11+ BB1 quiz2

Welcome to your 11+ BB1 quiz2

synonym of domain
synonym of exert
synonym of enduring
synonym of emphatic
synonym of emulate
synonym of extraneous
synonym of inadvertently
antonym of domestic
antonym of ebb
do not math culture
do not match dilemma
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Nervous is to terrified as annoyed is to __.
Impoverished is to extravagant as exhausted is to __.
Jealous is to possession as fearful is to __.
The final push to maximise ship production propelled the Netherlands to the status of a major __ power, vastly out of proportion to its population.
On the basis of this blurry photo, how on earth can you __ him to be the winner of therace? It is hard to recognise even the finish line, let alone any of the runners.
It is difficult for me to concentrate on my homework while suffering these __ interruptions from my younger brother. Each intrusion may only last for a few seconds, but together they stop me solving any of these puzzles.
Despite every setback in the first few months of running her own flower ship, Gwen'senthusiasm did not __. She continued with the same determination that she had shownduring her years of planning, and by the end of the year, she had built a thriving business.
The security guard sorely regretted giving the helmeted cyclist only a __ glance as heentered the bank. Moments later, rifle in hand, the assailant had leapt up onto the bench andwas barking orders.
To __ is human; to forgive, divine.
It is not entirely true to say that we have eaten nothing: we must not forget the couple of__ buns we each had in the middle of the afternoon.
The __excuses he provided, for being in the secure area out of hours, carried no weightwith the guards. Soon he was bunked down in a cell, left alone to contemplate his foolishness.
After the slick sales presentation, the audience were universally delighted, except for one young man at the front who asked a __ question. The answer led to more and more questions,which eventually totally undermined the sales pitch.

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