

The night dazzled with the same stars. The moon was a vision of mystery as Alex waited impatiently down the black, cobble steps of the dim, peculiar library. Books seemed to bore into the small, darting eyes of Alex’s. After swearing he wouldn’t step foot on a library ever again, this experience was traumatizing. This is important, Alex thought, we could defeat The Witch for good. He often referred Aunt Gris as ‘The Witch’ for he feared The Witch. He clasped tightly in his hand a small bottle with funny oil leaking out. It smelled revolting but it was the most important essence. It was the sleeping potion Alex had used on Natacha long ago. A cat-like figure followed by a tall, long figure suddenly approached Alex and whispered in a husky tone, “It’s time.”

What time was it? you may ask. Well, it was time to face Her. To fight. To defeat.


Alex sighed and walked grimly out of the small library kicking at ant plie he past in frustration. The library was so big yet he couldn’t find a single book that was helpful.  He decided to get some sleep he would return tomorrow to carry out the plan they made up. Which was the same plan last time to put a sleeping potion in Her drink. It was a miracle that they managed to escape Natasha and Aunt Gris.

Last time when they pushed Aunt Gris in the fire it turned out that she had chanted a fire resistance spell that made her immune to fire and then she teleported herself into the unknown. Apparently what Alex and Yasmin had thought were screams of agony were actually just fake cries that Aunt Gris did to play with them.

Alex’s ears burned bright red at remembering being tricked.

But this time he would make sure she was gone and defeated. For Good.

( Jack )

Surprisingly, you only need 3 feathers from a Phoenix, a bottle of Holy Water, and some sweet/nightmare dream powder ( depending on if the potion is for a good deed or a bad one ). Here, in the Land of Magic, these ingredients are everywhere. Phoenixes are normal pets, dream powder are used for people with nightmares and holy water is water mixed with just a bit of dragon saliva ( dragons serve as dogs here ). Alex concluded that they could finish the potion the following day so now, all they have to do is find Aunt Gris, pour the potion in while she is not looking, and wait for the effect.


Yasmin looked at Lenore,  criticizing his every step. “How on earth is he going to help us? He’ll just be a pain,” muttered Yasmin to Alex. Lenore gave a look that obviously meant ‘your no better than I am’ before sauntering off to Alex and lying infant of the polished, white fan. Alex quickly explained why Lenore had to come and that he had helped us a lot in the past. Finally, Yasmin gave up. They silently creeped past ‘Aunt’ Gris and went in search for the ingredients, catching Phoenixes, finding dream powder before setting off the difficult journey to find the Royal Fountain where the Holy Water lay. Packing a light bag that was enchanted ,with much admiration, by Yasmin to hold countless pieces of equipment without feeling heavy, they set off, bracing themselves for the difficult journey ahead.

As they trudged through the muddy Autumn floor, wind whistling through their hair, they suddenly heard a noise of dread, Aunt Gris had woken up. Her loud, rumbling snore filled the whole of the house, which was very impressive since the house is GIGANTIC. Alex held his breath, hoping, wishing for her to go back to sleep. But those things only happen in fairy tales. No, she woke up, grumbling and moaning, before going to check on her prisoners.



Yasmin glanced at Alex and he could see the fear in her eyes. “Run.” He whispered. They ran as far as they can and soon enough they were exhausted. ” What do we do now?” Yasmin asked Alex. “I not to sure, if we go back we will be punished by Aunt Gris, If we stay we will starve.”

“Our plan won’t work, we need to find a way to kill Gris.”

Alex looked at Yasmin. They both realized it was true. Killing Gris was they only way to survive.

“But I don’t want to kill Aunts Gris!” Alex blurted out, Yasmin looked at him and said,” It’s the Only way, but if you can think of a better plan I would absolutely love to hear it.” Yasmin said sarcastically.

” We need to have a plan. We need to outwit that witch, to think a step ahead.” Yasmin said.

Yasmin looked at him expectantly. “Why are you looking at me?” Alex asked. “Because your usually the idea-guy.” “Well I’m stuck now! ” Alex muttered.

Lenore stretched and hissed. “Hey maybe Lenore could help us!” Yasmin said excitedly “How?” Alex asked genuinely curious. “So what we do is…


We would chant that spell we learned at school, remember? The one that Professor Charm was telling us about, that’ll instantly kill any living thing, but is forbidden?”

