9+ quiz3

Responsible for hiring the top administrator, it plays a decisive role in shaping the direction of a company. In this sentence, administrator means:
headquarters means :
The Spatisserie's retro-Hollywood décor makes the experience all the more fabulous. In this sentence, fabulous means:
fabulous means :
It produces molecules of rubber in its sap and if two research programmes, one going on in Germany and one in America, come to fruition, it could supplement—or even replace—the traditional rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis. In this sentence, molecules means:
I spend the weekend at Mom’s store, dealing with all the merchandise brought back by grumpy people. In this sentence, merchandise means:
In the case of climate change, the denial of science likewise legitimates military action rather than investment in technology. In this sentence, legitimates means:
rubbish means :
She is hopeful that the new boost in deep-sea research will help us to better understand this unusual ecosystem - and this could yield some ________ discoveries along the way.
Economists polled by Reuters had forecast ________ sales, which account for a third of consumer spending, increasing 0.2 percent last month.
commence means to:
haste means :
The new accounting software automates many tasks, so she no longer brings in a bookkeeper every Thursday evening to input paper receipts. In this sentence, automates means:
legitimate means :
Opponents said the land, owned by Tetra Partners, was assessed at only $1.25 million by Fairfax County and was unsuitable for a restaurant. In this sentence, assessed means:
infrastructure means :
transaction means :
revenue means :
The workings of memory seem contradictory because they obey conflicting human impulses. In this sentence, impulses means:
violate means to:
latter means :
affluent means :
“The stone tools represent a sophistication in how they use and manipulate objects,” said Dr. Ward. In this sentence, manipulate means to:
incentive means :
Users may download and print extracts of content from this website for their own personal and non-commercial use only. In this sentence, extracts means:
essence means :
The bills passed by the House and Senate both would require nearly all Americans to get coverage and would provide ________ for many who can't afford the cost, but they differ on hundreds of details.
The three people now employed in Iraq to oversee the work done by DynCorp are still too few, the ________ concludes.
corrupt means to:
The connection with this party had cost us various delays and inconveniences; and the glaring want of courtesy and good sense displayed by their virtual leader did not ________ us to bear these annoyances with much patience.

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