9+ quiz5

The opposite of edible is:
Others put animals into laboratory tanks and manipulate the aquatic environment. In this sentence, aquatic means:
Which of the following is a parasite?
It’s the nucleus of a squad that has Whorley reminiscing – considering heights not seen around Jackson since the team won the state title in 2009. In this sentence, nucleus means:
In the eyes of modern agribusiness, Chip and his companions at SVF are a collection of misfits. In this sentence, companions means:
bizarre means :
temperate means :
duration means :
The Kitchen is one of the newest pieces of an unusual culinary endeavor that the Boston-based Melville Charitable Trust is trying here as part of its mission to address homelessness. In this sentence, culinary means:
repetitive means :
infinite means :
The ________ are from Ryota Aoki, a Japanese potter who harvests his clay from a mountainside outside Nagoya.
Anything that destroys habitat — mining, pollution, deforestation and global warming — disrupts the biosphere. In this sentence, biosphere means:
tolerance means :
Ms Qin used to perform such duty when she first met Yingying’s mother and prodded her about reproductive plans. In this sentence, reproductive means:
The opposite of vulnerable is:
The bright and twisty designs made it harder for hostile forces to track the range and speed of allied ships. In this sentence, hostile means:
Oh, and funny factoid: Do you know what has actually been shown to increase a child's fruit and vegetable intake? In this sentence, intake means:
prominent means :
In Peoria on Tuesday, Schock’s constituents were struggling to digest the news, with many surprised at how abruptly he resigned. In this sentence, digest means to:
As he was a man of much ________, with an impassible face, it was impossible to say whether he felt inwardly glad that the end had finally come, or felt sad over the result, and was too manly to show it.
The opposite of coarse is:
dense means :
undergo means to:
feat means :
A senior at Yale studying ecology and evolutionary biology, Ms. Attwood beams like a proud parent as she describes her pet toad, Emma. In this sentence, ecology means:
prominent means :
The bird half of Miss Peregrine had so thoroughly ________ her nature that it was refusing to be driven away without a fight.
barren means :
adept means :

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