11+ BB1 quiz3

synonym of draft
synonym of entrance
synonym of discrepancy
synonym of ponder
synonym of droll
synonym of debunk
synonym of proverb
antonym of expense
antonym of dumb
do not match melancholy
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Enjoy is to holiday as endure is to __.
Sears is to frozen as fascinates is to __.
Forthcoming is to intention as bygone is to __.
To qualify for the discount, Henry would have to have five years'__ membership of the club.
The __ of the internal combustion engine triggered a rapid series of innovations that within a generation left the landscape of transportation changed forever.
It seemed the sea was just at the horizon, but as the desperately dehydrated party struggled over what they thought was the last hill, they realised that this had been a terrible __.
After arguing for almost an hour over where they should hold their newly established inter- school sports contest, the opposing headmasters finally agreed to __ between the two schools.
Thank you for rescuing my daughter from the dragon, good knight. As a reward, the Queen and | will grant you one __: ask for anything you want from our kingdom.
As the viewers started to guess how the film would finish, the story suddenly took on a __ twist, eliciting gasps of surprise and a few tears.
I had heard of his reputation but in person | found him perfectly __ and easy to get on with.
"When there was a proper playground here, the children loved to spend their evenings on the swings and slides, or even just chasing around the grass field. Since the council sold it, they just sit indoors with video games,” __ the teacher.
The monologue began with a description of a trip to Lisbon but continued with one amusing __ after another until by the end everybody was in tears of laughter but nobody could remember the thread of the story.
do not match facility

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