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    • #22745

      The land of Yuan is one of the most sci-fi worlds in the galaxy. It all begins 99999 megatrillion years ago, when a gigantic gas cloud burst open to form the Six Planets of Yuan, namely Yuan 1, Yuan 2, Yuan 3, Yuan 4, Yuan 5, and Funland.

      Some 4,000 megatrillion years later, the Great Big Soccer Ball formed when particles from the gas cloud attached miraculously to form the shape of a soccer ball. The ball reportedly completes an orbit around the planets every 1.374591 megatrillion years, according to Mr. Funis Boring, an avid space fan and supporter of fun things.

      And then, fast-forward 6,0000 megatrillion years , life first formed in Yuan 4. Some tiny particles in the lake of Brudsam, like it’s crafted by a scientist, formed the first Groodle. Groddles are tiny creatures that like to jump around and eat figs. They are the first life to appear at the land of Yuan, shortly followed by the Patato, who look like, feel like, and smell like potatoes.

      Now fast-forward to 7,0000 megatrillion years. A host of species of life formed, like the Grapas, who are extremely fond of-you guessed it, grapes; the Pariziens, who is a group of Paris St. Germain fans(a football club that I like), and the Monstars, a group of monsters who is incredibly good at basketball. Plants and animals increased rapidly, and the populations increased in a way that’s never done before. Life is growing fast.

      Then, when time flies to 8,0000 megatrillion years, People settled into the world, arriving to Yuan 2. The Groddles watched in amaze as the saucers land on the surface of the planet. The humans, amazingly, settled into life onto this new planet, which was severely doubted by the Humanhaters before, but since then, the Humanhaters have been wiped out by the Humans using their advanced weapons called ‘Guns’. This is a significant event for everyone associated with the land of Yuan, and since then humans befriended every species in the land.

      Nowadays, the Yuanland has become the galaxy’s most populous world since the Earth’s downfall. This land is, and always will be, one of the greatest worlds that ever existed.


    • #18731

      Dear Mr. Prankster,

      I think our school can spend the 1,ooo,ooo dollars on prank kits for each of our students(worth $10 each), 20 short-sheeted beds($20 each, for those students caught without a sense of humor and being angry when pranked), a new playground(cost $10,000), and give the rest for good students for Prank College.

      First, the prank kits give the students THREE customized pranks for a student depending who they are. This can boost the students’ pranking skills. Also, when the pranks are done, the kit will magically fill itself with three new pranks. This can end the agony of which prank to pull.

      Second, I think short sheeted beds are the perfect prank to pull. With pranko’s glue stuck to the bedsheet, the bad kids will certainly be bwwwwaaaawwwwing when they got their feet trapped in the bedsheet.

      Third, why not build a new playground? Our old playground is just a field with slides and swings. So why not upgrade it with a fresh new basketball court, soccer pitch, jungle gym, spider web, and obstacle course? That sounds better, isn’t it? That will provide much more fun and a bigger pranking experience.

      And lastly, we should provide funds to the good eggs who will be heading to college. The college can provide exclusive one-on-one pranking lessons, hand-selected pranks selected by the best pranking masters, and a truly magnificent pranking life. That’s how you should spend the government grant.

      —-David Goofball, Goofball School pranking teacher

    • #18431

      The Mystery of the Disappearing Crown Jewels

      Mr.Scott ran to me in a panic, holding an empty case. “Oh, no, Jasper, what is happening?” said Mr.Scott as he showed me the empty crown jewel case. “The crown jewels must have been stolen by a thief or someone in need.”

      “But the jewels were just here an hour ago—-and then I went to get some coffee—and when I’m back, it’s gone!”

      “Then who—-or what could manage to steal a full tank of crown jewels in such a short time? It must be someone who lives near the palace!”

      I decided to set off to search. This is a disaster, I thought, The Coronation is scheduled for 8PM, just two hours later! So I went to search the nearest skid row. Someone could steal the crown jewels because they want to sell them for money! I go to the skid row about once a week to visit my friend Kevin, who is currently homeless. Then I noticed something unusual: The guy wearing glasses, who rarely leaves the skid row, is gone!

