11+ BB1 quiz9

Welcome to your 11+ BB1 quiz9

synonym of sham
synonym of elude
synonym of exacting
synonym of deride
synonym of exhaustive
synonym of gullible
synonym of sagacious
antonym of erroneous
antonym of excel
do not match elated
do not match sophisticated
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Press is to button as turn is to __.
Write is to paper as chisel is to __.
Omelette is to egg as cloud is to __.
Somehow, in the commotion, one of the couple had dislodged the __ and the car was beginning to trundle forwards towards the cliff edge.
If he could just __ his hysterical approach, we might risk letting him see the boss later this week.
I signed the contract with such eagerness that I didn't notice the fateful __ on the second page.
Four more trucks passed him by, without giving any sign of recognition of his request for a lift, and Harold began to __ of escaping this empty plain that day.
An impressively intelligent debater, the presidential candidate was nevertheless let down by this appearance of being __ from the lives of ordinary people.
In your explanation please do not __ to the agreement you say you had with the previous teacher; he is no longer working here, there is no record of such any such agreement, and I do not believe extra time off will help you pass the exam.
It is difficult to repeatedly be disappointed by the standards of behaviour and sources of motivation of others, and not let __ set in.
I am not surprised that he believed her far-fetched story. He is one of the most __ people I have ever met.
Please accept my apologies for my earlier __ manner. | was pressed for time with several people waiting for a reply to rather complication questions.

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