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    • #8755


      Rita Skeeter













      Mad-eye Moody, a well respected retired auror in the ministry of magic, once one of the best aurors in magic history has now turned old and has a very rare disease on memory, Moody always has fake alarms for no reason at all, The minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge has always been sincerely worried. This time at 1 am in the morning he sent an alarm to the ministry of magic saying that he is getting attacked.  When Arnold Weasley a very least popular man who works in the ministry of magic went to Moody stupidly and found out it was a false alarm again. Weasley sadly walked back to his old farm house sadly hoping for money obviously and credit for helping Moody so his family could pay their fees with Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry for their 5 children.

    • #5172

      newspaper for harrypotterchamberofsecrets

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    • #4771

      Dear Ron and Hermione,

      Everything is the same over here, my aunt and uncle have treated me the same as always, but you won’t believe what happened, a house-elf called Dobby appeared at my room last night and dropped a cake on Mrs. Mason, the lady I told you who is coming with her husband to discuss with my uncle about some drills. Dobby told me to not go back to Hogwarts because something bad was going to happen. I have no idea what he is talking about. Please reply to me because I haven’t seen any of the letters, maybe my uncle hid them, but please send them and help me.


    • #3494

      Hello everyone, my name is… let’s say I want to stay Anonymous so anyways,  I just got my Hogwarts letter! My Mum and Dad were both at Hogwarts at my age, I was really excited. On contrary, I have really high expectations in my studies. I really hope I’m in Griffindor! My dad  was a Griffindor, My mum on the other side was a Ravenclaw. I hope to be like my father! All the male on my Father’s side are Griffindors! In the past few years, my parents would often tell me bedtime stories of what they been through all seven years in Hogwarts! I most look forward in Hogwarts is defense against dark arts, charms, transfiguration, potions and of course friends. Tomorrow I’m going to diagonal alley! Goodbye fellas!

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