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    • #43000

      When I was young, my father had found a new world and by new world I definitely don’t mean that he ventured to planet Mars. No, he would never do something so ordinary. Instead, he discovered a new source of life! But let me start from the beginning.


      My father was an explorer and he took me on every single expedition with him. His colleagues thought that is was redicoulous and mad to take a minor to their long and laborious travels. However, I proved them wrong. I had a knack for exploring, I even carried with me a map, a telescope and a notebook at all times. I even vividly remember snuggling my compass tightly while I was sleeping. Anyway, let me tell you how my dad discovered a new land and how his teammates tried to shamelessly take credit for it. But they failed…


      We were flying thousands of feet in the air. It was a warm afternoon and the sky was rosy pink. I was getting ready for my nap when suddenly my dad ran out and called out “Men! Come here at once! I have made a discovery of a lifetime ..” Everyone sped over and my dad let them peer through his binoculars. Everyone oohed and ahhed at the spectacular sight my dad had supposedly found. After that scene, we air-sailed through hundreds of little stars.


      It took several hours to land. The planet was grey and cold, giant slabs of stone and mud engulfed the area. It was misty and no life to be seen. We wandered off into a rocky, drafty area which we explored but still came out with nothing. We had searched under every rock and crevice until I caught a glimpse of a translucent, glimmering stone. I picked it up cautiously and underneath was something that stopped our breath – a growing fern!

      As we landed back to earth a titanic crowd bombarded us with innumerous  questions. My father told them that he would name the planet “Zoe” which means life in Greek. However, not all was smooth going. His colleagues wanted all the glory for themselves. They pretended that the discovery was entirely theirs. They appeared on the national television and boasted “yes, yes, Zoe is our discovery”.  It was hilarious!

    • #42903

      1. The first detail is that the gate is “hanging of its hinges”. It makes the reader feel that this house is so old, it’s literary crumbling down. The second detail is that there was a “tall straggly hedge”. It gives one the sense that the author is using violent imagery. The word “ straggly “ makes it sound as if the hedge is being strangled. The third detail is that Buddy’s “skin crawl” it makes the reader feel that there is something in the house waiting to jump at its victim. The last detail is that “the windows were all boarded up”. It makes us feel tense and suspicion of the ruins of the house as if someone had been terrified and abandoned their house in a hurry.

      2.The writer is using connotations to describe buddy’s thoughts and feelings. We can see that through “made up his mind to say no but at the last minute he changed his mind”. The author wants to show how vulnerable Buddy is through peer pressure. Another way the author is using language to show Buddy’s concern is in the line “it was only and old house”. This suggests that he is trying to persuade himself that it was just an ordinary house. Finally the author depicts Buddy’s hesitation of approaching the house in the line 22 “walked softly up the gravel path”.

      3. The author structures the text in a way to engage the reader using several techniques.
      Firstly, the text starts with a description of several houses in the street. The author then focuses on the house 56 where a murder occurred. This creates a illuminesque  atmosphere and draws the reader into the story.
      The author starts with a slow pace to create tension throughout the story by using long sentences and descriptive paragraphs. In the ending , the structure builds a climatic moment with a cliffhanger. Buddy and his friends see a face staring back at them through the letterbox and the tension reaches its peak.
      in summary, the writer structures the text to build suspense and interest the reader by using slow pace and descriptive language with climatic moments.

    • #42837

      Dear Sir/Madam,

      I am writing this letter to inform you about my concerns regarding your business. While I understand that your clients can enjoy high fashion in affordable prices l, there are some pitfalls I am going to go through.
      First of all, fast fashion involves children working in unsafe conditions and paid very little. However, children should be at school and not in a factory working.

      Another thing I wanted to talk about is the environmental issue the fast fashion enterprise creates. 60% of the plastic in land fields and oceans are formed by the millions of tonnes of clothes thrown just because they are out of style. Not only is this polluting our planet, but will take also years to decompose as plastic and synthetic materials such as polyester are not biodegradable.
      In conclusion, I believe that fast fashion is not beneficial for the planet and the people who work to make the clothes. I hope that you will take my concerns seriously and make changes to become more ethical and sustainable as a company. These little changes will form a better world.



    • #42556


      this is Sophia’s work.


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    • #42496

      Hi Beth here is my work it took me many hours!!!


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    • #42363

      Hi, this is my work

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    • #42360

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi Beth,</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Here is my work!</p>

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    • #42171

      Hi Beth here is my work

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    • #42168


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    • #42167

      Hi Beth here is my work.

    • #41862


      please find Sophia’s mock exam

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