The adventure of Eragon

It was a warm day that Eragon was flying through the sky with Saphira but then a wind blew them crashing to a flooding river because of the rain. As Saphira crashed down Eragon said Eitha which made the water disappear as Saphira landed safely on the ground which was between two large mountains. Suddenly, Durza appeared with something strange that Eragon didn’t know when Zar’roc flew straight toward him and noticed Durza had Zar’roc and Eragon only had a small hunting knife used for skinning animals. Then, Saphira led a huge blow of fire that made the two mountains on fire which made Durza say the word Deyja that Eragon had to say letta that broke the magic word Deyja. A million soldiers and Urgals were sent to fight the Vardens three hundred untrained commoner men which made the Varden all laugh because they were not experts in war fairs. As the Varden and soldiers met they clashed their swords and shields into each other to make a scary annoying loud sound which made the men all charge and strike each other to the ground but then the Dwarfs and Elves appeared and helped the Varden because they were losing dozens of men. Meanwhile, Eragon and Saphira rushed to the battlefield just in time as five catapults were about to fire flaming rocks which Saphira dove straight into with her claws pointing straight at the catapult bar that was made for throwing out the rocks. The Varden was losing terribly by charging without thinking or even having a battle strategy they could use for what to do and so many men were struck down by swords, spears, and arrows. Eragon was found striking almost every soldier on the battlefield who was serving for Galbatorix while Saphira whistled and attracted soldiers and when they were all crowded together she would blow fire and kill most of the soldiers that were looking at her. Eragon was fighting madly, attacking anyone with Zar’roc and then saying magic words like Deyja and Draumur kopa which restrained a lot of his energy so he couldn’t move even one muscle after he said it about a dozen times. Saphira positioned her claws down as the men as she divided in full speed straight at the soldiers and then ripped soldiers with her claws and used her fire then retreated and divided down using her tail knocking them down and then grabbing the soldiers and breaking them apart with her bare teeth.

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