      I ran to the palace and told Mr.Scott what I saw. He then said he will look for him while I searched for more suspects. So I went to my neighborhood, which is close to the palace, and asked Trent, my neighbor, who had a passion for treasure. “No, I wouldn’t even dream about stealing a royal crown, let alone intercepting a huge coronation!” But I’m not sure if he was lying or not.

      Suddenly I caught sight of a guy with a pair of glasses and shabby clothes running and holding something golden. I quickly took a picture and bolted out of Trent’s house. “Sorry, just remembered I had a dentist appointment!”

      I called the police and reported everything to them. They said they would do their best to catch him. I looked at the picture and the golden thing is surely the crown jewels! 

      I glanced at the watch. Oh, no, it’s 7:30 already! Can the police catch the guy with glasses, put the crown jewels into the case, and the coronation to go as planned? I thought with my hands on my heart.

      I rushed back to the museum and I was delighted to see the crown jewels, not a single piece missing and safely in the crown case! I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief. The coronation will be going as normal!

      The palace, 8:30. Queen Mariette of Bellingham opened the case, millions of people tuning in to watch. She placed the crown into King William’s forehead. Applause. I am hereby witnessing the coronation of King William of Bellingham! But little did I know that I would be going in an encounter with the Green Goons a few years later……

    • #18173

      The Diary of Jasper Johnson the Jungle Ranger

      May 12, 2048

      Today, I have arrived in the Green Goon Jungle, the home of the perilous Green Goons, little slime balls with a mouth that could gobble you up in about 5 seconds flat. I hid my belongings into a tent to prevent any green goons stealing them. I was here to get some vials of green goon sweat in order to produce a potion that can make people recover from injuries. The King has been injured lately, and only green goon sweat would make him recover. But how was I going to get their sweat without them biting me? This will surely be a hard task.

      May 13

      Today I met a friendly green goon called Ronald. He says he is the son of the King of the Green Goons. I wanted to get his sweat but Ronald says he’s sorry, but the King would not let anyone get their sweat, or they will be chomped up by the Munchers, a type of green goon that devours everything in its path. This was gonna be tough.

      May 15

      I will be attempting to fetch some sweat from a green goon today, and I had the chance. I found a green goon asleep with beads of sweat on its face. I dropped my vial and collected a few drops, but suddenly I heard footsteps. So I darted to escape. I only made it to the tent by a hair and stuffed the vial into my kit. Thankfully, the green goons were not after me. Whew, that was close, but at least I got some green goon sweat!

      May 16

      I wiped my dagger and set out to duel. My plan is to duel with a green goon and when they are very tired, I will kill them and collect the sweat. But my plan didn’t work out entirely at first. I slashed by dagger to the green goon, but they bit me instead. But they got a cut in the stomach, so they are going to be weaker.

      We set off to duel again. I aimed for a neck shot, but instead I hit their chin while they bit my leg. It’s starting to bleed, but with the last of my strength, I slashed the neck and killed it. I got my vial and collected the sweat, and it’s enough for a potion, and enough to recover the King!

      May 20

      Today I have arrived in the kingdom of Bellingham*. William III, the Duke of Bellingham, lay on a bed with the queen and his other relatives by his side. I arrived and knelt to Queen Mariette of Bellingham, saying that the potion is done. Mariette fed the potion into the king’s mouth. We both prayed. Will it work?

      A month later

      June 20

      King William, now fit, and Queen Mariette placed the badge on by shirt. They awarded the Badge of Honor because of my courage to produce the vial. Ronald was there too, and he said the Royal Society of green goons found out I was using the sweat for good reasons, and they welcomed me whenever I want. I will never forget this moment as I strolled home with a badge on my shirt.

      *this is no reference to Jude Bellingham, who famously scored for dortmund in the champions league.

    • #17895

      Jack got out of the river, water and mud all over his clothes, and the figure of what seemed like a tent slowly drifted away. He sat on the surface, wondering why he had gone camping rather than a nice beach trip to Miami.

      Jack was planning a quick getaway from office with his friend Troy, and he decided a camp in Yellowstone was the best option. But Troy said he can’t come because he will visit his parents. Little does Jack know that things will be that twisted.

