11+ BB1 quiz10

Welcome to your 11+ BB1 quiz10

synonym of eloquence
synonym of deceit
synonym of effervescent
synonym of venal
synonym of enormity
synonym of indifferent
synonym of machinate
antonym of dearth
antonym of exhale
do not match dour
do not match contemptible
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Rectangle is to square as ellipse is to __.
Screen is to picture as loudspeaker is to __.
Airport is to landing as marina is to__.
Ernesto was relieved to see the finishing line was just coming into sight on the horizon. His friends and family would be arranged __ the final few hundred metres, and their cheers would soon would surely give him the last few ounces of motivation needed to finish the race.
It is difficult for you outside this prison to understand the value of the __ you take for granted; inside here, the inmates long for it with all their hearts.
I could not decide in which __ to place this book: it is part mystery, part romance and part science fiction.
Rollo’s claim to be the __ of the institute was greeted with laughter from the many present who remember him joining it as a novice only a few years previously.
A beautiful __ acted as a centrepiece for the explosion of colour that was her new blouse.
Somehow we have to tum this pile of ideas into a single __ whole, so that we can win this advertising contract.
With one last pull on the net, they managed to haul on board their huge catch of __.
I carried my rucksack on my left shoulder to try not to __ the injury to my right ankle.
I don't want to be a __, but I was voted the most handsome boy by the girls of my class.

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