7+ quiz8

grab means to:
The opposite of accept is:
familiar means :
The opposite of forward is:
attend means to:
Newcomer Jo Burke arranges child ballads around discordant keyboards and violins, while Sam Lee reinvents travellers' songs with tempered gas cylinders and a Japanese koto. In this sentence, arranges means:
release means to:
success means :
Megan Rapinoe of the U.S. World Cup champion soccer team tore a knee ligament that will require surgery, jeopardizing her chances of playing in next summer's Rio Olympics. In this sentence, require means to:
He proposes to get a boat and fetch that treasure. In this sentence, proposes means:
contrast means to:
purpose means :
Among the biggest problems are the streets themselves - laid out as they are in a pattern relatively unchanged since medieval times. In this sentence, pattern means:
The opposite of encourage is:
propose means to:
Few ever reflect upon the necessary consequences of the growth of population. In this sentence, necessary means:
But Tally regained her balance and leaned forward, heading back toward the building. In this sentence, balance means:
In terms of empirical precision, it is the most successful theory in the history of science. In this sentence, theory means:
encourage means to:
require means to:

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