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    • #9331

      Lesson 7

      Some time ago, I met a fascinating boy on the Island Of Corfu. His name was the Rose-beetle Man, and he was a person with a strange air around him, that hung around like flies on a warm evening. I always looked eagerly to our occasional meetings. My first encounter was when I heard him playing a tune, where he sat near a rippling road, where I heard his nasal voice sing infrequently across his tune. I stared at him for a moment, and took in his quite unusual appearance. He had slanted eyes which were dark brown, a distant look in his eyes lingered with a bloom. He was short and had such thin wrists and small neck that it told me that his stomach eagerly awaited food. He wore a dress, and a had with a brim that wobbled so much that it might have fallen off. There was a compilation of bird feathers in his hat, and there was an assortment of different hues around his garment. His pockets bulged from the weight of its contents; there seemed to be a riot inside his pockets. And to top things off, he carried a bamboo cage with an assortment of different birds inside his portable cage. In one hand, he bound rose-beetles to his hands with cotton, and each flew about wildly. I thought about what I was seeing and thought about such people. They existed, and I knew they did. I beamed at the thought of it and walked away, looking at him as he beamed at me. I smiled and walked on.

    • #9164

      woke up, and looked outside. Everything looked normal, and I checked whether I had my sanity with me. I stood up and heated the Bouillon that I cooked yesterday. I went into the pale bathroom and brushed my teeth. I thought about the world we lived in. I thought about a topic that wasn’t discussed much, let alone thought about. Companions would be nice to have in the world. It would be fun to play together, but such an idea wasn’t supposed to be. The idea when explained to the public would probably scare them, and make them think that I was nefarious.

      I walked outside, and yearned for a good lunch later. I walked on, legs out in front in an alternate pattern, listening to the shrill voice of bugs, and decided to flag the idea of bugs being ‘friends’ in my head. There was a strange kind of abyss in me, that wanted to swallow me up, to get me out of the world we lived in today. I felt the the sun on my skin, as I was immersed in its hot glow. I went and bought some lunch for later. I tasted a bit and the salinity of it made me lose my appetite. My thoughts returned to the thought of having a companion. I was happy in this utopia, but was it enough? I pondered on this for the rest of the day.

      • #9165

        Lesson 9: A diary written by a human based on ‘Brave new world’
        I woke up, and looked outside. Everything looked normal, and I checked whether I had my sanity with me. I stood up and heated the Bouillon that I cooked yesterday. I went into the pale bathroom and brushed my teeth. I thought about the world we lived in. I thought about a topic that wasn’t discussed much, let alone thought about. Companions would be nice to have in the world. It would be fun to play together, but such an idea wasn’t supposed to be. The idea when explained to the public would probably scare them, and make them think that I was nefarious.

        I walked outside, and yearned for a good lunch later. I walked on, legs out in front in an alternate pattern, listening to the shrill voice of bugs, and decided to flag the idea of bugs being ‘friends’ in my head. There was a strange kind of abyss in me, that wanted to swallow me up, to get me out of the world we lived in today. I felt the the sun on my skin, as I was immersed in its hot glow. I went and bought some lunch for later. I tasted a bit and the salinity of it made me lose my appetite. My thoughts returned to the thought of having a companion. I was happy in this utopia, but was it enough? I pondered on this for the rest of the day.

    • #9163

      The dog stood on the floor, its sleek fur with a light sheen to it, standing beside its allies, a supple terrier and a voracious cat. They stared at the television, and looked at people manoeuvre and the ‘Police’ as their owner called the strange man that arrested other humans. They were all staring intently at the television until the cat made a raucous noise and sprang up, gathering momentum until it reached the door, and scratched at it. The three allies opened the door, and out stepped a strange looking man. His face was covered in a balaclava and his face was sunk deep beneath his collar, his shoes black and shiny, his hat perched neatly on his head. The cat meowed, and the dogs barked, but the man was faster..

