7+ quiz16

Before leaving for Haiti, Chambers, the closest thing the company has to a French speaker, had his wife rush out to buy him an English-French dictionary. In this sentence, dictionary means:
Which of the following would most likely be considered a century?
Which of the following would you most likely see at a concert?
ancient means :
They swarmed over the sea as pirates to plunder wherever they could find stored-up wealth along the coasts of Western Europe. In this sentence, wealth means:
"Not here, but not so very far off," he replied, and the gentleness of his tone encouraged the child to ask further. In this sentence, gentleness means:
publish means to:
theater means :
dictionary means :
Mayoral lawyers initially ________ the request but released them after the AP appealed.
Changed by heat, pressure, and the process of decomposition, these dead remains became the substances that make our modern lives possible. In this sentence, process means:
I hate going to someone's ________ and sitting in front of their desk while they continue to work.
The Federal Government could enforce the new national rules, but this would require creating a sizable new regulatory bureaucracy, even though one already ________ at the state level.
Which of the following games requires a board?
clue means :
These practices were much more common in charter schools and ________ than in either normal state or private schools.
“It’s now an official ________,” he said of the report. “It’s gone to our bond-holders, to everybody who has an interest in it.”
Which of the following would you most likely consider a chamber?
Any devotee of Einstein will relish the chance to parse this annotated facsimile of the physicist's ________ manuscript on general relativity.
According to the original paper, engineers described themselves as "strongly conservative" and "deeply religious" more often than professors in any other field. In this sentence, original means:

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