7+ quiz12

What would you most likely do with a magazine?
neighbor means :
claw means to:
Among self-proclaimed geeks, pi is a bit of a pride point, one of the few mathematical symbols widely recognized in popular culture. In this sentence, symbols means:
profit means to:
She suggests adding calf workouts to your regular exercise routine but cautions that increasing muscle and bone strength is a gradual process and that having strong calves is no cure-all. In this sentence, calf means:
Quite early on my trip, however, I invented a method for washing clothes which you will go a long way to better. In this sentence, method means:
compare means to:
professional means :
thin means :
Where I live now, in the Homeland, there are not enough shelters for the homeless. In this sentence, shelters means:
Measurements of distance were standardized to twelve inches to a foot, three feet to a ________, and so forth up to an acre of land.
Out the window, beyond the curtains, the flame atop the waste stack, high in the distance, flaps and shivers. In this sentence, flaps means:
This is the reason why there’s a healthy market for waterproof writing materials. In this sentence, materials means:
Organic is one of those quality food products that America produces. In this sentence, quality means:
But the students and faculty at her school felt it wasn't an award she earned so much as an aspirational symbol of what might be possible once she really starts doing stuff. In this sentence, symbol means:
That they had made a tidy profit was evidenced by the size of their house, which stood apart from the rest of the village. In this sentence, profit means:
“If you have a positive attitude things will look a lot better.” In this sentence, attitude means:
Meanwhile, as an ________ in The New York Times pointed out, Google’s self-driving car has already run into another perplexing safety problem: human drivers.
shape means :

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