      The three animals stood in the cage, the cat bucked its legs and the dogs barked, showing grit. The other animals were in their cages, silent, as if they had seen death itself. The man came back inside and took out a strange gadget and put it against the cages. The cages sparkled with electricity and the animals lay down and quivered. Some of the animals were so withered they fell back. Suddenly, the car lurched and the man lost his balance and toppled against the cages. His weight (Probably 150kg judging by his face) and the keys on his jacket slipped, flying towards the dog and she managed to wrench the door’s hinges to force it open. She did this to the rest of the cages and the dogs pushed the cages against the door until it opened and ran…

      The news that week was about a man who was found unconscious in a van, traces of blood on his face, and cages scattered across the van floor. The police had managed to get the obese man out of the van and he had been taken to the hospital. Of course, to the animals this was none but a woman speaking with images behind her, but they would never guess how many animal lives were saved. The man was stealing the animals for animal testing, and came up to every door in search of pets to test on. This was not revealed for a year, and the man was given a decade in jail. It was perceptible to see that the man was cruel, and deserved his sentence. The company making the product was shut down, and the animals lived with not a care in the world for 12 years each…

    • #8693

      I stared up at the huge and stately manor, lurking in the gloom. There was a considerable amount of mist that hung around it, like a toddler clinging to their mother. I steadied myself and embarked through the rough nettles and thorns about, but I knew that beyond these plants was a person’s home.

      I looked back at the driver and thanked the driver, and returned to the house. I felt suddenly like a solicitor bringing a will to a beast. Walking up to the door, I stood in silence and took in the frowning nettles, the grim clouds and quivered. I closed my eyes to check if I was deceived. Was this really someone’s home? I opened my eyes and took in the vice-like nettles. It was truly remarkable to be able to live here, I thought. Just as I was about to turn back, I heard a small ‘click’ as the door was opened, and through the small chink of a keyhole I saw the steel of a key. Massive bolts were drawn back, and put on a smile.

      What I saw of a man was a tall old man, wearing black head to toe, giving him the impression of a dark hole. There was no speck of colour on his face. He was holding a sort of antique lantern, and gestured courtly and said:

      ‘Welcome to my house! Enter freely and of your own free will!’

      He spoke in perfect English, but with a strange intonation.

      I decided to ask him; ‘Count Dracula?’ and he bowed, and answered in his strange English:

      ‘I am Dracula and I bid you welcome, Mr. Harker, to my house’…

    • #8561

      It was a nice and sunny day. The river seemed tranquil, and so I decided to rent a canoe and ride through the waves.

      ‘That’ll be £9.99 please’ announced the shopkeeper, and gave me a small and orange canoe, complete with oars and a small compartment.

      I left, and walked down the stairs to the beach, and set up my boat and arranged it so that it was comfortable in the boat. Slowly, I marched it down to the edge of the river and tightened my poncho, and hopped in, grabbing the oars and began at a slow and steady pace.

      ‘Left, right, left, right’ I thought. The boat was going at a slow and steady pace, but soon the boat was in turbulent weathers, thanks to London weather.

      I steered the canoe left and right, determined to keep afloat, and suddenly, a huge wave crashed over me, but thanks to the human nerve system, I sensed it and a rush of Adrenaline race through me, and my arms suddenly became wind-mills, my body stiff, and I was away from the wave, shocked and horrified at what had happened. As quick as a flash, I darted through the winds, seizing the oars like it was a precious jewel, racing against the elements, my body wet and clammy, but my mind excited and daring.

      Without warning, the wind blew the canoe, and it was lying on it’s side, and I was deep in the water, and the canoe was washed away, leaving me to tread water below me, frightened of what would happen next. I paddled through the water and reached a ladder, leading up to ground level. My hands slipped off the rungs, but I threw myself forwards and began to climb, reminding myself there was water if I fell.