“Yeah,” Alex said, “but the problem is that we can’t get into her house as she always have 2 rows of sentries all around her.”

“Correct, but we can wait until she’s in bed for nobody would look at someone while they’re sleeping. Consequently, we can make a hole in the ceiling of her bedroom and chant the spell”

“Oh, yes, you’re a genius, Lenore!” Alex shouted joyously. “But how are we going to go on the ceiling, you know there’s no trees that we can climb on and use plus the builders already finished the extension to the house. “Yasmin enquired.

“Good question, but I still got my pet dragon trapped in my portable case I believe, he can give us a lift and dragon breath will refill your hunger straight away.”

“OK, but let’s get started, I don’t want to stand here and be captured by Aunt Gris or one of her sentries patrolling outside.”

However, they realized that hiding from the guards is not that easy…


Creeping to the other room, they began thinking this plan wasn’t going to work. Alex, who was determined to ignore the fact that Yasmin and Lenore were being so unscrupulous, plodded on through the spindly path. He opened his mouth to retort that this idea was stupid, but realized how excited they were and decided to leave it there. Although the more rational idea was to turn back and leave, he decided to face the perilous adventure ahead.

Alex felt very omit when they finally arrived, but did not want to make his only allies his adversaries.

” Shhhh” whispered Yasmin ” There she is! Aunt Gris!”

Alex crouched down underneath a cabinet. Although he wanted it to be done quickly, he did not want to be detained again by Aunt Gris. And this was it. It was now or never. They have eluded danger before, maybe they would be lucky again.



As they crouched behind a large bush filled with bright red berries, they watched they sentries patrolling around the huge castle. The Sentries were very big, almost 2 times as big as Alex. They wore heavy silver armor that clinked every time one of them walked .”So what do we do now?” Alex asked Lenore. ” Lenore looked at him with bright green eyes that seemed to say  we observe the sentries. See if there is pattern they are following or if there is a way we can enter without having to fight our ways in. Alex cringed as scenes of him trying to fight his way in each one more tragic that the next.

“Hey Lenore can turn invisible right? Then go ahead and push that button,” Yasmin pointed to a large red button on a high pedestal with a sign that said “dismissal of sentries” .”So that all the sentries will disappear…”


After they successfully avoided the sentries, Lenore took out the case and his dragon flew out.

“Quick, climb on him!” whispered Lenore so Aunt Gris won’t hear.

Alex and Yasmin scrambled on before Lenore kicked the dragon gently and they shot through the air. Within a few seconds, they had arrived on to the ceiling of the house which was surprisingly quick considering it had 7 floors and 4 of them were prison cells so what they heard was a mixture of air whooshing past and prisoners screaming and crying. Just as they reached the top,, they realized they didn’t bring a drill and they didn’t learn any spells that could break blocks.

“What are we going to do? We didn’t bring a drill!” Yasmin cried after they found Gris’ bedroom.

“I know,” said Alex, “but we can use that spell we learned in our extra class that turns any block you look at into steel and then we can use the ‘soften’ charm which only works on metal and make a hole!”

“But, after that, we need to use something to deceive Aunt Gris so she thinks nothing has happened. Consequently, this is what I was thinking we can do…”


“We use that powerful sleeping potion, the one that was more powerful than Natacha’s, and slip it in her pink lemonade,” started Alex, “however, it can go terribly wrong, according to Professor Flitwick, but it’s now or never!” Alex could tell Yasmin was feeling a bit queasy, for Aunt Gris was known for being miserly to everyone, but cried on plodding ahead.

As though to stop them, Lenore blocked their way, telling them with his eyes that Alex’s plan was beyond doable, that it was irrational, illogical and incoherent. Alex could feel Lenore was part of the family now, although he couldn’t speak.

‘We are all a family now,’ Jack thought ‘will I really want to risk my family to get rid of one despicable person?’

A tiny voice chanted in his head not to, that if he did, no-one would get any gain.


Alex said defiantly,” lets do this he said folding his arms. ” Ok on the count of 1 ,2 3..”

They both chanted the the spell to turn the blocks into metal. They found it quite easy. Then they tried the softening spell, Yasmin corrected Alex on his charm,” It’s Spongify not Spoooongify.” Alex rolled his eyes but couldn’t help but smile.

