11+ BB1 quiz6

Welcome to your 11+ BB1 quiz6

synonym of doctrine
synonym of elusive
synonym of lucid
synonym of grieve
synonym of embroiled
synonym of exquisite
synonym of slovenly
antonym of diluted
antonym of duplicity
do not match elaborate
do not match notoriety
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Table is to legs as truck is to __.
Sweep is to broom as strum is to __.
Concentrated is to water as cold is to __.
Geoffrey walked the full length of the ship from the stern to the __, finding nowhere that provided him with both good shade and a fair breeze.
Even though your offer to drive me home is very kind, | have already paid for a taxi so I must sadly __.
Hector's mother was extremely disappointed in the manner in which he was treated. She wanted to __ a formal complaint with the school.
Having dashed through the city, raced up the staircase, and trampled their way through the auditorium, they managed to edge into their seats just in time for the opening __ of the symphony.
Asking us to do questions 15 to 30 as well for homework adds an intolerable extra__.
The helicopter could not land on the ship because of __ weather conditions, including rolling seas and a gathering hurricane.
Six people had been killed in the "base jumping” incident. We complained to the television station that their light-hearted coverage was not appropriate: this was not a matter for __.
Having carefully examined the evidence, the judge decided that the builder was indeed __ for the disintegration of the tower block and enormous loss of life.
Impressive though the lunch had been, it left us __ in the afternoon, with some scarcely able to keep their eyes open.

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