11+ BB1 quiz4

Welcome to your 11+ BB1 quiz4

synonym of deposit
synonym of entrance
synonym of extravagant
synonym of coy
synonym of dutiful
synonym of desecration
synonym of raconteur
antonym of decisive
antonym of exhibit
do not match extract
do not match complicit
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Ring is to finger as bracelet is to __.
Circle is to ends as snake is to __.
Contrition is to deny as refrigeration is to __.
After foisting upon the villagers so many scams, Wilmer had very little __ left. Thisturned out to be a problem when his cottage really did catch fire.
In such a large group of newcomers to skiing, it was almost inevitable that someone would __ a bone.
When I heard he had won this prize too, | groaned that his __ would now be intolerable.
Demanding that all the other children play by his rules, Raymond and his __ of grandeur became a talking point throughout his school.
Hiding behind the bushes, he tried to decide which path he could take to the open window without the infrared __ triggering the alarm.
Once the teacher had gone, | retrieved two precious marbles from our secret __ and we started the game.
"This isosceles triangle could have turned into that one by flipping upside down or by rotating 180 degrees. It is impossible to choose a single correct answer because the question is __."
The plot was __ but enjoyable because of the richness of the characterisation and depth of interaction between the hero and heroine.
Joseph should be given an opportunity to__ your allegations, since he has waited calmly while you related them.

One Comment

  1. Good quizzzzz:-)

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