      As I progressed to the top, I shivered and climbed the last rung, and collapsed on the ground. Nobody took even a glimpse at me- their eyes were hidden behind huge coats, and I hobbled back home, ready to get a refund and a hot bath.

    • #8521

      I was walking through the wet and clammy depths of a cave. Life flourished everywhere I looked. I decided to look at my compass, I felt a bit lost. I switched on my torch and I gave a yelp of surprise! I wasn’t heading out, but going deeper! Suddenly, I felt lost and lonely. If only I’d checked earlier, if only I knew what would happen, if only I was more careful. I thought for a moment and stared at the water, loitering under the shade of moss. It was as if this was deliberate, like I was meant to be stuck here. I shook my head. Surely, surely this would get better. I plunged into daydreams about the wharves I departed and visited, the insular personality of the bartender at London in which I had stopped my journey to rest. I would cherish those memories forever. But not this that I was experiencing…

      I fell asleep at precisely 10 (according to my watch) and awoke on the rocks near a surf in the cave. I hadn’t noticed this before, but it was crystal clear in the light of my lantern. I lumbered towards a small cave, this would have to do as a lee. There were some rocks in the cave, and so I pulled out several strips of lath and levered the stones away. I thought to myself, ‘What would I put here?’. I set up my sleeping bag and perched my belongings on a flat rock near my bed. ‘This will do as a table.’ I thought to myself, and set to work making a door out of my remaining lath.

      Stiff and strong, the door was made. I used rigging I stole from a ship as the hinges, and the door itself was made of lath. I crafted stone tools out of my bronze pickaxe, and went to cut some vines and leaves for cups and plates. I remembered passing some vines about a league away from here, and scrambled back south.

      In the end, my shelter was looking fine, the walls were sturdy, my bed was comfy and I had all the essentials, even a battery for me to throw rocks at anything nearby that threatened me (a wolf frightened me before, and I had the idea). Maybe this was my new home, maybe I would live here, maybe I would be rescued. As I drifted into a sleep, I decided: Let me rest for now, and let fate decide whether I would live or die.


    • #8252

      Sorry I posted this in the wrong group .  I submitted it in Wednesday’s group


    • #8250

      It was a dreary night, and I sat slaving over a chair. I was to infuse life with a body, creating a human. I attached some wires to the person’s chest. The plan was quite simple- to create an electric shock and the heart would pump blood and the arteries would be up and running. Would this work? I thought as I stared at the inanimate body, the hands limping, it’s legs like spaghetti. Would this body be lustrous again? This was after all, a very arduous task.

      I went back to the wires. I untangled some of them and began the process. I had cut off the electricity from the house and used it for this. 240 volts were to be zooming in to this body, creating a friend for me. I pulled the rusted lever…

      Suddenly, a blinding flash of light filled the room. The light blinded me, so I closed my eyes. I could hear a tumult as the machine processed what was going on. Was this going to work, or was I doing this in vain?

      A huge figure stepped out of the mist. I gasped: What had I done! The ‘person’ had huge rubbery lips, a huge bulk like one of a bodybuilder, a face of nothing but horror: I couldn’t bear it anymore. The monster grunted some words that sounded odd to me, but I knew it couldn’t be good. I ran and fled to my bedroom, and barricaded the doors. Then I heard banging on the doors, like a army pushing a battering ram through a door.

      I sprang up from behind the door and ran out into the garden, and dropped onto a pile of grass. I scanned my surroundings. Maybe I’d have to sleep here for the night, I certainly wouldn’t be sharing  my house with that beast!

      I paced round and round my garden. Why had I decided to create such a monster? This was a mistake. I had given life to an abhorrent beast, a demoniacal body running around town! This would be hard to fix…

    • #8247

      It was a dreary night, and I sat slaving over a chair. I was to infuse life with a body, creating a human. I attached some wires to the person’s chest. The plan was quite simple- to create an electric shock and the heart would pump blood and the arteries would be up and running. Would this work? I thought as I stared at the inanimate body, the hands limping, it’s legs like spaghetti. Would this body be lustrous again? This was after all, a very arduous task.

