Sci-Fi/Dystopian Writing- Create a futuristic universe(Junior Writing4)

Sci-Fi/Dystopian– In this week, we will look at the conventions of science-fiction and dystopian stories, basing our writing off of pictures of dystopian landscapes. We will explore what science fiction writing entails, taking examples from thrilling books such as The Boy in the Tower by Polly Ho-Yen. This is such an exciting topic, and something that is a lot of fun to plan a story about, as you can set it as far in the future as you like, using your imagination to come up with monsters, aliens and even new inventions!



  1. Shayne says:


    here is my fourth writing:)

    The story of Robert and the world Azaras

  2. Sisley says:

    Gradually, the sun dimmed over the crestfallen buildings, leaving silhouettes of the remaining heaps of metal untouched. Even though the sun was supposed to be a powerful star, it’s glow was fading away ; just like the rest of the world. A girl crept through the remains of the once flourishing city to look for the rest of her group ; with robots that look and act like humans, you have to be careful about who to trust. It has been weeks since the rich and important have abandoned earth to go to Mars. Time was priceless to the unlucky ; it slipped away like quicksand and drained their faith just as fast. Stumbling across the bare streets, the hooded girl crept swiftly and silently, wishing to not be seen or heard. Suddenly, a swish of lightning floated past her ; a robot possibly? But that would be impossible as robots move slowly.
    ‘Hello?’ enquired the hooded girl.
    ‘Hello.’ replied the mysterious movement shortly.
    ‘What are you and what is your name?’ stuttered the hooded girl.
    ‘My name is Carrie. Yours?’ hissed the movement coldly.
    ‘Why do you need to know that?’ whispered the girl with much anticipation.
    ‘Because,’ growled Carrie, ‘I believe that I have something that belongs to you.’
    She pulled out a broken frame of a picture and showed it to the hooded girl while smiling viciously. The hooded girl gasped and then gaped awkwardly at the frame ; where could someone find such a piece of disappointment?
    ‘Surprised much, Quin?’ grinned Carrie victoriously.
    With this said, the hooded girl was at her breaking point ; how did Carrie know that her name was Quin?
    ‘How do you know my name?’ she shouted.
    ‘Because the frame says so. It specifically says that it belonged to a failed experiment called Quin. You think that you destroyed the document and burned the frame but the truth is still here.’
    ‘But you can’t blackmail me. I have nothing.’ Quin shouted.
    ‘Ah, so that is. But it’s not stopping me from capturing you to base.’ replied Carrie calmly.
    After that being said, Carrie vanished into the dark with Quin, abandoning the cowered city forever. -Sisley

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