As they hopped in Yasmin asked,” What do we do now well we have to figure out where Aunt Gris is. ” Alex said fidgeting. ” This is going to take forever.” Yasmin muttered.

It was true there were thousand of rooms leading in every direction. Where were they going to start? Are they ever going to find her?


When they got to the main hall in the third floor, they couldn’t help but gaze in awe at the vastness of the room, the jewels and half-precious stones which was pressed into the walls and ceiling and the colorful tapestries embroidered with famous dark wizards and witches or evil sorcerers killing innocent witches/wizards or normal non-magical people. Just then, an idea jumped into Yasmin’s head.

“Guys, we don’t have to keep on searching like this because 1, we are going to get very tired from walking on like this and 2, Aunt Gris is a witch, so she can move around the house. So, what I was thinking is we can use that ghost potion that will allow us to se through solid objects and walk through them, that way, we can find Aunt Gris really easily.”

“Yeah, but…right, good thinking Yasmin!” Lenore complimented.

“But…”Alex started.

“Stop talking and asking buts!” Yasmin and Lenore both shouted, irritated with Alex’s uncertainty.

“Fine, let’s do that.” Alex said. to avoid further arguments.

BUT, they didn’t know that Aunt Gris had heard the kids’ voices and is on the move…


Alex just realize there and then that Lenore was talking. He never knew Lenore could talk and gave Yasmin a questioning look.

“Finally, you caught up!” Yasmin shot at him, ” I put a speaking potion on Lenore so he can talk to us, you’re really irritating you know!”

Alex felt guilty about this but little did he know, Aunt Gris was peeking in on the conversation. She was laughing sharply, cackling at the kids ignorance. She had, in fact, slipped a potion into Lenore’s drink that meant that he would have to do whatever she says.

“A master plan!” Aunt Gris thought “I will be able to defeat them once and for all! Muhahahaha!”



After Aunt Gris slunk away Alex said,” Yasmin did you hear that?” “Hear what?” Yasmin asked frowning. “Stop wasting our time, Alex besides you’re probably imagining things.” Yasmin said angrily. Alex looked at the Yasmin questioningly then tried to shrug it off.

However there was something bugging him, he had a feeling that something bad is going to happen…

As they carefully brewed the ghost potion, Alex suddenly realized just how hungry he was. It was as if suddenly something made him hungry. He didn’t want to tell Yasmin because he didn’t want to annoy her further, Suddenly Lenore jumped up and meowed “I’m hungry.”

Yasmin looked at her and said “we can eat later after we finish brewing the potion, I want to kill her TONIGHT.”


Before long, the team had finished the brewing and devoured the last pieces of Life Bars although they did leave enough water for another 2 days (the bag was enchanted so Yasmin didn’t mind carrying lots).  Then, everyone drank a sip of the ghost potion and immediately, Alex felt like a feather gliding in the air. He looked at Yasmin and Lenore and sure enough, you can see through them when Yasmin tried to walk through a wall, she disappeared  into it and came out again.

“This potion is EPIC!!” Alex commented.

“I agree, I feel as if I was floating in the air and I have no weight!” Yasmin also chirped.

Suddenly, with a pang, Alex remembered that Lenore stayed silent since they’d eaten their lunch. And, when he looked around, no sign of him.

“Hey Yasmin, do you know where Lenore went?” Alex questioned.

“Dunno, suppose he just scooted off to somewhere,” Yasmin replied sarcastically.

“Then just stick to the plan, wherever Lenore went,” Alex jutted out.

But, while they were searching for Aunt Gris, they didn’t know that Lenore had betrayed them and was on the act…


Drip…drip…drip… A light drizzle fell peacefully from the lackadaisical, azure sky. Alex, refreshed from his evening supper, floated along the merciless, snake-like path with the comfort of a grumpy Yasmin and a blazing sun beating down on them. Alex felt as light as a feather when he turned and twisted and fell in and out of a tree. He gazed at the bird waddling too and fro, too and fro, too and fro, *Snore*.


With a start, Alex woke up to brace the music of Yasmin’s anger. After calming down, Yasmin didn’t say a word, merely just gliding down hills, up mountains, across field, but always seemed to be on the verge of tears.


