7+ quiz57

The rain had stopped, and the wind had died down to its usual whisper. In this sentence, whisper means:
You literally build up a habit of feeling empowered by taking the risk, taking the ________, doing something that scares you.
whisper means :
They then subtract the fund’s expenses for the day, such as commissions paid. In this sentence, subtract means to:
“How dare you torture a maiden like this!” In this sentence, dare means to:
I grab the branch above me with both hands, but pull myself up with only my left arm. In this sentence, branch means:
He turned the rack this way and that until he was satisfied with the angle of the bright light it cast. In this sentence, cast means to:
The sound had been sharp, like lightning striking a tree or something really heavy dropping to the floor. In this sentence, sharp means:
philosophy means :
And when you write a check, the number you put in the little box gets ________ from what you have.
accompany means to:
Training abroad comes with both constraints and opportunities, and it is wise to fully weigh your options before deciding. In this sentence, weigh means to:
Royal empires have been built, unexplored lands have been traversed, great religions and ________ have been forever changed by the spice trade.
sharp means :
cast means to:
“What if?” is a legitimate historical inquiry as long as one can demonstrate a reasoned causal connection between historical and virtual terms of specific situations. In this sentence, virtual means:
For years virtual goods have been the key business model on popular sites in Asia. In this sentence, virtual means:
She enjoyed singing operetta as my dad accompanied her on piano. In this sentence, accompanied means:
branch means :
weigh means to:

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