9+ quiz13

She wants me to see what has become of her, since her days of sloth and overeating and failure. In this sentence, sloth means:
catastrophe means :
Which of the following is a tactic most likely used in the military?
Until she knew whether this king was friend or ________, Catelyn was not about to reveal the least part of Robb's dispositions.
anchor means :
designate means to:
reign means to:
These barbs will continue for some time, of course, and he knows it, knows that he has to try to submerge the instinctive arrogance of a man who has been lauded since he was able to understand the meaning of words. In this sentence, submerge means to:
They twisted his words and phrases away from the ________, and turned his subdued and controlled remarks into a howling anarchistic speech.
The opposite of secondhand is:
intricate means :
realm means :
fore means :
Amun was the chief god, the ________ name, corresponding with the Aum of the Indians, also, probably, the Egyptian On.
The debate is being played out against genuine anxiety in Israel that demographics point to a steady decline in the Jewish majority within the country. In this sentence, genuine means:
He did admit, however that there was a "humanitarian catastrophe" in the south, which remains one of the poorest areas of the world, leading to ________ clashes over resources.
The stealthy rustling among the bushes, continued, evidently coming nearer. In this sentence, rustling means:
foe means :
A visit of European Parliament members to the country this week to assess the situation may help highlight the suffering of a community and provoke a regional response to a challenge that today is being left to Bangladesh alone to grapple with. In this sentence, provoke means to:
It's a scene that always elicits unintended laughs from contemporary audiences: they laugh at Norman's need to explain himself through the voice of his mother, they laugh at the dumbfounded looks on the faces of the local hicks—but mostly they laugh at a film that thinks it must explain a serial killer. In this sentence, dumbfounded means:
I pray that my fate will not be like that of a priest friend of mine who was kidnapped and killed because he attempted to ________ between two tribes.
distort means to:
We were the first case on the docket. In this sentence, docket means:
Still, the net income was above the expectations of Wall Street analysts, and ________ the stock rose slightly in after-hours trading.
The time finally arranged, however, had overlapped my visit to London. In this sentence, overlapped means:
niche means :
He hacked into his fist and pulled a handkerchief from his back pocket to wipe his hand and his mouth. In this sentence, hacked means:
In the past it was assumed that the lower borrowing costs resulting from the dollar's favored position, as well as the benefits accrued from the ease of doing business in the world's most liquid currency, would easily offset this problem. In this sentence, offset means to:
buoy means to:
"And if I am too precipitate I might be suspected?" In this sentence, precipitate means:

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