7+ quiz60

quarter means :
treasure means :
borrow means to:
loan means :
They told their Bengali friends that Graham was well behaved, Ivy educated, earned an impressive salary. In this sentence, salary means:
former means :
assume means to:
The touching pathos and thrilling adventures of Oliver Twist make a strong ________ to the reader's emotions.
In the short-term the money it makes from exports can be used to buy more raw materials, or to invest more heavily in Chinese business and infrastructure. In this sentence, invest means to:
Who would most likely collect fares?
Early hearings of the case brought striking revelations that embarrassed the military. In this sentence, embarrassed means:
practical means :
temporary means :
While the U.S embassy reopened, it said the threat of terrorist attacks against American interests remained high and ________ its citizens in Yemen to be "vigilant and take prudent security measures."
After graduation, while making shoes for private ________ and runway shows, they began developing their own line.
A rushing sound as of many waters came gurgling in her ears, dulling the voice of some one who spoke from far off. In this sentence, dulling means:
The opposite of dull is:
scholarship means :
Freelancers, the self-employed, ________ — all know the current job will end and they need to keep looking for the next one.
There’s no formula for a perfect morning routine — it’s mostly subjective and depends on what works for you. In this sentence, formula means:

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