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    • #6605

      Chen You Creative writing homework


      My dog,

      I have a dog,

      His name is Bug,

      He has brown fur,

      And he likes staring at the river,

      He has orange eyes,

      And he likes going to Ryze( even if he is not allowed )

      He is very friendly,

      And also funny,

      And very furry

      His birthday is in February,

      He likes playing with me,

      Every time he needed

      somethings dangerous,

      He gets grounded,

      He like eating bones,

      But he doesn’t like eating corns.

    • #6173

      Chen You:

      From: ChenYou                                                                HongKong

      To: Mr Firm                                                             29 February 2019

      Dear Mr Firm

      I am writing this letter to you because I’m really sure that we should send the children to a field trip to Disneyland. Here are some reasons why I think that we should bring the students to Disneyland:

      The first reason is: The children always stay at school it’s good, but they don’t have any chance to go on a trip at Disneyland, sometimes I see children sleeping on there desk and had been grounded by there own teacher.

      The second reason is: All the children at school never went to Disneyland so they need a chance to go.

      The third reason is: The children will need to do a bit of homework, I propose we will do a math game, the third year class will go to Disneyland, when they arrive there, the teachers will give them one paper and one pencil, every time they finish one attraction they will write a one on there paper, when they come back to school they need to calculate how many attractions they did.

      I hope you agree with me.


    • #5902

      Sorry but where are posted the instructions for the homeworkS #11, 12..?
      thanks in advance


    • #5901

      By Chen You:

      25 February

      Dear Mr Firm,

      Everyday when I pass the school gates, I hear children complaining about their lunch. I always hear phrases like “I would rather eat my daddy’s cucumber that he left on his desk five day ago than the pastas that the canteen lady make.” and “I hate today’s pasta because it smells like a frog that stayed in mud for a year and it tastes like donkey’s fart with a mixture of insects.”

      Everyday I ask my child how was lunch, he would say it’s the most repulsive food he ever tasted. But of course, I didn’t believe him. Children always say nonsense. Still, I would ask them, even if it was true, what about the teachers? My child would say that no, they eat their own food. I still didn’t believe him. But other parents also complained about the school food. So then I thought, maybe, the children were telling the truth.

      So I talked to all the parents and they all agreed with me. One adult, also known as Mrs. Boww, told me a very interesting tale. She said that the 20 February, her daughter had a gymnastics class. When it was lunch time, she was exhausted. The canteen lady gave her some food that smelled horrible. But she was so exhausted and starving, she gobbled up everything without noticing disgusting it was. That afternoon, in English class, she vomited on her books, scaring her teacher to the death. The teacher brought her to the nurse. She was sick because she swallowing expired food, and from that day on, she skipped all the lunch time.

      So that’s why I am sending this letter to you, Mr the Director,

      I wish you agree with me,


      Chen You


    • #5550

      Chem You poem:

      My cat


      I have a cat,

      She is very fast,

      She likes to catch mice,

      And she is very nice,

      She is very furry,

      And she is funny,

      She don’t like taking bath,

      But she know the path,

      Sometimes she lets me cut her fur,

      So I like her.

    • #5443

      ChenYou homework #10:

      I would call her Sofia because it’s a normal name so it is more difficult to find her.

      She is magician because she can captured children and turn them invisible.

      She can transform herself into all deferent animals she wants, I am going to explain how she do that,

      She kills the animal she wants to be, for example: a rabbit
      Then she drinks there blood
      After a few seconds, she will be a rabbit
      She is the most amazing witch in England.

    • #5383

      Chen You homework #9:

      The BFG have a friend called EIITW, that stands for: excellent inventor in the world. Every day he invents things that humans can never make, for example: a machine that makes money for the humans or a machine that makes people feel sleepy. He live in London on a giant tree. All the people at London come and asked the EIITW too give them money, he never said no to the humans when they asked for money.

    • #5382

      Chen you, homework #8:

      I would be scared of the BFG and why I would be not scared of the  BFG

      >Scared of the BFG

      He is a giant and all the giants (in fairy tales)are mean, ugly, horrible and they always eats people.
      I would be scared because he would be almost 10 times bigger then the tallest person in the world.
      He had just appeared out of nowhere in night, imagine how scary that would be.
      >Not scared of the BFG

      4.  I am not scared of the BFG because he is friendly, a little bit funny and especially he doesn’t eat humans.

      5. He also give good dreams to the humans.

    • #5376

      ChenYou, homework #6:

      […Once upon a time, there was a detective( a girl ) who was named: Rose Campbell she was about 18 or 19 years old. She had a boss called Mr D’evreux. He is a very strict  boss. Rose had a friend called Stefanie. One day, when Rose and Stefan was eating there  lunch( together), there heard a lady screaming:

      “Somebody help me, please!!”

      Rose and Stefan went as fast as they could to the lady. When she came in the house they saw a lady crying

      “What happened to you , Madame? ” asked Rose

      “Who are you?” She asked

      “We are detectors.” Replied Rose.

      “Detectors? Where are your parents? I need real detectors and polices.” She rolled her eyes

      “Look, we are real detectors. Seriously.”

      “ I’ve no time to wait! My son just disappeared ! Your waisting time right now. If you’re really detectors, show me your badge. I mean NOW!” She screamed

      “Wow, calm down, m’am. Here’s our badge. Stef, she called, turning to Stefan, can you search for clues while I talk to the lady? ”

      “Okay.”she replied

      Stefan took out papers, a pencil and a magnifying glass. She marched in the house.