      I went back to the wires. I untangled some of them and began the process. I had cut off the electricity from the house and used it for this. 240 volts were to be zooming in to this body, creating a friend for me. I pulled the rusted lever…

      Suddenly, a blinding flash of light filled the room. The light blinded me, so I closed my eyes. I could hear a tumult as the machine processed what was going on. Was this going to work, or was I doing this in vain

      • #8251

        Sorry I posted this in the wrong group. I have submitted a longer essay in Wednesday’s Group


    • #7980

      Hi Rachel,

      Please let me know what format do you prefer the homework to be submitted in, ie. handwritten then pdf or typed.


      Wynn (Shuen’s mom)

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    • #7092

      Which historical event did i miss?

      I would pick the ‘Creation of the Earth’, yes, you heard it right. The Creation of the Earth. It would be impossible to witness, but still. It would be cool to watch. I mean, imagine witnessing the Earth being created as we know it.

      Some people believe that ‘God’ created the Earth. Well, you have your beliefs because I don’t believe in God. I’ve been criticised because I don’t believe in God. Seriously. But what I remember about the story about how God created Earth. God did a whole bunch of stuff before resting on a Sunday.

      But enough of that, What about the scientifical side, The Earth began collecting dust and debris and swirled it into the Earth. This would’ve several billion years, but still cool to watch.

      And I don’t know anyone who saw the creation of the Earth. I think it’s impossible, but maybe someone has seen it…

      I find it hard to believe that we were once small forms of life, and whizz past maybe billions of years and somehow people have invented this marvellous piece of machinery I’m writing on! (It’s a PC ) .

      If someone HAS seen the creation of Earth, then they would see no change. Every day the only change they’d see would be maybe a bit of dust attaching another piece. But if it was on video (Somehow) and if we put it on x1,000,000,000,000 speed (Somehow) we would see the Creation in several seconds!

      If I had to pick an event humans have seen, it would be the Egyptian Pyramids and the wonders inside. Sure, there won’t be 100inch flat-screen plasma TVs, but there should be lavish gardens, colourful tables and the horrible conditions of the servants’ quarters (Stinky probably!)

    • #7091

      Which historical event did i miss?

      I would pick the ‘Creation of the Earth’, yes, you heard it right. The Creation of the Earth. It would be impossible to witness, but still. It would be cool to watch. I mean, imagine witnessing the Earth being created as we know it.

      Some people believe that ‘God’ created the Earth. Well, you have your beliefs because I don’t believe in God. I’ve been criticised because I don’t believe in God. Seriously. But what I remember about the story about how God created Earth. God did a whole bunch of stuff before resting on a Sunday.

      But enough of that, What about the scientifical side, The Earth began collecting dust and debris and swirled it into the Earth. This would’ve several billion years, but still cool to watch.

      (Sorry I couldn’t submit this earlier, it got lost and didn’t save.

    • #6990

      Equality. It’s one very simple word to say, but it has a huge meaning that many cannot act on. Equality once wasn’t a thing. It used to be a small voice, whispering into the darkness, but I’m here to make it echo through the high mountains of France, the huge buildings in London and the hot airs is Africa. Before, Black people were treated badly. That has been fixed. Equality must roam the streets of China, or on the poor countries of Africa.

      How are we going to do it? I will add some new laws, laws saying that if anybody treats anyone badly, they will be put in jail for the night. If anyone wants to treat store workers badly, they can get fined £100. If anyone chooses to not wear a mask in these times, you will be fined £50.

      I want equality because it is one of the most basic forms of respect. It helps out maybe billions of people, and is quite simple to do. Treat others how you want to be treated back. If you’re nasty to them, they’ll start treating you badly. If you treat them with respect, they’ll treat you the same way.

      In summary, I am putting laws making sure the world will be a better place to all those children out there who will shape the future!

      Speech by Shuen’s president.

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