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    • #41992

      I think that human don’t eat Wilbur because Wilbur stnd out from other normal pig.

      Because wilbur is a famous and terrific pig ,so every day , lot of people will come to visit him,

      then , the farm will become famous.



    • #41846

      This book is so famous because the friendship between the pig and spider.

      nobody know why except then , it’s also because the kind between Fern and Wilbur .

      All the things happened in a farm of story ,the story between humans and animals.

      I love it because it’s a lovely story.



    • #41695

      My character is called sir clock .

      His brain is made of gears, that makes him very smart, he always comes up with a good idea!

      He can live without eat or sleep so he is a great guard and he is a good guy.

      He is also a world known clockmaker, he is very good at it , it’s like he’s business.

      He  works very hardly so he is also a good friend.



    • #41577

      I think Dr Kalmenius is evil because Dr. Kalmeneius plan to use sir ironsoul to kill Karl , then,he offers Karl a clockwork figure called Sir Ironsoul which after, Sir Ironsoul killed Karl .

    • #41472

      The moral of The clockwork is it will be not real in the real life. Because clock can only tell time.

      Probably auther love the clock and the book is wrote in 1 january 1996.

      So , don’t go anywhere that set in the book otherwise you won’t notice what going on.


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