11+ BB1 quiz16

Welcome to your 11+ BB1 quiz16

synonym of dogmatic
synonym of habitat
synonym of guile
synonym of doyen
synonym of diminution
synonym of painstaking
synonym of repress
antonym of dawdled
antonym of deplore
do not match vain
do not match raucous
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Brevity is to concise as longevity is to __.
Night is to dusk as morning is to __.
Darken is to dazzle as hearken is to __.
After some months of grumbling low-level protest, the sixth form finally agreed to __ thesame uniform as the rest of the school.
Ant and Dec are in fact two __ people, even though they almost always work together.
We didn't at the time understand his __ to the need to sacrifice some minor freedoms. Only months later, from our prison cells, did his meaning become clear.
The modern breakfast __ is supplemented with a variety of vitamins, which makes it veryunlikely that a person with an average diet will become importantly deficient.
If you break any items in this museum, the cost must unfortunately be __ by yourparents or your school.
Even with the numbing effects of a long night of alcohol, he could not understand how heallowed himself to have his __ pierced.
In a complete contrast to Louisa who is loud and bold, her sister is soft-spoken and __.
We should have realised his potion would never work: in the last town where he performed hisso-called faith healing, he was chased out as a __.
The end of the summer saw the __ of their hiking group, the members going their ownways.

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