      So he booked a ticket to Yellowstone and pitched his tent nearby the river(haha that was a bad choice), and put his luggage into the tent. Then, he hummed a few bars of his favorite song and went hunting.

      On the way, he met another guy called Rolf. Rolf said he is a hunting specialist, and he gave Jack a crucial tip: Shoot the arrow into a large clump of leaves, because there might be an animal hiding. He followed his advice and threw his first roll of dice. The arrow went headfirst into a tree. Not discouraged at all, he shot his second arrow, and it was a bullseye(literally)! It hit the eye of a cow. Now I can have some steak, thought Jack as he strolled back.

      Then the shock came.

      He walked a long way, only to find out that his tent and belongings are blown into the river by the wind. Oh no, what should I do? Jack panicked. He decided to keep running, unaware that it’s a side downhill a few yards later.

      KLUNK. Jack fell inside the ice-cold river water, the tent being carried out of sight. He got up, wondering why he had gone camping. That night, he had to sleep on the hard grass and drink the river water. The only things he had is his bow and 10 arrows.

      Things remained like that for the next couple of days. One day, as he went hunting and gambled for a wild boar, he met Rolf. He told Rolf what happened and Rolf called the rescuers with his dying phone. Soon, a helicopter went soaring over their heads. It was the rescuers. The two of them climbed on the helicopter, chatting like old friends. They got off the helicopter and into the airport. I’ll be going to the beach next time, Jack thought as he got on the airplane and said goodbye to his new friend.

      6 years later, New York City. Jack waited at the JFK airport, every minute felt like an hour to him. Finally, Rolf arrived. The two of them embraced into hugs, talking about the adventure. “This one will be better than that camping trip for sure,” said Jack excitedly to Rolf as they climbed up the airplane. Destination: Miami, Florida.



    • #17320

      Once upon a time, there was a Ferris wheel. A Ferris wheel that was small and rundown. It became rusty like an orange. The wheel is not popular, not many people used it. Years and years, the wheel waited. It wanted to be used and feel the joy of the people riding it. It has been waiting for almost a decade for that moment. The moment where it will hear the laughter of the people.

      And then it came.

      One day, as the wheel was spinning casually, some men came strolling down to the wheel’s hub. They had big hammers. The wheel closed its eyes and waited for whatever was going to happen. It was dead. Pieces of the wheel was everywhere. The men put the parts inside a big basket, and they lifted it up onto an airplane. Where it is heading for: Las Vegas.

      The wheel have always been dreaming for Vegas. Its heart would chirp like a bird if the news came. Now, little did the wheel know that it’s going to Vegas, because it’s been sleeping. The plane lifted the wheel’s remains into a factory. In there, it would be made into a new wheel—-The Glory.

      At the factory, the parts were melted into a huge “Ferris wheel soup”. That soup would be made into a new wheel, but that would take quite a few years. But y’know, time flies quickly.

      6 years went by. The Glory was complete. Four men wheeled the Glory into its designed spot: The heart of Las Vegas. As it was being put up, the wheel “woke up”. It soon realized where he was heading for: Vegas. It could jump as high as an Olympic high jumper once it saw the bright lights, the casinos, and the hotels. Its dream came true. The Glory, once a small and forgotten little wheel, will become Las Vegas’ latest hit in just a few days’ time.

      Grand opening day. The Beatles came to perform their latest hit. The president pledged the allegiance. Then, the five of them climbed on the wheel. The Glory felt alive again. The crowd watched as the five of them whirled around the wheel. This would mean a new beginning to the now brand-new Glory.

    • #17213

      Diary writing

      Jul 8, 2021                    Super Cloudy

      I just had a basketball summer camp. Our team lost the basketball game 2-3. But we learned about the “give and go” and played a shooting game that requires us to collect things to earn points. We won that game.

      At the morning, I watched the EURO 2021 semi-final. England win 2-1, which is no surprise.

      I wrote this just after taking a nice shower.


      • #42337

        Back after EURO 2024. Spain won the final 2-1 over England. Just came back to see some of my old writing. This one was so good LOL

    • #42338

      Jude Bellingham is now one of the best footballers in the world

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