As Alex leaned back onto the tree trunk in attempt to fall asleep once again and then muttered, “that girl is literally crazy!” “You say what?” Screamed a high pitched voice. Alex Spun around and saw Yasmin glaring at him angrily. “Just Kidding.” Alex said lying to himself. “But don’t you think it’s a bit weird? ” “What’s weird? “Yasmin asked sounding genuinely curious. “the fact that Lenore didn’t come back yet or that Aunt Gris didn’t come hunting us or anything? Right?” Alex continued relieved that Yasmin wasn’t screaming at him. “Oh I bet Lenore is exploring something or whatever but I don’t think she’s in trouble because she can turn invisible remember?” Yasmin asked trying to reassure herself that Lenore was okay. But they both knew that it couldn’t be true for Aunt Gris is a very powerful wizard and Lenore is no match for her.

Suddenly they heard a meowing noise. Yasmin turned around and gasped with relief, “Lenore’s Back!” She said. However Alex was the only one that notice Lenore had red eyes with skulls.


“Stooooooooooop, Yasmin! Don’t get too close!” Screamed an extremely alarmed Alex as Yasmin tried to hug Lenore.

“Don’t you see, Lenore’s been controlled by Aunt Gris, look at his eyes!”

“Oh yeah, Alex, run!!!” Shouted back a terrified Yasmin.

“I will kill you TODAY.” said Lenore in a robotic, hollow voice.

Alex and Yasmin ran and ran till they could not hear Lenore and their legs could not carry them at all. Then, they found a sword in a rock labelled, ‘For use against betrayed friends, makes them your allies again and any person use’

“We can use this on Lenore!” grinned Alex,

So,  they  pulled the sword out of the rock and Alex was to keep it. Suddenly, Yasmin remembered that Lenore could turn invisible and launch a sneak attack. Little to her knowledge, though, Aunt Gris, the powerful Aunt Gris, had made a mistake for once and didn’t include the ability when she turned her evil, giving Alex and Yasmin one chance to save him and the whole wide world.


Saddling his newly owned weapon, Alex set off with Yasmin to the endless adventure.

“I swear this is Deja Vu.” whispered Alex, putting up his hand to save him from the merciless glare of the forever lasting sun. “The sun is the brightest thing today, brighter then my thoughts.”

So, after a moments consideration, they set off to the only sheltered part of the land, the woods. Phantom eyes, staring, glaring, hunting you down. Alex remembered asking himself ‘is this really worth it?’ and Yasmin had thought of leaving the woods altogether. However, their friends image that shone in their memories deterred them.

“This is it, the final battle. We ARE going to defeat Her.” Announced Alex, new determination shining like a star inside of him.


However their inspiration didn’t last long, Alex was starting to doubt himself. Could they really defeat the all mighty Aunt Gris?

He directed all these questions to an extremely calm Yasmin.

“How are we going to defeat Aunt Gris? With the killing Curse? Oh I bet that would go extremely well , Hey Aunt Gris it’s time for you to die, Avada Kedavra!

Besides How are we going to use this mouldy sword on Lenore anyway? Chop off her ears?”

Yasmin replied with a horrible voice as if forcing herself to be calm.

“Very funny. why are asking me these questions anyway? It’s not like I know everything!”

“Actually- ” Alex started but quieted down after Yasmin glared at him.

“Jeez calm down!” He said after giving her a dirty look.

“I.AM.CALM.” Breathed a totally calm Yasmin.

Alex rolled his eyes but neither of them said a word until they arrive at the castle. This is it. Alex thought, where the final battle begins.


Aunt Gris came out with seemingly nothing, but Alex and Yasmin, who knew her better than that, knew she plotted something extremely treacherous or has a god-killer weapon with her.

“So, we finally meet again, youngsters.” She said drily.

“And this will be the last, Gris.” Replied Yasmin and Alex in unison.

“Will it, though? Well, you must first destroy your friend Lenore here before you face the real master, me. Muhahahaha!”

Behind her, Lenore appeared and with a point of her finger, sent a stream of electricity straight towards Alex. He dodged it only by millimeters and in fact, so close that he can feel the burning heat from it.

He shouted the charm  “Wingardium Leviosa!”

