9+ quiz1

eligible means :
This is the size of the universe we may as a species, if we're industrious, ________ and fortunate, get to explore.
fasten means to:
You can opt to add your name more times in exchange for tesserae. In this sentence, opt means to:
During another vignette they skulk onstage in what is clearly meant to be a state of heavy inebriation, each lost in a private world filled with fanciful or tormenting visions. In this sentence, fanciful means:
It was so bright and cheerful, it raised his spirits in spite of Rosa’s dire threats. In this sentence, dire means:
Mr. Almunia, who for five years has been the EU official in charge of enforcing the bloc's budget-deficit rules, had for weeks stressed that Greece—with tough monitoring from the European Commission—would be able to rectify its fiscal problems on its own. In this sentence, rectify means to:
The ornate ________ was bursting with believers, their eyes closed in worship, breaking their concentration only to make a sign of the Orthodox cross, or to kiss the hand of the new Patriarch as he passed by.
adjoin means to:
deprive means to:
He finds himself now eavesdropping on planes during the boarding process, as his fellow passengers gripe about the lack of overhead space or feeling rushed. In this sentence, gripe means to:
On all the principal lines of communication there are regular post-stations, at from ten to twenty miles apart, where a certain number of horses and vehicles are kept for the ________ of travellers.
outrage means :
elapse means to:
Facing a decline in oil revenues and a dearth of foreign investment, Mr. Chávez seemed eager to address any lingering concerns the Western oil companies may have about operating in his country. In this sentence, dearth means:
As the era of cheap, abundant energy drew to a close, poverty and unrest began to spread like a virus. In this sentence, abundant means:
sustenance means :
It appalled Pierre to see how much of the little fortune received from the Bretton homestead had to be expended in reaching America. In this sentence, appalled means:
Still others think the economy is suffering from a ________ of lucrative innovations.
Before there were yet fields given up to grass, they found ample pasturage in the woods. In this sentence, ample means:
He manages, in books like “Cloud Atlas,” to muse on the nature of storytelling itself without lapsing into arid academic theorizing. In this sentence, arid means:
allot means to:
The opposite of deliberate is:
grueling means :
The bells rang for six days, and solemn processions were held, and thanksgivings offered up in all the churches and abbeys of the Milanese. In this sentence, abbeys means:
Underneath the sawdust—and he knew exactly where—were caches of nutshells, seeds, bones, fruit, and gristle. In this sentence, caches means:
To be successful, however, he’s also found that relationships need to function in more practical, and perhaps mundane ways as well. In this sentence, mundane means:
tedious means :
Mexico's anti-trust watchdog is probing alleged price collusion in the cement industry by Cemex -- a major Mexican company not owned by Slim -- but penalties for monopolistic practices are paltry and rarely applied. In this sentence, paltry means:
Yet he keeps their plight too lightweight and fanciful to invite real ________.

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