9+ quiz10

His work helped lay the foundations for two of the field’s biggest ideas: the efficient-market hypothesis and options pricing. In this sentence, hypothesis means:
grid means :
This theme was recently elaborated by Jean Claude Larreche in his new book Momentum. In this sentence, elaborated means:
It specifies the very terms and limits of the authority thus conferred. In this sentence, specifies means:
Elsewhere, one notices the mottled trunks of lace-bark pines, the gray velvet wraps around magnolia buds, the conifers’ deep range of blues and greens and the stubborn scarlet oak that refuses to lose its copper leaves. In this sentence, buds means:
Marketing would run a conference, procurement would handle the suppliers, but they didn’t necessarily coordinate well. In this sentence, coordinate means to:
City health officials insist that the tanks are safe, and that the laws governing them are adequate. In this sentence, adequate means:
After three and a half months, the court found her guilty of kidnapping charges and being an accessory to assault. In this sentence, accessory means:
There are useful insights into the dilemma of modern marriage here, but the overall effect of the heavily padded Committed is like that of being called, over and over, by a friend who wants to talk your ear off about her impending nuptials. In this sentence, dilemma means:
Renaissance means :
Though I embraced my simultaneous roles as athlete and activist, there were times at the games when I craved time outside of the spotlight. In this sentence, simultaneous means:
humanitarian means :
The Lithuanian government quickly ________ the allegations — but not before a few local outlets and social-media users had spread the false accounts.
fleet means :
spatial means :
The opposite of asset is:
The fact is, that education is of coordinate importance with the very faculties without which it cannot be imparted. In this sentence, coordinate means:
Demonizing ________ while favoring locally grown food is, in any case, overly simplistic, argues Hilary Benn, Britain's environment minister.
The e-mail messages dealt with one of the most controversial aspects of A.I.G.’s bailout: that the Fed was paying the insurer’s trading partners 100 cents on the dollar for their soured investments. In this sentence, aspects means:
facilitate means to:
Taken together, the two evaluations strongly suggest that ginkgo does little, if anything, to improve acuity in cognitive functions such as memory, language, and visual and spatial orientation. In this sentence, spatial means:
And there's a recent acquisition, a shark-shaped bed for ambassador Chuck, their cat, who has a shark outfit in his vast wardrobe. In this sentence, acquisition means:
He learned to crochet, learned braille, and took every class he possibly could. In this sentence, braille means:
The proper purposes of assessment are to support and improve student learning and to provide an informative record of their achievements. In this sentence, informative means:
A dynamo churning in the few million years after Vesta's formation would have ________ itself on the newly formed crust.
revere means to:
revere means to:
I’m not sure it is going to convince ________ that science and faith are so easily compatible.
Of course, this is all premised on wholesale energy prices remaining low. In this sentence, premised means:
Well aware that the intensity of Sir Alex Ferguson's feelings towards him ________ and wane as the threat from Anfield intensifies or recedes, Liverpool's manager will be privately wounded by his Manchester United counterpart's current lack of personal vexation.

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