      “Seriously,” she yelled at Stefan. Turning back to the lady, then said “What exactly happened? ”

      “I was playing Monopoly with my son Ross, then suddenly, for no reason, the lights went off. When the lights went on, my son was missing” she explained.

      the lady gave Rose a picture. Rose took the magnifying glass from her friend and they searched for clues.

      “Where were you and your son just before the lights went off?”

      “In the living room, here” the freaked out mother.

      Using the magnifying glass, the young detective looked around. Then, she saw some footprints. It leads outside, then left, then footsteps leads her next too there house. Rose and Stefan, thought for a minute, when Stefan said

      “Aha! I think I got it” she explained everything to Rose, then they took out two metal de detectors and they started to look for clues. Then Rose’s detector went Bip bip bip (that means that there’s something under ground. )Rose started digging so Stefan helped. At the end they found a man and next to him was the boy!

    • #4772

      ChenYou homework #5

      Once upon a time, in a small village lived a poor family. They had a daughter called Sophie. She wished to go in an adventure. One day, she was walking around and suddenly, behind the bushes she heard a voice.” Come here little girl, come and I will tell you a big secret.”said a shaking voice. So, Sophie came behind the bushes , and saw an old elf. She said politely (but scared)” What do you want from me?”she asked, he replied”  I don’t want anything from you, I just want to tell you a secret.” “ What secret?”asked Sophie, “ Aha!” said the elf. “This secret is an adventure abo…” “ What adventure?” Interrupted Sophie,” Oh… sorry.” said Sophie “ Don’t worry little girl, so, as I was saying, with this door you will be able to go in the adventure, you need to put the small door on a wall and it will become a normal door. Then you will open the door and you will go in a adventure but I think you will need some weapons. ( and he gave some money for the guns and the shield)Oh yeah… At the end you will have a big present for your birthday.” Sophie said thank you and good bye. Then she quickly went to a shop and buy some guns and a shield and kept some money for her family, then she prepared her bag, she put the door on a wall and went inside. She was in the desert!! Then she had decided to walk to find something interesting. An hour later, she was still walking, suddenly she herd  a voice” SOMEONE HELP ME, EVEN IF THERE IS NO ONE !! Sophie walked closer to the voice, then she saw a panther, she was tied with ribbons, so Sophie untied her, then, the ribbons where free, and the panther was nice. It was night, so Sophie decided to talk about her adventure to the panther tomorrow. Tomorrow morning she told everything to the panther, and the panther said he want to help. But then, there was a dragon, so the panther and Sophie tried to kill the dragon, at last they killed the dragon but of course they were a bit bleeding, on the neck of the dragon was a necklace, Sophie touched the necklace and suddenly they were not in the desert but next to the treasure Sophie was about to touch it, but someone shot and injured the panther it was the evil queen in Snow White. “That treasure is mine” she said, “ If you leave, I will kill this lovely panther(if we touch the treasure we will come back home, with the treasure).”So quickly Sophie grabbed  the panther and touched the treasure and pop they were at Sophie’s house(with the treasure). So, Sophie was rich, and it was her birthday! ” Happy birthday to you happy birthday to…..And she made a house for the panther.

      THE END


    • #4688

      ChenYou homework #7:

      In the night, I couldn’t sleep, so I wanted to close the curtains, it was warm and silent. Suddenly, I saw something moving, he had a black coat, he was very tall and very thin.

      I looked closer and I saw he was holding a briefcase, and also a trumpet. Suddenly he looked at me, I quickly hide under my blanket and freeze. A moment later I looked up and I saw a giant holding me and my bed. And finally we were next to a big cave. We went inside the cave, then he put me down, He introduced himself and his name was the Big friendly giant, we can say the bfg.

    • #4687

      ChenYou homework #6:

      My favourite part is:

      When Danny went in the car and drove away to look for his dad.

      I like it because it shows that he care a lot about his dad, and it shows that he is brave and I think he is a bit adventurous.

    • #4562

      Chen You – Homework #4

      The Worst Christmas.

      A long time ago, there was a nice little boy called George. He lived with his poor family.

      Every Christmas it was normal, but this Christmas was very strange: that day, in the morning, every one was exited, they were all happy.

      In the North Pole, Santa was snorting loudly. Suddenly, a large wave of wind blowed Santa’s blanket away”Brrrrr” cried Santa.

      He took another blanket and went back to sleep. A while later, at the window, there a creak (next to the window ). A black clothed man came in to Santa’s room, and KIDNAPPED Santa. “HELP ME”cried Santa, but it was too late, they had already disappeared in the woods…

    • #4456

      Chen You , homework #5

      Dear Danny and Danny’s father

      I invite you to my great shooting party. In the party, we will be doing some games, some painting, and lots of other amazing things. And I am sure that you will like it. I hope that you will come because it will be amazing.

      Sign: Mr Hazell

    • #4324

      Homework #4 Chen You


      I think he is a good man because :

      1. He is a nice man and he do all his best to protect Danny.

      2. He knows lots of stuff, and I think he is a adventurous man and tell lots of interesting things to Danny.

      3. He works hard too have enough money for buying lots of things.

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