9+ quiz2

Moine and Gau calculate that there are about twenty questions or statements that a planner needs to be prepared for. In this sentence, calculate means to:
moisture means :
Which of the following would most likely be associated with mythology?
He knew that section well and smiled a little as he thought of it and of himself, a ragged vagrant, exploring its byways. In this sentence, ragged means:
oath means :
collision means :
physiology means :
The Collegiate Learning Assessment is a test of critical thinking, analytic reasoning and communication skills that is content nonspecific. In this sentence, analytic means:
The new series is a dating competition, with three former "Bad Girls" vying for the attention of eligible bachelors. In this sentence, bachelors means:
theoretical means :
rugged means :
Who is required to have a diploma in order to practice in a field?
Which of the following would most likely be known to excel?
nonetheless means :
There is a beautiful story of a company of celestial beings, who, in disguise, entered an ancient city upon a mission of mercy. In this sentence, celestial means:
Disaster struck in 1968, when ________ gases escaped from one reactor, poisoning crew members who tried to repair it at sea.
In China, by contrast, the most important grumbles are voiced only in private. In this sentence, grumbles means:
The opposite of scarce is:
Which of the following is a topic of sociology?
speculate means to:
inland means :
The work provides some of the strongest genetic evidence yet for how the human ________ surpassed those of all other apes.
Which topic would most likely be covered in a geology course?
competent means :
Taken together, the two evaluations strongly suggest that ginkgo does little, if anything, to improve acuity in ________ functions such as memory, language, and visual and spatial orientation.
He has been unable to assert himself as the alpha candidate that many Republicans expected he would be. In this sentence, assert means to:
He was one of the first to see—possibly the very first–—that the power inherent in the atom could, if harnessed, make bombs powerful enough to "make this old world vanish in smoke." In this sentence, harnessed means:
The country was a rolling ________, and, from the higher ground, the vision was obstructed only by the earth's curvature.
keen means :
relativity means :

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