who were determined to stay awake to see the suspected plan that they were sure ‘tiny’ would devise, found their own sluggishness take over them. Sophie’s inpatient waiting was finally rewarded to the sound of grunts and moans as the giants, very slowly, but quite definitely, fell asleep…

“This is it, if you mess up, you might as well be eaten,” whispered the BFG reassuringly.

“No pressure,” replied Sophie, feeling everything but reassured. She quietly slipped on the BFG’s ear, sitting on the very edge. This could be because she was afraid to fall in but it could more likely be the giddy, sick feeling of excitement that made Sophie fill up with dozens, hundreds of tiny, little, minuet butterflies.

Heading very slowly out, they shuffled every few seconds, staring to hear the sound of a giant waking up. The process was almost painful, as Sophie tried to resist the urge to speed to the giants and carry out their well-thought-up plan. The Bonecruncher grunted a slow, steady grunt, signaling they had precisely half an hour to do it.

“Right, here we go,” The BFG reached carefully and cautiously in his leather bag. A series of bottles tumbled out.

“Sssssshhhhhhhhhhhh!” Groaned Sophie. This is the only chance to defeat the giants, one life only, its now or never.

The BFG slowly walked toward the Butcherboy. Will this work? Will I survive? Will the giants finally be defeated? Suddenly, it dawned over Sophie…


“It won’t work,” she thought. “What would I do after we put the dreams inside of them? I didn’t think this through!” She thought frantically. But it was too late the BFG was already puffing the Dream into ButcherBoy’s face. She wanted to scream “Wait!” But she knew there would be a nasty result. The BFG probably noticed her stressed face, “Why are you all red?” “I haven’t thought it through! “Sophie said,  her head in her hands. “Don’t worry, I have.” “You did?” Sophie said as she peeked at the BFG. “Yes, so this is what we do after we put the nightmares inside all the sleeping giants…”


“They would scream and toss and turn in their sleeping placed because of the nightmares, obviously, and then, you know I said I use stuff to explode the dreams and I still got tons of that in my secret cave cellar so I’ve combined them with the nightmares in my bag. Consequently, while they are suffering from the dreams, the exploding stuff would explode them enough for them to pass out for a whole month which is enough time for us to call the military without waking them (cos of the seeping pills we’re also giving them) and give them more severe punishments.”  Boomed the BFG triumphantly.

“That’s a great idea! Thanks for thinking of that!” With new hope, Sophie responded cheerfully.

“The thing would take 12 minutes to activate.” Added the BFG.

Cramming the other giants with explosive nightmares after the BFG finished explaining, they used the rest of the time to explore parts of the BFG’s humongous house, help him learn some new English words from his books and gaze at some of the dreams he considered rare therefore precious. Everything went well the BFG realized that the dreams would haunt Sophie and him next and 9 dreams would easily overrun them with one minute remaining until the giants explode.


Sophie, looking over her shoulder to face the BFG, saw the look on the BFG’s face. “What’s wrong?” questioned Sophie.

“Everything,” answered the BFG, “Do you know what the dreams, or shall I say nightmares, haunt?” The BFG carried on desperately, ignoring Sophies opened mouth, about to form a word, ” People, animals, plants, anything alive.”

“So what?” Asked Sophie, surprised at the sudden outburst.

“So we’ll be next!” cried the BFG, pacing around the room.

Lost in his own thoughts, he hardly saw the smug look Sophie had plastered across her face.

“Ahhhhh, I’ve already though of that.” Sophie replied suspiciously…



“So the problem is there is no way to escape to escape the nightmares,” Sophie said walking around in circles.

“So the solution is simple ; we have to find a way to  escape the nightmares.”

“So what’s the plan? ” The BFG asked.

“Let me finish!” Sophie said.

“So we have to use what we have to our advantage. Our dreams. Such as you fall asleep, I’ll blow the dream where you run as fast as wind. and then you will sleepwalk and actually run as fast as the wind!” Concluded Sophie.

“I’m Sure that the dreams can’t run that fast!” Added Sophie.

” You are a genius!” Exclaimed the BFG. “But how are your going to make me sleepwalk?” Asked the BFG.

“Same thing we will use what we’ve got to our advantage. I have extra sleeping pills that will make fall asleep. Just before are going to sleep take 5 of them and swallow them. That way you will fall in a very deep sleep.” Said Sophie.

“Just one Question where did you get those sleeping pills?” Asked the BFG (He was naturally very curious.)

“You don’t expect me to fall asleep peacefully do you?” Sophie said as she looked at him as if he was a onion with a face.” Heck no, I can’t sleep after I met you! That’s why I’ve always got these sleeping pills to help me sleep!”

“Any way lets start! We don’t have a second to waste!”


So, the BFG did exactly what he was told and Sophie quietly took down his enormous, brass, dream-blowing trumpet which glinted in the moonlight and poured in the dream in which the BFG told her that will make him sleepwalk. After all these preparations, she finally inhaled a huge breath, and blew into the long tube of the trumpet. As she did this, the dream smashed into the BFG’s open, snoring mouth and it worked itself into the brain where it finally stopped and began its proper job, which made the BFG stood up, rolled the stone blocking the entrance open and seeing all that, Sophie jumped onto the BFG’s shoulder and these two began the bumpy journey back to England and away from the howling giants.


Sophie managed to wake up the BFG from his deep sleep before alerting the queen. Immediately, she sent the military army as well as the flight captain to the land of the giants.

“How can I thank you enough! You’ve saved us from the gruesome and vile giants twice now! How can I ever repay you?” stated the queen as seven clumsy chickens waddled past them. The BFG looked both bemused and happy.

“Just promise that you’ll never, ever, in your whole life, let those giants out again your royal high-knees”  replied the BFG in his usual gruff way.

Leading the BFG out, Sophie sat next to him as she locked her small house and entered the BFG not-so-small house. There, they sat many hours reading and writing where the BFG wrote another book carried on from his previous book, this one.


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