7+ quiz17

celebrate means to:
The format and rules of the show are similar to those of the classic contest. In this sentence, classic means:
disappear means to:
available means :
The narrow dark streets were obstacle courses of puddles and ditches interspersed with piles of rocks and sand. In this sentence, puddles means:
But the waste from CAFOs is a huge source of very toxic pollution. In this sentence, waste means:
Now when I think about this book, it makes me appreciate my mother that much more. In this sentence, appreciate means to:
lonely means :
It was not the admiration of his genius, but a decided comprehension and appreciation of it, that attached Beethoven to a friend. In this sentence, attached means:
The discovery of the positron in 1932 confirmed Dirac’s theory and led to his being awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1933. In this sentence, confirmed means:
solution means :
Janie was leaning on the counter making aimless pencil marks on a piece of wrapping paper. In this sentence, aimless means:
“This is where I differ from everybody on the Republican side,” she said. In this sentence, differ means to:
Obama administration officials have said the success of the election will ________ whether the U.S. continues to expand economic ties with Myanmar.
“He was so forward in his manner and inappropriate that she was on the point of lodging a complaint,” they wrote. In this sentence, forward means:
solution means :
fair means :
flow means :
The tin sailed down, struck a tall crag, bounded off, and fell upon a comparatively ________ plateau.
Schools have had a nearly unanimous response to Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube: repression and silence. In this sentence, response means:

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