7+ week1

scared means :
replace means to:
hunter means :
angry means :
final means :
clever means :
cruel means :
wellness means :
The opposite of arrive is:
A moment later everything came into focus and they were able to look about them. In this sentence, moment means:
The ground here was a carpet of fallen leaves that ________ any tracks we might’ve made the night before.
promise means :
“And so Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen have agreed to meet with you.” In this sentence, agreed means:
Thus, the chain must make customers aware of the value it offers, while also boasting of better merchandise and a more pleasant store. In this sentence, pleasant means:
But the ________ that should inform their decision is this: The point of insurance is to protect yourself from the catastrophe you can't afford.
Which of the following is an example of wellness?
"Eternal destruction" he explains as irreparable destruction, ________ and irreversible extinction.
She was quite in earnest, and attacked the task bravely. In this sentence, attacked means:
Then carefully refastening the clasps, and again folding it up in its silken cover, he replaced the book on the shelf. In this sentence, replaced means:
bottom line means :

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