Immediately Lenore rose into the air, still trying to aim for Alex  . Seeing he has the advantage, Alex followed up by saying the spell “Pin!” which made Lenore immediately drop out of the air and lie flat on the ground and now, she can’t move a muscle. Over at the far end of the field, Yasmin is battling 3 bodyguards at one and Alex came to help.

Nodding to each other silently, Alex said “Now!” and they both said “Expillarious!” at the same time.

Upon impact, the guards put down they enormously powerful evil purple staffs which crackled with sinister green lasers. Then, Yasmin remembered the charm nicknamed the ‘item goodness’ charm and used it on the laser staffs and almost instantly, they turned into a calming light blue and a glaring silver mixed with sparkling gold. And back to Lenore, Alex simply put the sword on his head and she rose into the air despite the spell and in a silver flash, he was shaking her head and saying

“What happened to me?”

Quick Lenore, grab one of these, we’re battling Aunt Gris and we need your help!” yelled Alex, giving him a staff without even turning round. Now, they have Lenore on their team again.

“Well, I see you have defeated them and have a new member on your team, but that was just to make you feel good and have a better chance of defeating me, even though to be honest, the chance is 0%. Let the final battle which decides all things begin!”

With these words she lobbed a giant fireball crackling with purple fire straight at them. but the trio put their staffs together and formed a glittering silver shield around them.

“Just some primary techniques, easily broken.” observed Aunt Gris.

She launched some ice spikes into the shield and a green green powder began consuming the silver, resulting  it vanishing bit by bit.

“Quick, Lenore, turn invisible and go behind Gris, she doesn’t have her Unseen Seen mirror so she won’t detect you.” whispered Yasmin so Aunt Gris wouldn’t hear.

“Right.” Lenore replied and in an instant, she disappeared from view. Alex and Yasmin continued to use the lasers to distract Aunt Gris while Lenore crept behind her and using all the power she can channel from her body, sent out an enormous blast. BUT, Aunt Gris detected that and blew a steam of air straight at Lenore, which sent her staggering back but worst of all, it felt like her eyes were pierced by 1000 thorns and she lay on the ground while slowly, and painstakingly, rolled over.

“Your friend is down, Alex and Yasmin. Without her, how will you ever destroy me?! Muhahahaha!

“Together, our power is almost that strong, and with the sceptres, we will be even stronger!” Exclaimed Alex and Yasmin at the same time.

“Will you, though?” Enquired Aunt Gris in a mocking voice.

Before Alex get to answer, she had sent down a red streak of lightning with hit them head on but thankfully, the sceptres formed a light blast which protected the duo and then, Alex and Yasmin used the sceptres to send out a stream of lightning which tangled around each other and formed one, large lightning bolt and shot at Aunt Gris head on. Unfortunately, Aunt Gris planned ahead and formed a hurricane which sucked up the lightning and after twirling it around for who knows how many times, it  made the bolt charge straight at Yasmin and Alex. Both were blasted backwards.

“We have to outwit her, how about using the temporary invisible spell and I’ll blast her from behind and she be distracted by me so she won’t say a defensive spell while you say Avada Kadevra?”

When Yasmin gave a thumbs-up, Alex chanted the spell and vanished from view. Yasmin decided then to make a glittering electric ball and fired it straight at Aunt Gris and predictably, she chanted a fire-electricity resistant spell so no damage was dealt. Next, Aunt Gris made a black mist around Yasmin and out of it, came 5 steel serpents, with its fangs charged up with poison and green lightning. They literally opened their mouths and poison mixed with lightning shot out of its fangs. Yasmin chanted a spell and the scepter glowed blue. Turns out, Yasmin had said the poison spell, which meant any poison rebounds when it hits her and the evil lightning were consumed into the light of the scepter, disappearing forever. Back to Alex, after he became invisible, he sneaked behind the Aunt Gris concentrated on Yasmin and  blasted an energy ball from behind. She was hit but dealt very little damage from it because she is the most powerful witch to have ever lived so of course it did a miniscule amount. Since she cannot see Alex, Aunt Gris basically made sizzling purple fireballs in every direction and blasted them. Seeing now Aunt Gris is concentrating on him, Yasmin shouted

“Avada Kadevra!”

Right on the moment, Green light came out of Aunt Gris’ body and after a few moments, she fell to the ground. Aunt Gris, the most powerful witch that ever existed and will probably always be, has been killed-by a group of three children.


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