11+ BB1 quiz8

Welcome to your 11+ BB1 quiz8

synonym of lurid
synonym of commiseration
synonym of depict
synonym of craving
synonym of expunge
synonym of hallowed
synonym of extrapolate
antonym of ambiguous
antonym of euphemism
do not match caricature
do not match mercurial
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Mouse is to point as keyboard is to __.
Card is to play as ball is to __.
Vertex is to edge as edge is __.
The danger of taking on that project is that it would __ you in to cover only the landscape differences between the countries; you might later find this depressingly limiting.
An architectural, literary and scientific wonder, Paris is the majestic __ of the Republic of France.
On one side stood mountains of breakfast cereal packages of all sizes and colours, and on the other was a wall of high-energy breakfast bars boasting every imaginable ingredient. It was difficult to walk down the __ without being tempted.
Rollo had every support we could give him but, as the pessimistic teachers had predicted, hedid indeed __ even in everyday work, and showed no signs of excelling in any discipline.
The zipper on her school bag broken, Susan carefully devised a way to __ a carrier bag for use as a supplementary cover.
At last they arrived at the __ suite, which had been specially redecorated as requested, with flowers from ceiling to floor, and studded with the finest chocolate money could buy.
By half past two in the afternoon, a vast throng filled the __ raising a commotion that could be heard almost half a mile beyond the furthest of the market stalls.
The new king was intelligent and just, but was __ by a nervous twitch of his eyes that his subjects sometimes misunderstood as surprise.
"I think you are __,” objected Isobel at the suggestion that they take turns in pulling the two ton truck up the shallow hill to the playground.

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