7+ quiz15

mistake means :
realize means to:
Tree-ear could barely contain his excitement. In this sentence, excitement means:
yeti means :
Which of the following would most likely indicate a job opportunity?
happiness means :
And we wouldn’t have the video save for the courageous observer with a cell phone who possibly risked his life in filming the incident. In this sentence, risked means:
His attendants, who had now discovered his whereabouts, crowding round him with their congratulations, seized upon this circumstance as a fortunate omen. In this sentence, fortunate means:
extreme means :
Inside, two sloped seating areas converge under the light of a long, narrow window running the ________ of the roof, creating a space of disquieting solitude.
The opposite of fearless is:
Of course, the ability to move about unnoticed is a prime characteristic of a good spy. In this sentence, characteristic means:
The team ________ an immediate 55 percent plunge in stroke risk over the first three days following vaccination.
Officials on Friday officially declared the massive fire that consumed a College Park apartment building extinguished. In this sentence, consumed means:
wonder means to:
I know I am expected to ________, to express gratitude, but it takes a conscious effort to smile, and several moments to form the words.
The Ady Gil's crew lobbed small projectiles designed to release a foul smell, and the whalers ________ by firing high-powered hoses to keep the Sea Shepherd vessels away, the institute said in a statement.
I run up to my apartment to find Pa sitting on our balcony observing the excitement below. In this sentence, observing means:
Whatever were the matter in hand, he so concentrated himself on it, and absorbed himself in it, that nothing else seemed to exist for him. In this sentence, absorbed means:
But he is tagging along with the bears, who see mounting evidence that China’s stimulus package and aggressive bank lending are creating artificial demand, raising the ________ of a wave of nonperforming loans.

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