9+ quiz6

gravel means :
Later, drinking the liquid with fake medication suppressed the immune system and allergic skin reactions. In this sentence, medication means:
Some igneous rocks solidify underground under great pressure, and become crystalline rocks such as ________.
I wondered if I were being haunted by ghosts. In this sentence, haunted means:
Which of the following would most likely require a prescription?
Which of the following is part of the respiratory system?
"This misconception is surprising given the evidence that high levels of UV continue affecting human health, such as skin cancer and ocular damage." In this sentence, misconception means:
He said some parents using the food bank were even suffering from malnutrition. In this sentence, malnutrition means:
The steps in the gravel sounded heavy and ponderous, like those of a large man. In this sentence, gravel means:
But while genes are certainly an important ________ of aging, they may not be the most relevant factor, if only because we don't have much control over them.
reservoir means :
Beneath the granite of his nature and a phlegmatic exterior, he concealed a warm heart that always beat constantly for his friends and his country. In this sentence, granite means:
The thought of that silence, something to which he’d long been resigned, now oppressed him. In this sentence, oppressed means:
streak means to:
Which of the following shows dependence?
The meat was fine, but the accompaniments diminished the dish: very bland cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and spinach, and leaden potato salad with cubed cooked carrots, chunks of raw apple and golden raisins. In this sentence, diminished means:
Mr. Booth has pithily characterized certain benevolent schemes as doing sixpennyworth of good and a shilling's worth of harm. In this sentence, benevolent means:
They make sure Elisa does all her homework and impose a midnight curfew. In this sentence, impose means to:
“Arthur is fighting the present war,” he said, “to impose his ideas on King Lot.” In this sentence, impose means to:
dependence means :
liberal means :
drawback means :
fad means :
archaic means :
drawback means :
strive means to:
likewise means :
The opposite of obscure is:
Ordinary ________ — independent businesses and privately held homes — was anathema.
peckish means :

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