11+ BB1 quiz12

Welcome to your 11+ BB1 quiz12

synonym of facilitate
synonym of equivocal
synonym of dubious
synonym of erudite
synonym of enumerate
synonym of disinclination
synonym of corroborate
antonym of degenerate
antonym of enmity
do not match pliant
do not match research
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Seatbelt is to collision as umbrella is to __.
Fortress is to destruction as promise is to __.
Secret is to publicise as protected is to __.
At the front of the church, the young priest trembled slightly as he stepped up to the __ to lead his first service on his own.
In the hope of being given a lengthy period off school, Jorgia __ a limp as she went in tothe doctor’s office. Unfortunately for her, he had noticed her sprightly participation animpromptu game of football just minutes earlier.
Jemima would __ at the thought the wedding would be conducted in a downmarkethotel rather than the planned castle.
Taking into account your extreme financial hardship, the school has decided to __ theusual fee for participating in the school trip.
The more we explored the tiny __ on which we were stranded, the more we becamedespondent.
Without further __, I am delighted to call onto the stage the man whose performanceshave set the magic world alight - the Great Suprendo.
Why do you say I am not eligible for this discount? Which __ do you think I do notmeet?
Throughout your 5 year rampage, you showed no mercy for your victims, and now standing in the dock you show not the slightest hint of __ for your crimes.
Don't take any notice of what I said when I was in the grip of the fever last week: I was __, suffering from hallucinations and could not think straight.

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