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    • #7320

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>My homework</p>
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    • #7020

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>My speech writing</p>
      The features of written language and speech In English language there are two different ways of actually presenting language. These are written language and speech. These two factors of speech both include many different features between themselves. These features are mostly opposite to each other as they are completely different ways of presenting language. Written language is structured into paragraphs unlike general speech which is hardly thought about before being said and is flowing naturally. There is also syntax used in writing as sentences are structured as more time and thought is put into writing, however in speech, sentences are less structured and there are a variety of short and long sentences. Punctuation is not used in speech as we acquire the language naturally, whereas in written language there are many different punctuation symbols which are used to identify certain things for instance: pauses, lists, a signal for speech and also many other symbols, this creates a certain effect which allows a reader to read a piece of writing with pace and fluency.


      Spoken language can be directed to a number of people whereas written language can be directed to many but is still very personal and confidential. It can be read at a reader’s individual pace so he/she does not have to keep up with the writer. This is different to when speech is used it is often directed to a group of people and even if it is a one to one conversation the speech is usually transient which means it is directly responded to but however it is then forgotten. This does clash with written language as we understand it to be permanent which has been used in many circumstances as proof of something as it cannot be changed. Also when speaking to an audience the speech can be amended almost instantly whereas in written language it takes time and thought to configure exactly what needs to be written.


      The tools needed to write are a pen and paper however in medieval times writings were usually written upon stones. No tools are required for speaking; only the ability to speak and a voice are needed. Many people use body language when their talking to reflect exactly what they mean, they also use facial expressions to show emotion. This shows that without actually being able to speak there are still ways to communicate. An example of this is when deaf people use sign language, it is not straightforward but it shows that it can be done if it is needed. There are many more features to spoken language compared to written language. Nevertheless, this does not mean that one is more important than another as they both co-ordinate together to create the universal language of English.
      <p style=”text-align: right;”>25/8/2020</p>
      work 8

    • #6751

      This time for home work is:
      Hello, today we will not be doing anything else. If you are reading this letter you will probably be a little happy because we are TAKING OVER THE HUMANS! I think you are a little tired of exploding. So now we will try our new best weapons on them. Aren’t you excited about that? Now we are ready to TAKE THESE HUMANS OUT!

    • #6750

      This time for home work is:
      Hello Today we will not be doing anything else. If you are reading this letter you will probably be a little happy because we are TAKING OVER THE HUMANS! I think you are a little tired of exploding. So now we will try our new best weapons on them. Aren’t you excited about that? Now we are ready to TAKE THESE HUMANS OUT!

    • #6749

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>       <b>This time for home work is:</b></p>
           Hello Today we will not be doing anything else. If you are reading this letter you will probably be a little happy because we are <u>TAKING OVER THE HUMANS!</u>  I think you are a little tired of exploding.🧨 So now we will try our new best weapons on them. Aren’t you excited about that? Now we are ready to <u>TAKE THESE HUMANS OUT!</u>

    • #6361

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Story of a caveman</p>
      One day there was a caveman. It was looking for food. They eat it raw. because they can’t make fire for cooking  But this one was not very good. Even if he picks sharp stone Click ahhhhhhhh!  It get sharped  but now he is slicing food. He is going to eat in a few minutes.

    • #6047

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Jack and the Beanstalk</p>
      One day there is a garden in Jack’s farm. They were selling pie next to the barn. A man gave jack beans. But Jack’s mother was upset. She threw the beans away.but it was Magic Jack saw the elevator so now he thought that the magic beans grew the elevator. Jack went in
      <p style=”text-align: right;”>lesson 5</p>
      <p style=”text-align: right;”>5/8/2020</p>

    • #5680

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>First time at JNHBschool</p>
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>hello my name is Myusernamenothing . And I am nine years old my school name is called hgffyjnhb school. Looks more like a castle instead. There are five teachers they all teach magic. I like the second one because it also teaches science. I don’t have any friends but I’m always happy.I like to go to the school because there is science  and I like science.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Yunlung</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>lesson4.                                                                                                             28/7/2020

      <p style=”text-align: left;”></p>

    • #5274

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Cooking
      One Sunny day in USA at 1:00 am there was a boy called Hoe and he loves cooking. One day he loved it so much that he wants to do it every time. However  he looked at his picture of cooking he was surprised. But when he find his parents he can’t find them. After that he played for an hour. Then he was hungry he cooked himself 2 fried eggs. He wanted to go to the park by 10:30. but he need to find parents to walk there. He find and find  and finally found his parents. They walked and walked until it was 1:00 then he wanted to buy something so he tried to find them. But he couldn’t find them…</p>
      <p style=”text-align: right;”>   lesson 3 homework</p>

    • #4815

      Yunlung homework1

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    • #2771

    • #2550

    • #2549

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