7+ quiz2

terrified means :
shiny means :
Genetically modified foods are plants or animals that have had genes copied from other plants or animals inserted into their DNA in a ________.
careful means :
Then she would wait noiselessly in her back room until we had gone. In this sentence, noiselessly means:
I’d avoided talking to him all day, but the lab forced me to relay data about chemical reactions with certain types of metals so he could write it down. In this sentence, chemical means:
For him, the ________ is worth the expense, the chance to be one with his dog team across incredible wilderness.
After meeting with Judeh, who said negotiations must be "bound by a timeline," Clinton held talks with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, who said he hoped to "________ enough momentum" to get peace talks going again.
heart means :
experiment means :
I feel small again, but this time, it doesn’t scare me. In this sentence, scare means to:
Which of the following would be considered part of the nervous system?
shine means to:
When will the next millennium begin?
approach means :
The first time many young readers will come across ________ dictatorship is reading about the Snow Queen's wintery reign of terror.
An icy, rounded boulder projected above him out of reach. In this sentence, projected means:
nerve means :
laughable means :
He likes to blur the boundaries of high and low ________, and specializes in creating surprising artistic encounters and collaborations.

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