9+ quiz9

muscular means :
Many ________ their bodies by inserting some black substance beneath the skin, which leaves an elevated cicatrix about half an inch long: these are made in the form of stars, and other figures of no particular beauty.
Which of the following usually has a crust?
escort means :
The demand for ivory and rhino horn is being driven by China and south-east Asia, where these products are marketed as ornaments or so-called medicines. In this sentence, ornaments means:
spectator means :
hemisphere means :
A square arrangement, for example, has four-fold rotational symmetry – turn the atoms through 90 degrees and it will look the same. In this sentence, symmetry means:
consumption means :
Exposed to the elements these miniature mountains are allowed to degrade gently, unlike the famous pristine stone pile at the Silver Pavilion in Kyoto, Japan. In this sentence, degrade means to:
There’s a museum and ________ around the city, commemorating the sacrifice.
cater means to:
The skywalks will sprout from train stations across the city and snake over the traffic for up to two miles to create a ________ express lane.
impersonal means :
Explain why short hair is considered ________ and long hair feminine.
“Gentlemen are so much more considerate,” said Mrs. Meares. In this sentence, considerate means:
My willingness to do so was hampered by an abounding ignorance of how it should be done and a fumbling awkwardness with small objects. In this sentence, ignorance means:
A handful of ________ are as transfixed by the game as the players.
Which of the following would be described as an undergraduate?
They enter the chapel of Venus, and are graciously received by the prioress who guards that sanctuary. In this sentence, sanctuary means:
The atmosphere on the Senate floor was at times poisonous as the parties postured and squabbled. In this sentence, postured means:
considerate means :
external means :
Troops are fanning out to ________ the delivery of food, medicine and water to hundreds of thousands of people in need.
As he extended his survey of the heavens and examined with greater minuteness the stellar regions in the Galactic tract, he perceived that the star-depths are unfathomable, and discerned that beyond the reach of his telescope there existed systems and galaxies of stars ________ at an appalling distance in the abysmal depths of space.
At chapel the day following the heaviest snowfall, two hundred volunteers were solicited to spend the day shoveling them out, as part of the Emergency Usefulness policy adopted by the faculty that fall. In this sentence, faculty means:
Which of the following entitles you to something?
The students were so competitive that they would ________ her outside of class, asking about their papers and grades.
facility means :
brook means to:

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