7+ quiz13

burn means to:
couple means to:
"In the short term we are likely to see an increase in explosive trace detection, with a greater use of whole body imaging in the medium term," he says. In this sentence, increase means:
Farmers believe most of the seeds need to be in the ground by the end of this month to have a good crop. In this sentence, crop means:
Cleopatra was also held responsible for Mark Antony’s desertion. In this sentence, responsible means:
This story revolved around the premise of creating a utopia where everyone is treated fairly and is completely ________.
Both sides call upon supernatural powers: Kelsea’s marks her as her land’s destined ruler, while that of her enemy demands a tribute of blood. In this sentence, demands means:
Still more rarely we come upon a bear and are fortunate if we get even the merest sight of him before he is gone. In this sentence, sight means:
groom means to:
feedback means :
He was recently released from solitary confinement and placed in a ________ with another prisoner.
gap means :
Mamani moved to the city as a young man from a small rural town where farmers raised quinoa and llamas. In this sentence, raised means:
I have my laptop and a suitcase ________ T-shirts, jeans, and khakis, three long-sleeve shirts, one pair of shorts, vitamins, and an assortment of toiletries.
There was, first, a reception in the parlor, animated with the same frisson of excitement that accompanies the tumbling of ________ in high spaces.
In addition, Japanese grammatical structure and syntax are quite different from English and other Western languages. In this sentence, structure means:
Which of the following would most likely be considered wholesome?
positive means :
A large American flag hanging from the window, which, as they started, fluttered as in a southern zephyr, soon began to ________ as in a stiff breeze as the car's speed increased.
Rask, playing this deep in the postseason for the first time, proved equal to the challenge. In this sentence, equal means:

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