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    • #19826

      Hi Beth,
      Thank you very much for your lesson.
      Here is Sophie’s work for week 2.

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    • #18770

      Dear Beth,

      Please find the work from Sophie for week 5.

      Many thanks!

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    • #18643

      Hello teacher, I am not sure what exactly is “government grant”, can you please explain? Thank you!

    • #18553

      Dear Beth,

      Please find the work from Sophie for week 4.

      Many thank!

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    • #18414

      Welcome for feedback. All is accepted.

    • #18413

      That’s my homework.


    • #18412

      That night, I can’t sleep because I have a feeling that something bad is happening. Unfortunately, I am right, as you will see. In the darkness of the night, the cold wind blew my bedroom door half open with a creepy creak that startled me. But there’s more frightening things waiting for me. A cyan light shot through, and slowly began to spread by itself. My heart pounded rapidly with fear. It pounded so fast that I can feel the heartbeat without putting a hand on it, as if I had just ran 800 miles. Soon the cyan light illuminated the whole room. My bedroom transformed to the world of cyan. Mist began to appear from nowhere, the light making it cyan too. A silhouette of a person began to appear in the mist, then the figure of the person became clearer and clearer until I can see the details. The person was a girl with black hair and black eyes. She was quite beautiful. Even with the cyan light, I can tell that her skin is so white that it looked fake. She was wearing black shoes, black clothes, black gloves, a black cloak and a black mask covering her mouth and nose.

      “Who are you!” I yelled as if fearless, even though I am afraid deeply in my heart.

      “I am part of you…I am Kacasy!”Kacasy answered. What did she mean that she is part of me? Her name sounds nice, but what sort of name is Kacasy?

      “Follow the light…Follow the darkness…”She chanted, “Follow the nature…Follow yourself…”Her voice trailed off. The cyan light outside is shining brighter than ever. The cyan mist surrounded me, turning darker and darker until the mist is black. The cyan light suddenly went out, leaving completely darkness all around me, even Kacasy disappeared. Even though she disappeared, I can still hear her voice, coming from all directions in the dark.

      “I am the darkness…I am you…so you will be me! ”

      Her voice echoed in the darkness. I fell and fell into the darkness, with Kacasy’s voice still lingering by my side.

      “I am part of you…so you’ll be me! ”

      “Stop! Stop! Stop it!”I yelled.

      Darkness swallowed me. I screamed.


    • #18139

      Hi Beth,

      This Sophie’s work for week 3

      Many  thanks

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    • #18026

      Dear diary,

      When I woke up, I am on this strange island. I tied my boat on a tree nearby the sea. The views on the island is great and today is a nice weather. The sky is blue and clear, and some clouds floated in the sky, but to me, the sky seemed to be gray and dark, and there seemed to be no light, only shadows and darkness around me. Even though it is hot and dry with the sun shining on the white sand, but I felt as if it is raining outside right now, the clouds crying with coldness. I am helpless. I don’t know the way back, I don’t know how to survive here, I don’t know where I am, I don’t know if danger will come to me, and I don’t know if anyone will come to rescue me. What am I going to do? The rest of my food is already gone, and my water too. I’m not sure if the sea is clean to drink, safety first, so I can’t drink seawater. That leaves me food-less and water-less. I know I am going to die here, but when will I die? Would it be painful? I wish to die now, if I would die here anyways. At least, my cat at home is still alive…or is he? I hope to know…

    • #17879

      Dear Beth,

      Please find the work from Sophie for week 2.

      Many thank!

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    • #17826

      This is my homework thanks.

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    • #17562

      Dear Beth,

      Please find the work from Sophie.

      Many thank!

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    • #17520

      This is my homework, thanks.

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    • #17229

      This is my homework

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    • #38405

      I think you gave me the wrong feedback on mine, SD.

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